Source code for

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Celestial Target

    .. inheritance-diagram::
        :parts: 3

    .. autosummary::



from __future__ import annotations

__author__ = "Alan Loh"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, nenupy"
__credits__ = ["Alan Loh"]
__maintainer__ = "Alan"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__all__ = [

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation, FK5, AltAz, Angle

from nenupy import nenufar_position
from nenupy.astro import common_sources
from nenupy.astro.astro_tools import (

# ============================================================= #
# -------------------------- Target --------------------------- #
# ============================================================= #
[docs] class Target(AstroObject, ABC): """ Abstract class to handle target objects. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~Target.coordinates ~Target.time ~Target.is_circumpolar ~Target.culmination_azimuth .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~Target.separation ~Target.meridian_transit ~Target.next_meridian_transit ~Target.previous_meridian_transit ~Target.azimuth_transit ~Target.rise_time ~Target.next_rise_time ~Target.previous_rise_time ~Target.set_time ~Target.next_set_time ~Target.previous_set_time .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, coordinates: SkyCoord, observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position, time: Time = ): self.coordinates = coordinates = observer self.time = time # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def time(self) -> Time: """ """ return self._time @time.setter def time(self, t): if t.isscalar: t = t.reshape(1,) self._time = t @property def is_circumpolar(self) -> bool: r""" Whether the celestial object is circumpolar at the observer's latitude. .. math:: l + \delta \geq 90\,{\rm deg} where :math:`l` is the latitude (defined in :attr:``), :math:`\delta` is the object's declination (defined in :attr:`~nenupy.astro.astro_tools.AstroObject.coordinates`). """ return np.all(( + self.coordinates.dec) >= 90*u.deg) @property def culmination_azimuth(self) -> u.Quantity: """ """ if not self.is_circumpolar: return 180*u.deg else: return 0*u.deg # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def separation(self, other: Target) -> Angle: """ Computes the angular separation between two :class:`` instances. This method is a wrapper around :meth:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.separation`. :param other: Other :class:`` from which the angular separation should be computed. :type other: :class:`` :returns: Angular separation. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Angle` :Example: .. code-block:: python from import FixedTarget, SolarSystemTarget from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta import numpy as np src = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") times = Time("2022-01-01T12:00:00") + np.arange(180)*TimeDelta(2, format="jd") seps = src.separation( SolarSystemTarget.from_name( "Sun", time=times ) ) """ if not isinstance(other, Target): raise TypeError( f"The angular separation should be computed against another {Target} object. " f"Got {type(other)} instead." ) return self.coordinates.separation(other.coordinates)
[docs] def meridian_transit(self, t_min: Time =, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(86400, format='sec'), precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec'), fast_compute: bool = True ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` meridian transit time(s). This method returns all the transit times found in the time window ranging from ``t_min`` to ``t_min + duration``. :param t_min: Starting time of the temporal window within which meridian transits are looked for. Default is current time. :type t_min: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param duration: Width of the temporal window within which meridian transits are looked for. Default is ``1 day``. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned meridian transit values. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param fast_compute: If set to ``True``, a fast approximation is used during the computation of Local Sidereal Time. Default is ``True``. :type fast_compute: `bool` :returns: Meridian transit times. If no transit times are found (because the requested time window doesn't contain any) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.meridian_transit( t_min=Time("2021-01-01"), duration=TimeDelta(86400*2, format="sec") ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=['2021-01-01 13:05:47.868' '2021-01-02 13:01:51.882']> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec` """ def find_ha_transit(times: Time): """ """ fk5 = self._get_source_coordinates( time=times ).transform_to(FK5(equinox=times)) ha = hour_angle( radec=fk5, time=times,, fast_compute=fast_compute ) return np.where( (np.roll(ha, shift=-1, axis=1) - ha)[:, :-1] < 0 ) return self._find_crossing_times( finding_function=find_ha_transit, t_min=t_min, duration=duration, precision=precision )
[docs] def azimuth_transit(self, azimuth: u.Quantity = 180*u.deg, t_min: Time =, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(86400, format='sec'), precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec'), ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` transit time(s) at a given ``azimuth`` value. This method returns all the transit times found in the time window ranging from ``t_min`` to ``t_min + duration``. :param azimuth: Azimuth at which the transit is computed. Default is ``180 deg`` (i.e. South). :type azimuth: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param t_min: Starting time of the temporal window within which azimuth transits are looked for. Default is current time. :type t_min: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param duration: Width of the temporal window within which azimuth transits are looked for. Default is ``1 day``. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned azimuth transit values. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Azimuth transit times. If no transit times are found (either because the requested time window doesn't contain any or because the source apparent sky position does not cross the desired ``azimuth``) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.azimuth_transit( azimuth=100*u.deg, t_min=Time("2021-01-01"), duration=TimeDelta(86400*2, format="sec") ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=['2021-01-01 11:22:12.463' '2021-01-02 11:18:16.477']> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec` """ def find_az_transit(times: Time): """ """ # altaz_coordinates = radec_to_altaz( # radec=self._get_source_coordinates(time=times), # time=times, #, # fast_compute=fast_compute # ).reshape(times.shape) altaz_coordinates = self._get_source_coordinates(time=times).transform_to( AltAz( obstime=times, ) ) azimuths = az = if self.is_circumpolar: az = np.angle(np.cos(az) + 1j*np.sin(az)) complexAzStarts = np.angle( np.cos(azimuths[:, :-1]) + 1j*np.sin(azimuths[:, :-1]) ) complexAzStops = np.angle( np.cos(azimuths[:, 1:]) + 1j*np.sin(azimuths[:, 1:]) ) mask = (complexAzStarts <= az) &\ (complexAzStops >= az) mask |= (complexAzStarts >= az) &\ (complexAzStops <= az) else: mask = (azimuths[:, :-1] <= az) &\ (azimuths[:, 1:] >= az) return np.where(mask) return self._find_crossing_times( finding_function=find_az_transit, t_min=t_min, duration=duration, precision=precision )
[docs] def next_meridian_transit(self, time: Time =, precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec'), fast_compute: bool = True ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` next meridian transit time. This method returns the next transit time found after ``time``. :param time: Relative time used to searching for the next meridian transit. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned meridian transit value. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param fast_compute: If set to ``True``, a fast approximation is used during the computation of Local Sidereal Time. Default is ``True``. :type fast_compute: `bool` :returns: Next meridian transit time. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.next_meridian_transit( time=Time("2021-01-01 12:00:00") ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2021-01-01 13:05:47.868> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec`, :meth:`` """ return self.meridian_transit( t_min=time, duration=TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), precision=precision, fast_compute=fast_compute )[0]
[docs] def previous_meridian_transit(self, time: Time =, precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec'), fast_compute: bool = True ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` previous meridian transit time. This method returns the previous transit time found before ``time``. :param time: Relative time used to searching for the previous meridian transit. Default is current time. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned meridian transit value. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param fast_compute: If set to ``True``, a fast approximation is used during the computation of Local Sidereal Time. Default is ``True``. :type fast_compute: `bool` :returns: Previous meridian transit time. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.previous_meridian_transit( time=Time("2021-01-01 12:00:00") ) Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2020-12-31 13:09:43.855> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec`, :meth:`` """ return self.meridian_transit( t_min=time - TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), duration=TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), precision=precision, fast_compute=fast_compute )[-1]
[docs] def rise_time(self, t_min: Time =, elevation: u.Quantity = 0*u.deg, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(86400, format='sec'), precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec'), ): """ Computes the :class:`` rise time(s) above ``elevation``. This method returns all the rise times found in the time window ranging from ``t_min`` to ``t_min + duration``. :param t_min: Starting time of the temporal window within which rise times are looked for. Default is current time. :type t_min: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param elevation: Elevation above which the rise time is computed. Default is ``0 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param duration: Width of the temporal window within which rise times are looked for. Default is ``1 day``. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned meridian transit values. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Rise times above a given elevation. If no rise times are found (because the requested time window doesn't contain any) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.rise_time( t_min=Time("2021-01-01"), elevation=0*u.deg, duration=TimeDelta(86400*2, format="sec") ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=['2021-01-01 02:28:51.926' '2021-01-02 02:24:56.599']> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec` """ def _find_elevation_rise_time(times): """ """ altaz_coordinates = self._get_source_coordinates(time=times).transform_to( AltAz( obstime=times, ) ) elevations = altaz_coordinates.alt return np.where( (elevations[:, :-1] <= elevation) & (elevations[:, 1:] >= elevation) ) return self._find_crossing_times( finding_function=_find_elevation_rise_time, t_min=t_min, duration=duration, precision=precision )
[docs] def next_rise_time(self, time: Time =, elevation: u.Quantity = 0*u.deg, precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec') ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` next rise time above ``elevation``. This method returns the next rise time found after ``time``. :param time: Relative time used to searching for the next rise time. Default is current time. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param elevation: Elevation above which the rise time is computed. Default is ``0 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned rise time value. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Next rise time. If no rise time is found (because the source does not cross the elevation) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.next_rise_time( time=Time("2021-01-01"), elevation=40*u.deg, ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2021-01-01 08:20:16.447> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec`, :meth:`` """ try: return self.rise_time( t_min=time, elevation=elevation, duration=TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), precision=precision )[0] except IndexError: return Time([], format="jd")
