Source code for nenupy.astro.pointing

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


    .. inheritance-diagram:: nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing
        :parts: 3

    .. autosummary::



__author__ = "Alan Loh"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, nenupy"
__credits__ = ["Alan Loh"]
__maintainer__ = "Alan"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__all__ = [

from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.icrs import ICRS
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from astropy.coordinates import (
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
import astropy.units as u

from nenupy import nenufar_position
from nenupy.astro import AstroObject, altaz_to_radec, radec_to_altaz
from import Target
# from import BST

# ============================================================= #
# ------------------------- Pointing -------------------------- #
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[docs] class Pointing(AstroObject): """ Class to handle instrument pointing. :param coordinates: Pointing coordinates (in the equatorial frame). :type coordinates: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` :param time: Pointing times. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param duration: Pointing duration. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param observer: Earth location from where the pointing is made. :type observer: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` .. seealso:: :ref:`pointing_doc` for more details on how to instantiate and use this class. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~Pointing.time ~Pointing.duration ~Pointing.horizontal_coordinates .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~Pointing.plot ~Pointing.from_file ~Pointing.from_bst ~Pointing.target_tracking ~Pointing.target_transit ~Pointing.zenith_tracking .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, coordinates: SkyCoord, time: Time, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(1, format="sec"), observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position ): self.coordinates = coordinates self.time = time self.duration = duration = observer def __str__(self): return str(self.horizontal_coordinates) def __getitem__(self, time: Time): """ """ starts = (self.time).jd stops = (self.time + self.duration).jd if time.isscalar: time = time.reshape(1,) if self.coordinates.isscalar: # coordinates = self.coordinates.reshape(1,) coordinates = SkyCoord( np.repeat(self.coordinates.ra.deg, self.time.size), np.repeat(self.coordinates.dec.deg, self.time.size), unit="deg" ) else: coordinates = self.coordinates ras = coordinates.ra.deg decs = coordinates.dec.deg ra = [] dec = [] custom_az = [] custom_el = [] for t in time.jd: # Find the corresponding RA/Dec mask = (t >= starts) & (t < stops) if np.all(~mask): # No match t = Time(t, format="jd") log.warning( f"Default zenith pointing at {t.isot}." ) zenith = SkyCoord( 0*u.deg, 90*u.deg, frame=AltAz( obstime=t, ) ).transform_to(ICRS) ra.append(zenith.ra) dec.append(zenith.dec) if hasattr(self, "custom_ho_coordinates"): custom_az.append(0*u.deg) custom_el.append(90*u.deg) else: # there is a match ra.append(ras[mask][-1]) # -1 because there may be several matches dec.append(decs[mask][-1]) if hasattr(self, "custom_ho_coordinates"): if self.custom_ho_coordinates.shape == (1, 1): # Transit observation custom_az.append([0, 0].deg*u.deg) custom_el.append(self.custom_ho_coordinates.alt[0, 0].deg*u.deg) elif self.custom_ho_coordinates.shape == (1,): # Transit observation custom_az.append([0].deg*u.deg) custom_el.append(self.custom_ho_coordinates.alt[0].deg*u.deg) else: custom_az.append(self.custom_ho_coordinates[mask].az[-1].deg*u.deg) custom_el.append(self.custom_ho_coordinates[mask].alt[-1].deg*u.deg) pointing = Pointing( coordinates=SkyCoord( ra, dec, unit='deg' ), time=time, ) if hasattr(self, "custom_ho_coordinates"): #pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = self.custom_ho_coordinates pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = SkyCoord( custom_az, custom_el, frame=AltAz( obstime=time,#.reshape(time.size, 1), location=nenufar_position ) ) return pointing # def __getitem__(self, time: Time): # """ """ # starts = self.time # stops = starts + self.duration # # Ease the comparison by starting a bit earlier # starts -= TimeDelta(0.01, format='sec') # az = [] # el = [] # horizontal_coordinates = self.horizontal_coordinates # for t in time: # idx = np.argwhere( # (t >= starts) & (t < stops) # ) # if idx.size == 1 or idx.size == 2: # idx = idx[0][0] # ho_coords = horizontal_coordinates # az.append(ho_coords[idx][0].az.deg) # el.append(ho_coords[idx][0].alt.deg) # elif idx.size == 0: # log.warning( # f"Default zenith pointing at {t.isot}." # ) # az.append(180) # el.append(90) # else: # raise Exception(f'Weird... {idx}') # return Pointing( # coordinates=SkyCoord( # az, # el, # unit='deg', # frame=AltAz( # obstime=time, # location=nenufar_position # ) # ), # time=time, # ) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def time(self): """ Pointing start times. :setter: Pointing times. :getter: Pointing times. :type: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` """ return self._time @time.setter def time(self, t): if t.isscalar: t = t.reshape((1,)) self._time = t @property def duration(self): """ Pointing durations. If this attribute is scalar, it means that the same duration should be applied to all the start times defined in :attr:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing.time`. :setter: Pointing durations. :getter: Pointing durations. :type: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` """ return self._duration @duration.setter def duration(self, d): if (d.size != 1) and (d.size != self.time.size): raise IndexError( f"'duration' of size {d.size} does not match 'time' of size {self.time.size}." ) self._duration = d @property def horizontal_coordinates(self): """ Horizontal coordinates as seen from :attr:`` at :attr:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing.time`. :getter: Horizontal coordinates. :type: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` """ # Coord/time dimensions of a pointing instance are expected # to be identical. Therefore, only the diagonal terms are needed. # Otherwise, radec_to_altaz will recompute altaz for each # radec and each time by default. altaz = super().horizontal_coordinates if altaz.size == 1: return altaz elif altaz.shape[0] == altaz.size: return altaz else: return altaz[np.identity(altaz.shape[0], dtype=bool)] # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plots the elevation and azimuth versus time for the current pointing. :param figsize: Size of the figure. Default is ``(10, 5)``. :type figsize: `tuple` :param figname: File name of the figure to save. Default is ``''``, i.e. show the figure without saving it. :type figname: `str` :param title: Set the title of the figure. :type title: `str` :param display_duration: Switch the display of :attr:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing.duration`. If set to ``True`` a grey time window is added to all pointing point, representing the duration of each individual pointing. Default is ``False``. :type display_duration: `bool` """ altaz = self.horizontal_coordinates fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', (10, 5)) ) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) axs[0].set_title(kwargs.get("title", "")) # Elevation plot axs[0].set_ylabel("Elevation (deg)") if kwargs.get("display_duration", False): starts = self.time stops = self.time + self.duration for start, stop in zip(starts, stops): axs[0].axvspan(start.datetime, stop.datetime, alpha=0.5, facecolor="grey", edgecolor=None) axs[0].plot(self.time.datetime, altaz.alt.deg, marker="o", markersize=3) # Azimuth plot axs[1].set_ylabel("Azimuth (deg)") if kwargs.get("display_duration", False): for start, stop in zip(starts, stops): axs[1].axvspan(start.datetime, stop.datetime, alpha=0.5, facecolor="grey", edgecolor=None) axs[1].plot(self.time.datetime,, marker="o", markersize=3) axs[1].set_xlabel(f"Time (since {self.time[0].isot})") if kwargs.get("figname", "") != "": plt.savefig( kwargs.get("figname"), dpi=300, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight" ) else: plt.close('all')
# def to_stmoc(self): # """ """
[docs] @classmethod def from_bst(cls, bst, beam: int = 0, analog: bool = True, max_points: int = 100 ): """ Instantiates a class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` object from a :class:`` object. :param bst: :type bst: :param beam: :type beam: `int` :param analog: :type analog: `bool` :param max_points: :type max_points: :returns: Pointing derived from a NenuFAR BST file. :rtype: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` """ bst.beam = beam if analog: time, az, el = bst.analog_pointing else: time, az, el = bst.digital_pointing if time.size == 1: # for a transit with multiple ABeams az = np.append(az, [0]*u.deg) el = np.append(el, [90]*u.deg) time = time.insert(1, bst.time[-1]) if time.size > max_points: julian_days = time.jd jd_rebin = np.linspace(julian_days[0], julian_days[-1], max_points) az = np.interp(jd_rebin, julian_days, az) el = np.interp(jd_rebin, julian_days, el) time = Time(jd_rebin, format='jd') altaz_coords = SkyCoord( az[:-1], el[:-1], frame=AltAz( obstime=time[:-1], location=nenufar_position ) ) pointing = cls( coordinates=altaz_to_radec(altaz=altaz_coords), time=time[:-1], duration=time[1:] - time[:-1], observer=nenufar_position ) pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = altaz_coords return pointing
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name, beam_index: int = 0, include_corrections: bool = True ): """ Instantiates a :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` object from a NenuFAR pointing file. Several beam pointings (analog and/or numerical) could be described in ``file_name``. The argument ``beam_index`` allows for the selection of one of them. :param file_name: NenuFAR pointing file, either analog (ending with ``.altazA``) or numerical (ending with ``.altazB``). :type file_name: `str` :param beam_index: Beam number to take into account. :type beam_index: `int` :param include_corrections: Include or not the pointing corrections (default is ``True``). Only has an effect on analog beam corrections. :type include_corrections: `bool` :return: Pointing derived from a NenuFAR pointing file. :rtype: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :Example: >>> from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing >>> pointing = Pointing.from_file( file_name=".../20211104_170000_20211104_200000_JUPITER_TRACKING.altazA", beam_index=1 ) """ if file_name.endswith('.altazA'): try: pointing = np.loadtxt( file_name, skiprows=3, comments=";", dtype={ 'names': ('time', 'anabeam', 'az', 'el', 'az_cor', 'el_cor', 'freq', 'el_eff'), 'formats': ('U20', 'i4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'U5', 'f4') } ) available_beams = pointing["anabeam"] pointing = pointing[available_beams == beam_index] azimuths = pointing["az_cor"] if include_corrections else pointing["az"] elevations = pointing["el_eff"] if include_corrections else pointing["el"] except ValueError: # No correction pointing = np.loadtxt( file_name, skiprows=3, comments=";", dtype={ 'names': ('time', 'anabeam', 'az', 'el', 'freq', 'el_eff'), 'formats': ('U20', 'i4', 'f4', 'f4', 'U5', 'f4') } ) available_beams = pointing["anabeam"] pointing = pointing[available_beams == beam_index] azimuths = pointing["az"] elevations = pointing["el_eff"] if include_corrections else pointing["el"] except IndexError: # No beamsquint pointing = np.loadtxt( file_name, skiprows=3, comments=";", dtype={ 'names': ('time', 'anabeam', 'az', 'el', 'az_cor', 'el_cor'), 'formats': ('U20', 'i4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4') } ) available_beams = pointing["anabeam"] pointing = pointing[available_beams == beam_index] azimuths = pointing["az_cor"] if include_corrections else pointing["az"] elevations = pointing["el_cor"] if include_corrections else pointing["el"] if pointing.size == 0: raise ValueError( f"Empty pointing, check the beam_index={beam_index} value " f"(avalaible beam indices: {np.unique(available_beams)})." ) times = Time(pointing["time"]) azimuths *= u.deg elevations *= u.deg if times.size == 1: # for a transit with multiple ABeams azimuths = np.append(azimuths, [0]*u.deg) elevations = np.append(elevations, [90]*u.deg) times = times.insert(1, times[-1] + TimeDelta(1, format="sec")) duration = times[1:] - times[:-1] times = times[:-1] altaz_coords = SkyCoord( azimuths[:-1], elevations[:-1], frame=AltAz( obstime=times, location=nenufar_position ) ) elif file_name.endswith('.altazB'): pointing = np.loadtxt( file_name, skiprows=2, comments=";", dtype={ 'names': ('time', 'anabeam', 'digibeam', 'az', 'el', 'l', 'm', 'n'), 'formats': ('U20', 'i4', 'i4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4') } ) available_beams = pointing["digibeam"] pointing = pointing[available_beams == beam_index] if pointing.size == 0: raise ValueError( f"Empty pointing, check the beam_index={beam_index} value " f"(avalaible beam indices: {np.unique(available_beams)})." ) times = Time(pointing["time"]) duration = times[1:] - times[:-1] # Add the last duration at the end (supposed to be 10 seconds) duration = duration.insert(-1, TimeDelta(10, format="sec", scale=duration.scale)) altaz_coords = SkyCoord( pointing['az'], pointing["el"], unit="deg", frame=AltAz( obstime=times, location=nenufar_position ) ) pointing = cls( coordinates=altaz_to_radec(altaz=altaz_coords), time=times, duration=duration, observer=nenufar_position ) pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = altaz_coords return pointing
[docs] @classmethod def target_tracking(cls, target: Target, time: Time, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(3600, format="sec"), observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position, ): """ Instantiates a :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` object that tracks a given celestial source target. :param target: Celestial source target to track. :type target: :class:`` :param time: Start times of the pointing aiming at ``target``. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param duration: Duration of each individual pointing. If this argument is a scalar, then it will be applied to every start time (defined in ``time``). Default is one hour. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param observer: Earth location from where the target is observed. Default is NenuFAR's location. :type observer: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` :return: Pointing derived while tracking a specific target. :rtype: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :Example: >>> from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import numpy as np >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> pointing = Pointing.target_tracking( target=cyg_a, time=Time("2021-01-01 00:00:00") + np.arange(10)*TimeDelta(1800, format="sec"), duration=TimeDelta(np.ones(10)*1200, format="sec") ) """ return cls( coordinates=target._get_source_coordinates(time), time=time, duration=duration, observer=observer )
