Source code for nenupy.instru.interferometer

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Interferometric Array

__author__ = "Alan Loh"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, nenupy"
__credits__ = ["Alan Loh"]
__maintainer__ = "Alan"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__all__ = [

from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import copy
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import lru_cache
from os import cpu_count
from typing import Dict, Callable
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import k_B
from astropy.coordinates import (
import dask.array as da
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

# from nenupy import LogMethodMetaClass, DummyCtMgr
from import Sky
from nenupy.astro.astro_tools import sky_temperature
from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing

# ============================================================= #
# ---------------- Interferometer class errors ---------------- #
# ============================================================= #
# class CombinedMeta(LogMethodMetaClass, ABCMeta):
#     """ Intermediate metaclass when inheriting from ABC. """

class AntennaNameError(Exception):
    """ Error raised when the name doesn't match existing antenna names. """

    def __init__(self,
            input_name: np.ndarray,
            available_antennas: np.ndarray
        self.input_name = input_name
        self.message = f"Valid antenna names are {available_antennas}."

    def __str__(self):
        return f"'{self.input_name}'\n{self.message}"

class AntennaIndexError(Exception):
    """ Error raised when the index doesn't match existing antenna indices. """

    def __init__(self,
            input_index: np.ndarray,
            n_available_antennas: int
        self.input_index = input_index
        self.message = f"Maximum antenna index is {n_available_antennas - 1}."

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.input_index}\n{self.message}"

class DuplicateAntennaError(Exception):
    """ Error raised when antennas are duplicated. """

    def __init__(self,
            input_antenna: np.ndarray,
        self.input_antenna = input_antenna
        unique, counts = np.unique(self.input_antenna, return_counts=True)
        duplicate_mask = [counts > 1]
        dup = unique[tuple(duplicate_mask)]
        cnt = counts[tuple(duplicate_mask)]

        self.message = f"antenna name/index {dup} is duplicated {cnt} times."

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.input_antenna}: {self.message}"
# ============================================================= #
# ============================================================= #