[docs] def previous_rise_time(self, time: Time =, elevation: u.Quantity = 0*u.deg, precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec') ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` previous rise time above ``elevation``. This method returns the previous rise time found after ``time``. :param time: Relative time used to searching for the previous rise time. Default is current time. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param elevation: Elevation above which the rise time is computed. Default is ``0 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned rise time value. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Previous rise time. If no rise time is found (because the source does not cross the elevation) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.previous_rise_time( time=Time("2021-01-01"), elevation=40*u.deg, ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2020-12-31 08:24:12.434> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec`, :meth:`` """ try: return self.rise_time( t_min=time - TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), elevation=elevation, duration=TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), precision=precision )[-1] except IndexError: return Time([], format="jd")
[docs] def set_time(self, t_min: Time =, elevation: u.Quantity = 0*u.deg, duration: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(86400, format='sec'), precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec'), ): """ Computes the :class:`` set time(s) below ``elevation``. This method returns all the set times found in the time window ranging from ``t_min`` to ``t_min + duration``. :param t_min: Starting time of the temporal window within which set times are looked for. Default is current time. :type t_min: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param elevation: Elevation below which the set time is computed. Default is ``0 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param duration: Width of the temporal window within which set times are looked for. Default is ``1 day``. :type duration: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned meridian transit values. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Set times below a given elevation. If no set times are found (because the requested time window doesn't contain any) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.set_time( t_min=Time("2021-01-01"), elevation=0*u.deg, duration=TimeDelta(86400*2, format="sec") ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=['2021-01-01 23:42:41.174' '2021-01-02 23:38:45.188']> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec` """ def _find_elevation_set_time(times): """ """ altaz_coordinates = self._get_source_coordinates(time=times).transform_to( AltAz( obstime=times, ) ) elevations = altaz_coordinates.alt return np.where( (elevations[:, :-1] >= elevation) & (elevations[:, 1:] <= elevation) ) return self._find_crossing_times( finding_function=_find_elevation_set_time, t_min=t_min, duration=duration, precision=precision )
[docs] def next_set_time(self, time: Time =, elevation: u.Quantity = 0*u.deg, precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec') ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` next set time below ``elevation``. This method returns the next set time found after ``time``. :param time: Relative time used to searching for the next set time. Default is current time. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param elevation: Elevation below which the set time is computed. Default is ``0 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned set time value. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Next set time. If no set time is found (because the source does not cross the elevation) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.next_set_time( time=Time("2021-01-01"), elevation=40*u.deg, ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2021-01-01 17:51:17.312> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec`, :meth:`` """ try: return self.set_time( t_min=time, elevation=elevation, duration=TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), precision=precision )[0] except IndexError: return Time([], format="jd")
[docs] def previous_set_time(self, time: Time =, elevation: u.Quantity = 0*u.deg, precision: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(5, format='sec') ) -> Time: """ Computes the :class:`` previous set time below ``elevation``. This method returns the next set time found before ``time``. :param time: Relative time used to searching for the previous set time. Default is current time. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param elevation: Elevation below which the set time is computed. Default is ``0 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param precision: Temporal precision of the returned set time value. Default is ``5 sec``. :type precision: :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDelta` :returns: Previous set time. If no set time is found (because the source does not cross the elevation) an empty :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object is returned. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta >>> import astropy.units as u >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") >>> cyg_a.previous_set_time( time=Time("2021-01-01"), elevation=40*u.deg, ) <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2020-12-31 17:55:12.639> .. seealso:: :ref:`ephemerides_sec`, :meth:`` """ try: return self.set_time( t_min=time - TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), elevation=elevation, duration=TimeDelta(48*3600, format='sec'), precision=precision )[-1] except IndexError: return Time([], format="jd")