[docs] @classmethod def target_transit(cls, target: Target, t_min: Time, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(3600, format="sec"), dt: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(10, format="sec"), azimuth: u.Quantity = 180*u.deg, observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position, ): """ Instantiates a :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` object around a source transit. The next transit at a given ``azimuth`` is search from ``t_min``. The pointing is then centered at the transit, for a ``duration`` period. The pointing is made in steps numbered as ``duration/dt``. :param target: Celestial source target transiting. :type target: :class:`` :param t_min: Time from which the next transit is searched for. :type t_min: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param duration: Total duration of the pointing, centered on the transit time. Default is one hour. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param dt: Time steps of individual pointings. Default is 10 sec. :type dt: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param azimuth: Azimuth at which the transit is computed. A ``ValueError`` exception is raised if the selected ``target`` does not cross the required ``azimuth`` value. Default is 180 deg (i.e., South). :type azimuth: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param observer: Earth location from where the target is observed. Default is NenuFAR's location. :type observer: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` :return: Pointing centered around a given target transit. :rtype: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :Example: >>> from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> pointing = Pointing.target_transit( target=cyg_a, time=Time("2021-01-01 00:00:00"), duration=TimeDelta(7200, format="sec"), azimuth=180*u.deg ) """ transit_time = target.azimuth_transit(azimuth=azimuth, t_min=t_min) if transit_time.size == 0: raise ValueError( f"The selected target does not cross azimuth={azimuth}." ) elif transit_time.size != 1: # Possibly 2 crossings if the source is circumpolar # get the one at maximal elevation # target_altaz = radec_to_altaz(radec=target.coordinates, time=transit_time, fast_compute=True)[:, 0] # transit_time = transit_time[target_altaz.alt.argmax()] transit_time = transit_time[0].reshape((1,)) transit_altaz = radec_to_altaz(radec=target.coordinates, time=transit_time, fast_compute=True) time_steps = np.floor(duration/dt) time_steps = time_steps + 1 if time_steps%2 == 0 else time_steps dt_shifts = np.arange(time_steps) - (time_steps - 1)/2 pointing_times = transit_time + dt_shifts*dt pointing = cls( coordinates=SkyCoord( np.repeat(, pointing_times.size), np.repeat(transit_altaz.alt.deg, pointing_times.size), unit="deg", frame=AltAz( obstime=pointing_times, location=nenufar_position ) ).transform_to(ICRS), time=pointing_times, duration=dt, observer=observer ) pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = transit_altaz return pointing
# @classmethod # def snapshot(cls, # target: Target, # time: Time, # duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(1, format="sec"), # observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position # ): # """ Instantiates a :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` # object as a simple snapshot (i.e., single pointing). # :param target: # Celestial source target to track. # :type target: # :class:`` # :param time: # Start time of the pointing aiming at ``target``. # :type time: # :class:`~astropy.time.Time` # :param duration: # Duration of each individual pointing. If this argument is # a scalar, then it will be applied to every start time (defined # in ``time``). # Default is one hour. # :type duration: # :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` # :param observer: # Earth location from where the target is observed. # Default is NenuFAR's location. # :type observer: # :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` # :return: # Pointing derived from a NenuFAR pointing file. # :rtype: # :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` # :Example: # >>> from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing # >>> pointing = Pointing.from_file( # file_name=".../20211104_170000_20211104_200000_JUPITER_TRACKING.altazA", # beam_index=1 # ) # """ # return cls( # coordinates=target._get_source_coordinates(time=time), # time=time, # duration=duration, # observer=observer # )
[docs] @classmethod def zenith_tracking(cls, time: Time, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(1, format="sec"), observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position ): """ Instantiates a :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` object at the local zenith. :param time: Start times of the zenith pointing. :type t_min: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param duration: Duration of each individual pointing. If this argument is a scalar, then it will be applied to every start time (defined in ``time``). Default is one hour. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param observer: Earth location from where the target is observed. Default is NenuFAR's location. :type observer: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` :return: Pointing fixed at the local zenith. :rtype: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :Example: >>> from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> pointing = Pointing.target_transit( target=cyg_a, time=Time("2021-01-01 00:00:00"), duration=TimeDelta(7200, format="sec"), azimuth=180*u.deg ) """ az = 0 el = 90 if not time.isscalar: az = np.repeat(az, time.size) el = np.repeat(el, time.size) altaz = SkyCoord( az, el, unit="deg", frame=AltAz( obstime=time, location=observer ) ) pointing = cls( coordinates=altaz_to_radec( altaz=altaz, fast_compute=False ), time=time, duration=duration, observer=observer ) pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = altaz.reshape((1,)) if altaz.isscalar else altaz return pointing
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