# ============================================================= #
# ------------------------- Baseline -------------------------- #
# ============================================================= #
[docs] class Baseline: """ Class to handle interferometric baseline operations. """ def __init__(self, itrf_positions: np.ndarray): self.itrf_positions = itrf_positions if self.itrf_positions.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "<arg 'itrf_positions'>: instance of " f"{np.ndarray} of dimension 2 expected. " f"Got {self.itrf_positions.shape} instead." ) self.antenna_idx = np.arange(self.itrf_positions.shape[0]) xyz = self.itrf_positions[..., None] xyz = xyz[:, :, 0][:, None] self.bsl = xyz.transpose(1, 0, 2) - xyz def __getitem__(self, n): pos = self.itrf_positions[n, :] return Baseline( itrf_positions=pos ) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def flatten(self): """ """ return self.bsl[ np.tril_indices(self.antenna_idx.size) ] @property def distance(self): """ """ return np.linalg.norm(self.bsl, axis=2) * u.m
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ----------------------- ObservingMode ----------------------- # # ============================================================= #
[docs] class ObservingMode(Enum): """ Enumerator of the different available observing modes of NenuFAR. """ BEAMFORMING = auto() IMAGING = auto()
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ---------------------- Interferometer ----------------------- # # ============================================================= #
[docs] class Interferometer(ABC):#, metaclass=CombinedMeta): """ Abstract base class for all phased-array/interferometer classes. .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_gains ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_names ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_positions ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.baselines ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.position ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.size ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_weights ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_delays .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.angular_resolution ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.array_factor ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.beam ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.confusion_noise ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.plot ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sefd ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sensitivity ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.system_temperature .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, position: EarthLocation, antenna_names: np.ndarray, antenna_positions: np.ndarray, antenna_gains: np.ndarray, antenna_delays: np.ndarray = None, antenna_weights: np.ndarray = None, ): self.position = position self.antenna_names = antenna_names self.antenna_positions = antenna_positions self.antenna_gains = antenna_gains self.antenna_delays = antenna_delays self.antenna_weights = antenna_weights def __getitem__(self, n): if isinstance(n, slice): # Convert the slice into a numpy array n = np.r_[n] elif not isinstance(n, np.ndarray): n = np.array(n) if np.isscalar(n): n = n.reshape((1,)) # Checking the correct input format if n.ndim > 1: raise ValueError( "<class 'Interferometer'> can only be " f"subscriptable by 1D arrays. Got {n} instead." ) if np.unique(n).size != n.size: raise DuplicateAntennaError(n) # Generating antenna mask if n.dtype.str.startswith('<U'): # Selection based on antenna names antenna_mask = np.isin(self.antenna_names, n) bad_name_index = ~np.isin(n, self.antenna_names) if np.any(bad_name_index): raise AntennaNameError( n[bad_name_index], self.antenna_names ) else: # Selection based on antenna indices if n.max() >= self.size: raise AntennaIndexError(n, self.size) antenna_mask = np.isin(np.arange(self.size), n) # Constructing the new instance as a 'cutout' of its parent interfero = copy.deepcopy(self) interfero.antenna_names = self.antenna_names[antenna_mask] interfero.antenna_positions = self.antenna_positions[antenna_mask, :] interfero.antenna_gains = self.antenna_gains[antenna_mask] interfero.antenna_weights = self.antenna_weights[antenna_mask] interfero.antenna_delays = self.antenna_delays[antenna_mask] return interfero def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__}" def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}" def __add__(self, other): interferometer = copy.deepcopy(self) to_include = ~np.isin(other.antenna_names, self.antenna_names) interferometer.antenna_names = np.concatenate((self.antenna_names, other.antenna_names[to_include])) interferometer.antenna_positions = np.concatenate((self.antenna_positions, other.antenna_positions[to_include])) interferometer.antenna_gains = np.concatenate((self.antenna_gains, other.antenna_gains[to_include])) interferometer.antenna_weights = np.concatenate((self.antenna_weights, other.antenna_weights[to_include])) interferometer.antenna_delays = np.concatenate((self.antenna_delays, other.antenna_delays[to_include])) return interferometer def __sub__(self, other): interferometer = copy.deepcopy(self) to_keep = ~np.isin(self.antenna_names, other.antenna_names) interferometer.antenna_names = self.antenna_names[to_keep] interferometer.antenna_positions = self.antenna_positions[to_keep] interferometer.antenna_gains = self.antenna_gains[to_keep] interferometer.antenna_weights = self.antenna_weights[to_keep] interferometer.antenna_delays = self.antenna_delays[to_keep] return interferometer # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def size(self): """ Number of elements belonging to the array. :getter: Size of the array. :type: `int` """ return self.antenna_positions.shape[0] @property def baselines(self): """ Instrument baselines. :getter: Baselines. :type: :class:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Baseline` """ try: antenna_position = self._toITRF() except AttributeError: log.error("No method '_toITRF()' is implemented.") raise return Baseline(itrf_positions=antenna_position) @property def antenna_names(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Antenna names. :setter: Array of antenna names. :getter: Array of antenna names. :type: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` """ return self._antenna_names @antenna_names.setter def antenna_names(self, n: np.ndarray): self._antenna_names = n @property def antenna_positions(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Antenna positions. The positions should be shaped as ``(n_ant, 3)`` :setter: Array of antenna positions. :getter: Array of antenna positions. :type: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` """ return self._antenna_positions @antenna_positions.setter def antenna_positions(self, p: np.ndarray): self._antenna_positions = p @property def antenna_gains(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Antenna gains. This is an array of `callable` (methods or functions) defining the radiation pattern of each antenna. :setter: Array of antenna gains. :getter: Array of antenna gains. :type: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of `callable` """ return self._antenna_gains @antenna_gains.setter def antenna_gains(self, g: np.ndarray): self._antenna_gains = g @property def position(self) -> EarthLocation: """ Array's position. :setter: Position of the array. :getter: Position of the array. :type: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` """ return self._position @position.setter def position(self, p: EarthLocation): self._position = p @property def antenna_weights(self) -> np.ndarray: """ """ return self._antenna_weights @antenna_weights.setter def antenna_weights(self, weights: np.ndarray): if weights is None: weights = np.ones(self.size) elif weights.size != self.size: raise ValueError( f"antenna_weights (of size {weights.size}) do not match antenna_positions (of shape {self.size})." ) elif np.any(weights.min() < 0) or np.any(weights.max() > 1): raise ValueError( f"antenna_weights values are restricted between 0 and 1." ) self._antenna_weights = weights @property def antenna_delays(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Add delay errors for each antennae They could be cable connection errors during construction, cables of wrong length, ... """ return self._antenna_delays @antenna_delays.setter def antenna_delays(self, delays: np.ndarray): if delays is None: delays = np.zeros(self.size) elif delays.size != self.size: raise ValueError( f"antenna_delays (of size {delays.size}) do not match antenna_positions (of shape {self.size})." ) self._antenna_delays = delays # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Plots the antenna distribution. :param figsize: Size of the figure. Default is ``(10, 10)``. :type figsize: `tuple` :param figname: File name of the figure to save. Default is ``''``, i.e. show the figure without saving it. :type figname: `str` :param xlim: X-axis limits. Default is auto-scaling. :type xlim: `tuple` :param ylim: Y-axis limits. Default is auto-scaling. :type ylim: `tuple` :param show_names: Print the antenna names. Default is ``True``. :type show_names: `bool` :param patches: Matplotlib Polygons :type patches: `tuple`(`list`, colors) of Polygons """ fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', (10, 10)) ) positions = self.antenna_positions ax.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], kwargs.get('s', 30)) if kwargs.get("patches", None) is not None: from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection patches, colors = kwargs.get("patches") p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.5) p.set_array(colors) ax.add_collection(p) ax.set_xlim(kwargs.get('xlim', ax.get_xlim())) ax.set_ylim(kwargs.get('ylim', ax.get_ylim())) ax.set_xlabel(kwargs.get('x_label', '')) ax.set_ylabel(kwargs.get('y_label', '')) if kwargs.get("show_names", True): for i, antenna_name in enumerate(self.antenna_names): ax.annotate( antenna_name, ( positions[i, 0], positions[i, 1] ), ha='center' ) ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim') if kwargs.get('figname', '') != '': plt.savefig( kwargs.get('figname'), dpi=300, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight' ) else: plt.close('all')