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # @abstractmethod def _get_source_coordinates(self, time: Time) -> SkyCoord: """ Abstract method that must be replaced by subclasses. """ pass @staticmethod def _find_crossing_times( finding_function: Callable, t_min: Time, duration: TimeDelta, precision: TimeDelta ) -> np.ndarray: """ """ # Set t_min to a higher dimension in preparation for multiple matches if t_min.size > 1: t_min = t_min[0] t_min = t_min.reshape((1,)) # At each iteration, dt will be reduced by down_factor down_factor = 5 dt = duration/down_factor # If duration is too big, intial dt is quite big as well # therefore, we set the max dt to 6h max_dt = TimeDelta(6*3600, format="sec") if dt > max_dt: down_factor = int(np.ceil(duration/max_dt)) dt = duration/down_factor # Loop until the precision is reached while dt*down_factor > precision: # Prepare the time array upon which the coordinates are computed n_steps = np.ceil(duration/dt) times = t_min[:, None] + np.arange(n_steps + 1) * dt # Find the indices depending on the function to apply transit_indices = finding_function(times) # Update t_min at the spots where the transit(s) have been found t_min = times[transit_indices] if t_min.size == 0: # Nothing has been found return Time([], format='jd') elif t_min.isscalar: t_min = t_min.reshape((1,)) # Next loop will occur on the last time step only duration = dt dt /= down_factor return times[transit_indices] + dt/2.
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ------------------------ FixedTarget ------------------------ # # ============================================================= #
[docs] class FixedTarget(Target): """ Class to handle astronomical targets outside the Solar System. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :param coordinates: :type coordinates: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` :param observer: :type observer: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` :param time: :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~Target.coordinates ~Target.time ~Target.is_circumpolar ~Target.culmination_azimuth .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~FixedTarget.from_name ~Target.separation ~Target.meridian_transit ~Target.next_meridian_transit ~Target.previous_meridian_transit ~Target.azimuth_transit ~Target.rise_time ~Target.next_rise_time ~Target.previous_rise_time ~Target.set_time ~Target.next_set_time ~Target.previous_set_time .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, coordinates: SkyCoord, time: Time =, observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position ): super().__init__( coordinates=coordinates, observer=observer, time=time ) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def horizontal_coordinates(self): """ """ return super().horizontal_coordinates[:, 0] # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name: str, time: Time =, observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position ) -> FixedTarget: """ Instantiates a :class:`` object from a name that could be resolved by `Simbad <>`_. :param name: Source name. :type name: `str` :param time: Time at which the source is looked at. Default is current time. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param observer: Earth location from where the source is observed. Default is NenuFAR's location. :type observer: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` :returns: :class:`` instance. :rtype: :class:`` :Example: >>> from import FixedTarget >>> cyg_a = FixedTarget.from_name("Cyg A") """ if name.lower() in common_sources.keys(): src = common_sources[name.lower()] source = SkyCoord(src["ra"], src["dec"], unit="deg") else: # Retrieve the Simbad coordinates source = SkyCoord.from_name(name) return cls( coordinates=source, observer=observer, time=time )
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _get_source_coordinates(self, time: Time): """ """ return SkyCoord( ra=np.repeat(self.coordinates.ra.deg, time.size).reshape(time.shape), dec=np.repeat(self.coordinates.dec.deg, time.size).reshape(time.shape), unit="deg", frame=self.coordinates.frame )
# return self.coordinates # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # --------------------- SolarSystemTarget --------------------- # # ============================================================= #
[docs] class SolarSystemTarget(Target): """ Class to handle Solar System targets. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~Target.coordinates ~Target.time ~Target.is_circumpolar ~Target.culmination_azimuth .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~SolarSystemTarget.from_name ~Target.separation ~Target.meridian_transit ~Target.next_meridian_transit ~Target.previous_meridian_transit ~Target.azimuth_transit ~Target.rise_time ~Target.next_rise_time ~Target.previous_rise_time ~Target.set_time ~Target.next_set_time ~Target.previous_set_time .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, name: str, coordinates: SkyCoord, time: Time =, observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position ): super().__init__( coordinates=coordinates, observer=observer, time=time ) = name # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def horizontal_coordinates(self): """ """ return super().horizontal_coordinates[np.identity(self.time.size, dtype=bool)] # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name: str, time: Time =, observer: EarthLocation = nenufar_position ) -> SolarSystemTarget: """ """ # Get the ICRS instance of the Solar System object source = solar_system_source( name=name, time=time, observer=observer ) return cls( name=name, coordinates=source, observer=observer, time=time )
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _get_source_coordinates(self, time: Time): """ """ return solar_system_source(, time=time, )
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= #