# from nenupy.instru import miniarray_antennas, MiniArray # from nenupy.astro import l93_to_etrs # from pyproj import Transformer # def ma_antenna_positions(ma_index: int = 0): # ma_name = f'MA{ma_index:03}' # ma = MiniArray(index=ma_index) # ant_pos = ma.antenna_positions # rotation = np.radians(0)##360-ma.rotation.value)#ma.rotation.value +90) # rot_matrix = np.array( # [ # [-np.cos(rotation), -np.sin(rotation), 0], # [-np.sin(rotation), np.cos(rotation), 0], # [0, 0, 1] # ] # ) # ant_pos =, rot_matrix).astype(np.float32) # lambert_positions = ant_pos#nenufar_miniarrays[ma_name]['position'] + ant_pos # return lambert_positions # #etrs_positions = l93_to_etrs(lambert_positions) # #return etrs_positions # with open('/Users/aloh/Desktop/antenna_positions.csv', 'w') as wfile: # wfile.write('Mini-Array,Antenna,x(m),y(m),height(m)') # for ma_index in range(96): # positions = ma_antenna_positions(ma_index) # # plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1]) # # for i in range(19): # # plt.text(pos[i, 0], pos[i, 1], f'{i+1}') # # plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # # # #plt.savefig('/Users/aloh/Desktop/ma7dist.png', transparent=True) # # for i, ant in enumerate(pos): # # #print(f'{i} {ant[0]:3f} {ant[1]:3f}') # # print(f'{ant[0]:3f}') # # for i, ant in enumerate(pos): # # #print(f'{i} {ant[0]:3f} {ant[1]:3f}') # # print(f'{ant[1]:3f}') # # t = Transformer.from_crs( # # crs_from="EPSG:2154", # RGF93 # # crs_to="EPSG:4326" # World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS # # ) # # ws84 = t.transform( # # xx=positions[:, 0], # # yy=positions[:, 1], # # zz=positions[:, 2] # # ) # # lat0 = [47.376595,47.376596,47.376596,47.376552,47.376553,47.376553,47.376554,47.376509,47.376509,47.376510,47.376510,47.376511,47.376466,47.376467,47.376467,47.376468,47.376424,47.376424,47.376425] # # lon0 = [2.193005,2.193077,2.193150,2.192969,2.193042,2.193115,2.193187,2.192933,2.193006,2.193079,2.193152,2.193224,2.192970,2.193043,2.193116,2.193189,2.193007,2.193080,2.193153] # # lat7 = [47.376085,47.376123,47.376160,47.376094,47.376132,47.376169,47.376207,47.376103,47.376141,47.376178,47.376216,47.376254,47.376150,47.376187,47.376225,47.376263,47.376197,47.376234,47.376272] # # lon7 = [2.191337,2.191289,2.191242,2.191408,2.191361,2.191314,2.191266,2.191480,2.191433,2.191385,2.191338,2.191290,2.191504,2.191457,2.191409,2.191362,2.191528,2.191481,2.191434] # # plt.scatter(lat0, lon0) # #plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # lon, lat, height = ws84 # for ia, ant in enumerate(positions): # wfile.write(f'\n{ma_index},{ia+1},{ant[0]:.4f},{ant[1]:.4f},{ant[2]:.4f}')
[docs] def array_factor(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing, return_complex: bool = False, normalize: bool = True) -> da.Array: r""" Computes the array factor of the antenna distribution. .. math:: \mathcal{F}(\nu, \phi, \theta) = \sum_{\rm ant} w_{\rm ant} e^{ i \mathbf{k}(\nu, \phi, \theta) \cdot \mathbf{r}_{\rm ant}} where :math:`\mathbf{k} = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda} (\cos \phi \cos \theta, \sin \phi \cos \theta, \sin \theta )` is the wave vector for a wave propagation in a direction described by spherical coordinates, :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength, :math:`\phi` is the azimuth, :math:`\theta` is the elevation, :math:`\mathbf{r}_{\rm ant}` is the antenna position matrix, :math:`w_{\rm ant}` is the weight of the antenna (defined in :attr:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.feed_weights`). This method considers the ``sky`` as the desired output (in terms of time, frequency and sky positions). It evaluates the effective pointing directions for every time step defined in ``sky`` regarding the ``pointing`` input. :param sky: Desired output contained in a :class:`` instance. (:attr:``, :attr:`` and :attr:`` are used as inputs for the computation). :type sky: :class:`` :param pointing: Instance of :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` that defines the targeted pointing directions over the time. :type pointing: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :param return_complex: Return complex array factor if `True` or power if `False` :type return_complex: `bool` :param normalize: Return the normalized array factor. Default is `True`. :type normalize: `bool` :return: Array factor of the antenna distribution shaped as ``(time, frequency, 1, coordinates)``. :rtype: :class:`~dask.array.Array` .. seealso:: :class:`` and :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` """ # Determine the effective pointing based on the time # informations contained in the sky instance. effective_pointing = pointing[sky.time] # Compute the geometric delays as the dot product of the # antenna position and the difference between sky and # pointing ground projections. geometric_delays = self._geometric_delays(sky, effective_pointing) # Use the sky frequency attribute to compute the wavelength # and prepare the coefficient of the exponential with # the correct dimensions. wavelength =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) coeff = 2j * np.pi / wavelength.value coeff = coeff.reshape( (1, 1, wavelength.size, 1, 1) ) # (antenna, time, frequency, polar, coord) exponent = coeff * (geometric_delays + self.antenna_delays[(...,) + (None,)*4]) # coord_chunk = exponent.shape[-1]//cpu_count() # coord_chunk = 1 if coord_chunk == 0 else coord_chunk # exponent = da.rechunk( # exponent, # chunks=exponent.shape[:-1] + (coord_chunk,) # ) complex_array_factor = np.sum( self.antenna_weights[(...,) + (None,)*4] * np.exp(exponent), axis=0 ) if normalize: complex_array_factor /= self.size if return_complex: return complex_array_factor return complex_array_factor.real**2 + complex_array_factor.imag**2
[docs] def beam(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing, return_complex: bool = False, normalize: bool = True) -> Sky: r""" Computes the phased-array response :math:`\mathcal{G}` over the ``sky`` for a given ``pointing``. .. math:: \mathcal{G}(\nu, \phi, \theta) = \sum_{\rm ant} \mathcal{F}(\nu, \phi, \theta) \mathcal{G}_{\rm ant} (\nu, \phi, \theta) where :math:`\nu` is the frequency, :math:`\phi` is the azimuth, :math:`\theta` is the elevation, :math:`\mathcal{G}_{\rm ant}` is the individual array element radiation pattern and :math:`\mathcal{F}` is the array factor. This method considers the ``sky`` as the desired output (in terms of time, frequency, polarization and sky positions). It evaluates the effective pointing directions for every time step defined in ``sky`` regarding the ``pointing`` input. :param sky: Desired output contained in a :class:`` instance. :type sky: :class:`` :param pointing: Instance of :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` that defines the targeted pointing directions over the time. :type pointing: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :return: The instance of :class:`` given as input is returned, its attribute :attr:`` is updated with the result of the beam computation (stored as an :class:`~dask.array.Array`) and shaped as ``(time, frequency, polarization, coordinates)``. :rtype: :class:`` .. seealso:: :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.array_factor` """ # Compute the array factor array_factor = self.array_factor( sky=sky, pointing=pointing, return_complex=return_complex, normalize=normalize ) # Compute the total antenna gain, i.e. the sum of all # antenna gains for beamforming. antenna_gain = np.sum( np.array([gain( sky=sky, pointing=pointing ) for gain in self.antenna_gains]), axis=0 ) / len(self.antenna_gains) # normalized # Rechunk the Dask Array before the computation # coord_chunk = array_factor.shape[-1]//cpu_count() # coord_chunk = 1 if coord_chunk == 0 else coord_chunk # array_factor = array_factor.rechunk(array_factor.shape[:-1] + (coord_chunk,)) # Perform the Dask computation of array factor times antenna # gains. Update the sky instance values. if return_complex: sky.value = array_factor * np.sqrt(antenna_gain) else: sky.value = array_factor * antenna_gain return sky
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) @abstractmethod def effective_area(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, elevation: u.Quantity = 90*u.deg ) -> u.Quantity: """ This method needs to be defined in child classes. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def instrument_temperature(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, **kwargs) -> u.Quantity: """ This method needs to be defined in child classes. """ return
[docs] def system_temperature(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, source_spectrum: Dict[str, Callable] = {}, efficiency: float = 1., elevation: u.Quantity = 90*u.deg, **kwargs ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Computes the System Noise Temperature :math:`T_{\rm sys}`. It is computed as follows: .. math:: T_{\rm sys} = T_{\rm sky} + T_{\rm inst} + \sum_{\rm src} T_{\rm src} where :math:`T_{\rm sky}` is an approximation of the low-frequency sky temperature dominated by Galactic emission and :math:`T_{\rm inst}` is the instrumental noise temperature (which depends on the current instrument instance). :math:`T_{\rm src}` is the antenna temperature induced by a given source whose spectrum is defined in the ``source_spectrum`` argument computed as: .. math:: T_{\rm src} = \frac{F_{\rm src} \eta A_{\rm eff}}{2 k_{\rm B}} where :math:`F_{\rm src}` is the source spectrum, :math:`\eta` is the ``efficiency`` of the effective area :math:`A_{\rm eff}`. :param frequency: Frequency for the System Temperature computation. Default is ``50 MHz``. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param elevation: Pointing elevation impacting the :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.effective_area`. Default is ``90 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param efficiency: Effective area reducing factor. Default is ``1.``, it cannot be greater than ``1.``. :type efficiency: `float` :param source_spectrum: By default the system temperature is evaluated using a mean Galactic temperature. However, if a bright source is targeted, the noise introduced can be under-estimated. Therefore, one can provide a `callable` object that takes as inputs a frequency array (of type :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`) and returns the source flux density in Jansky (of type :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`). :type source_spectrum: `dict` of `callable` :returns: System Temperature in Kelvins. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` .. seealso:: :func:`~nenupy.astro.astro_tools.sky_temperature` """ t_gal = sky_temperature(frequency) t_inst = self.instrument_temperature(frequency, **kwargs) t_src = np.zeros(frequency.shape)*u.K for _, spectrum in source_spectrum.items(): src_flux = spectrum(frequency) t_src += (src_flux*self.effective_area(frequency, elevation)*efficiency/(2*k_B)).to(u.K) return (t_gal + t_inst + t_src).to(u.K)
[docs] def sefd(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, elevation: u.Quantity = 90*u.deg, efficiency: float = 1., decoherence: float = 1., source_spectrum: Dict[str, Callable] = {}, **kwargs ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Computes the System Equivalent Flux Density (SEFD or system sensitivity). .. math:: S_{\rm sys} = \xi \frac{2 k_{\rm B}}{ \eta A_{\rm eff}(\nu, \theta)} T_{\rm sys} (\nu) with :math:`T_{\rm sys}` the :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.system_temperature`, the efficiency :math:`\eta`, :math:`\nu` the frequency, :math:`\theta` the elevation, :math:`\xi` the decoherence factor, and :math:`k_{\rm B}` the Boltzmann constant. :param frequency: Frequency at which the SEFD will be computed. If an array is given as input, the output will be of same shape. Default if ``50 MHz``. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param elevation: Pointing elevation impacting the :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.effective_area`. Default is ``90 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param efficiency: Effective area reducing factor. Default is ``1.``, it cannot be greater than ``1.``. :type efficiency: `float` :param decoherence: Parameter that reflects other uncertainties (particularly the unperfect phasing system). Default is ``1.``. :type decoherence: `float` :param source_spectrum: By default the system temperature is evaluated using a mean Galactic temperature. However, if a bright source is targeted, the noise introduced can be under-estimated. Therefore, one can provide a `callable` object that takes as inputs a frequency array (of type :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`) and returns the source flux density in Jansky (of type (as :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`). :type source_spectrum: `dict` of `callable` :returns: SEFD in Janskys. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` .. seealso:: `LOFAR website <>`_, :meth:`nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.system_temperature` """ effective_area = self.effective_area(frequency, elevation) t_sys = self.system_temperature(frequency, source_spectrum, **kwargs) sefd = decoherence*2*k_B*t_sys/(efficiency*effective_area) return
[docs] def sensitivity(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, mode: ObservingMode = ObservingMode.BEAMFORMING, dt: u.Quantity = 1.*u.s, df: u.Quantity = 195.3125*u.kHz, elevation: u.Quantity = 90*u.deg, efficiency: float = 1., decoherence: float = 1., source_spectrum: Dict[str, Callable] = {}, **kwargs ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Computes the sensititivy of the array with respect to the observing configuration. The sensitivity computation depends on the observing mode of the instrument: * for the imaging mode: .. math:: \sigma_{\rm im} = \frac{S_{\rm sys}(\nu, \theta, \eta, \xi)}{ \sqrt{N(N-1) 2 \Delta \nu\, \Delta t} } * for the beamforming mode: .. math:: \sigma_{\rm bf} = \frac{S_{\rm sys}(\nu, \theta, \eta, \xi)}{ \sqrt{2 \Delta \nu\, \Delta t} } where :math:`\nu` is the frequency, :math:`\theta` is the elevation, :math:`\eta` is the effective area efficiency, :math:`\xi` is the decoherence factor, :math:`\Delta t` is the integration time, :math:`\Delta \nu` is the bandwidth, :math:`N` is the antenna number, and :math:`S_{\rm sys}` is the System Equivalent Flux Density (which also depends on the ``source_spectrum`` argument, see :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sefd`). :param frequency: Frequency at which the sensitivity will be evaluated. If an array is given as input, the output will be of same shape. Default if ``50 MHz``. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param mode: Observing mode, either ``ObservingMode.BEAMFORMING`` or ``ObservingMode.IMAGING``, default is the former. :type mode: :class:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.ObservingMode` :param dt: Integration time. Default is ``1 sec``. :type dt: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param df: Observing bandwidth. Default is ``195.3125 kHz``. :type df: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param elevation: Pointing elevation impacting the :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.effective_area`. Default is ``90 deg``. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param efficiency: Effective area reducing factor. Default is ``1.``, it cannot be greater than ``1.``. :type efficiency: `float` :param decoherence: Parameter that reflects other uncertainties (particularly the unperfect phasing system). Default is ``1.``. :type decoherence: `float` :param source_spectrum: By default the system temperature is evaluated using a mean Galactic temperature. However, if a bright source is targeted, the noise introduced can be under-estimated. Therefore, one can provide a `callable` object that takes as inputs a frequency array (of type :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`) and returns the source flux density in Jansky (of type :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`). :type source_spectrum: `dict` of `callable` :return: Array sensitivity. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :Example: >>> from nenupy.instru.interferometer import ObservingMode >>> import astropy.units as u >>> <instrument>.sensitivity( frequency=50*u.MHz, mode=ObservingMode.IMAGING, dt=1*u.s, df=3*u.kHz ) .. seealso:: :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sefd` and :ref:`instrument_properties_doc`. """ s_sys = self.sefd( frequency=frequency, elevation=elevation, decoherence=decoherence, efficiency=efficiency, source_spectrum=source_spectrum, **kwargs ) n_ant = self.antenna_names.size if mode is ObservingMode.IMAGING: sensitivity = s_sys/np.sqrt(n_ant*(n_ant - 1)*2*dt*df) elif mode is ObservingMode.BEAMFORMING: sensitivity = s_sys/np.sqrt(2*dt*df) else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid observation mode.' ) return
[docs] def angular_resolution(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Computes the angular resolution of the antenna array. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) :math:`\theta` is approximated as follows: .. math:: \theta = \frac{\lambda}{D} where :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength and :math:`D` is is the length of the maximum physical separation of the antennas in the array. :param frequency: Frequency at which the angular resolution is evaluated. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :return: Angular resolution (FWHM) of the instrument. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :Example: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> <instrument>.angular_resolution( frequency=50*u.MHz ) """ if self.size == 1: raise Exception( "Angular resolution is not defined for an interferometer of 1 element." ) wavelength = u.m, equivalencies=u.spectral() ) diameter = np.max(self.baselines.distance) return (wavelength / diameter * u.rad).to(u.deg)
[docs] def confusion_noise(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, lofar: bool = True ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Confusion rms noise :math:`\sigma_{\rm c}` (parameter used for specifying the width of the confusion distribution) computed as: .. math:: \left( \frac{\sigma_{\rm c}}{\rm{mJy}\, \rm{beam}^{-1}} \right) \simeq 0.2 \left( \frac{\nu}{\rm GHz} \right)^{-0.7} \left( \frac{\theta}{\rm arcmin} \right)^{2} or (if ``lofar=True``): .. math:: \left( \frac{\sigma_{\rm c}}{\mu\rm{Jy}\, \rm{beam}^{-1}} \right) \simeq 30 \left( \frac{\nu}{74 {\rm MHz}} \right)^{-0.7} \left( \frac{\theta}{\rm arcsec} \right)^{1.54} where :math:`\nu` is the frequency and :math:`\theta` is the radiotelescope FWHM (see :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.angular_resolution`). Individual sources fainter than about :math:`5\sigma_{\rm c}` cannot be detected reliably. :param freq: Frequency at which computing the confusion noise. In MHz if no unit is provided. Default is ``50 MHz``. :type freq: `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param miniarrays: Mini-Array indices to take into account. Default is ``None`` (all available MAs). :type miniarrays: `int`, `list` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :param lofar: If set to ``True`` (recommended), the confusion noise is estimated using Eq. 6 of `van Haarlem et al. (2013) <>`_. :type: `bool` :returns: Confusion rms noise in Jy/beam :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :Example: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> <instrument>.confusion_noise( frequency=50*u.MHz ) .. see also:: `NRAO lecture <>`_ (eq. 3E6), `Takeuchi and Ishii, 2004 <>`_. """ resolution = self.angular_resolution(frequency=frequency) if lofar: # freq_at_74mHz = (*u.MHz)).value res_in_asec = conf = 30 * res_in_asec**1.54 * freq_at_74mHz**(-0.7) * u.uJy else: # freq_in_ghz = # res_in_asec = # conf = 1.2 * (freq_in_ghz/3.02)**(-0.7) * (res_in_asec/8)**(10/3) * u.uJy # condon 2012 freq_in_ghz = res_in_amin = conf = 0.2 * freq_in_ghz**(-0.7) * res_in_amin**2 * u.mJy # Condon 2002 return # Jy/beam
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _geometric_delays(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing) -> da.Array: """ Computes the geometric delays between the sky and the pointing direction(s). """ sky_projection = sky.ground_projection pointing_projection = pointing.ground_projection # coord_chunk = sky_projection.shape[-1]//cpu_count() # coord_chunk = 1 if coord_chunk == 0 else coord_chunk # chunk_shape = sky_projection.shape[:-1] + (coord_chunk,) chunk_shape = (1, 1, 1, 3,) + (sky_projection.shape[-1],) sky_projection = da.from_array( sky_projection, chunks=chunk_shape ) pointing_projection = da.from_array( pointing_projection, chunks=chunk_shape ) # Put the ground antennas in the sky angle = np.pi/2 rot_90 = np.array( [ [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1] ] ) return, rot_90), sky_projection - pointing_projection )
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