Source code for nenupy.instru.nenufar

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    NenuFAR Array Classes

    .. inheritance-diagram:: nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR
        :parts: 3

    .. autosummary::



__author__ = "Alan Loh"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, nenupy"
__credits__ = ["Alan Loh"]
__maintainer__ = "Alan"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__all__ = [

from functools import lru_cache
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, SkyCoord, AltAz
from pyproj import Transformer

from nenupy import nenufar_position
from nenupy.instru import (
from nenupy.instru.interferometer import Interferometer
from nenupy.astro.astro_tools import radec_to_altaz
from import Sky
from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing

# ============================================================= #
# ---------------- Polarization / Antenna Gain ---------------- #
# ============================================================= #
import healpy as hp
#from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
from scipy.interpolate import BarycentricInterpolator#RegularGridInterpolator
import os
from enum import Enum

class _AntennaGain:
    """ NenuFAR antenna gain class. """

    def __init__(self, polarization: str = 'NW'):
        self.polarization = polarization

        if self.polarization == 'NE':#'NW':
            fields = np.arange(8)
        elif self.polarization == 'NW':#'NE':
            fields = 8 + np.arange(8)
            raise Exception(f"Polarization '{self.polarization}' unknown.")

        # Read the gain
        gain = hp.read_map(
            filename=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './NenuFAR_Ant_Hpx.fits'),
        gain /= gain.max()

        # Interpolate the antenna gain on the frequency axis
        freqs = np.arange(10, 90, 10)
        self.healpix_coords = np.arange(hp.pixelfunc.nside2npix(64))
        # self.interpolated_gain = interp2d(
        #     x=self.healpix_coords,
        #     y=freqs,
        #     z=gain,
        #     kind='linear'
        # )
        # self.interpolated_gain = RegularGridInterpolator(
        #     points=(freqs, self.healpix_coords),
        #     values=gain,
        #     method="linear"
        # )
        self.interpolated_gain = BarycentricInterpolator(
        )'NenuFAR antenna model (polarization={polarization}) loaded.')

    def __getitem__(self, sky: Sky) -> np.ndarray:
        """ Return an antenna gain array shaped like (sky.time, sky.frequency, sky.coord)

        horizontal_coordinates = sky.horizontal_coordinates

            f"Interpolating NenuFAR antenna response ('{self.polarization}' polarization) "
            f"on the given sky (time: {sky.time.size}, freq: {sky.frequency.size}, coord: {horizontal_coordinates.size})."

        # Get the frequency from the Sky instance
        freqs = sky.frequency.to_value(u.MHz)

        # Find the interpolated gain at the desired frequency
        #gain = self.interpolated_gain(self.healpix_coords, freqs)
        #gain = self.interpolated_gain((freqs, self.healpix_coords))
        gain = self.interpolated_gain(freqs) # shape: (freq, pix_coord)
        # if gain.ndim == 1:
        #     gain = gain.reshape((1, gain.size))

        # Find the interpolated gain at the desired coordinates for each frequency
        gain = np.array([
            ) for gain_i in gain

        if gain.ndim == 1:
            # If only one or less dimension is larger than 1 element, get_interp_val returns a 1D array
            # It's then esay to just reshape like the original array (minus the pol) since a single dimension is affected at best
            original_shape = sky.value.shape
            gain = gain.reshape((original_shape[0], original_shape[1], original_shape[3]))
        elif gain.ndim == 2:
            # The time dimension is not yet included
            gain = gain.reshape((1,) + gain.shape)
        # Return something shaped as (time, freq, coord)
        if sky.time.size == 1:
            return gain
        return np.moveaxis(gain, 0, 1) # keep that!
        #return gain.reshape((1,) + gain.shape) # use with RegularGridInterpolator

[docs] class Polarization(Enum): """ Enumerator of the different available polarizations of NenuFAR. """ NW = _AntennaGain('NW') NE = _AntennaGain('NE')
[docs] class NenuFAR_Configuration: """ """ def __init__(self, beamsquint_correction: bool = True, beamsquint_frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz ): self.beamsquint_correction = beamsquint_correction self.beamsquint_frequency = beamsquint_frequency @property def beamsquint_frequency(self): """ """ return self._beamsquint_frequency @beamsquint_frequency.setter def beamsquint_frequency(self, freq): if not isinstance(freq, u.Quantity): raise TypeError( "'beamsquint_frequency' should be of type 'astropy.units.Quantity'." ) if not freq.isscalar: raise ValueError( "'beamsquint_frequency' should be scalar." ) self._beamsquint_frequency = freq
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ------------------ MiniArray class errors ------------------- # # ============================================================= # class MiniArrayUnknownIndex(Exception): """ Error raised when the index doesn't exist. """ def __init__(self, input_index: int ): self.input_index = input_index self.error_message = f"Mini-Array index {self.input_index} does not exist..." available_mini_arrays = [entry["id"] for entry in nenufar_miniarrays.values()] = f"Valid Mini-Array indices are: {available_mini_arrays}." super().__init__( def __str__(self): return f"{self.error_message}\n{}" class MiniArrayBadIndexFormat(Exception): """ Error raised when the index cannot be read. """ def __init__(self, input_index ): self.input_index = input_index self.error_message = f"No support for {type(self.input_index)} format as a Mini-Array index..." = f"The index should be an integer value." super().__init__( def __str__(self): return f"{self.error_message}\n{}" # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ------------------------- MiniArray ------------------------- # # ============================================================= #
[docs] class MiniArray(Interferometer): """ Main class to handle a NenuFAR Mini-Array antenna distribution. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :param index: Mini-Array index. 'Core' Mini-Arrays have indices ranging from ``0`` to ``95``. 'Remote' Mini-Arrays have indices ranging from ``100`` to ``105``. :type index: `int` :Example: Instantiating :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray`: >>> from nenupy.instru import MiniArray >>> ma = MiniArray(index=0) Sub-arraying on an existing :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray` instance: >>> sub_ma = ma["Ant01", "Ant06", "Ant11"] >>> sub_ma.antenna_names array(['Ant01', 'Ant06', 'Ant11'], dtype='<U5') Using `slice` object (converted in :class:`~numpy.ndarray` using `~numpy.r_`): >>> import numpy as np >>> sub_ma = ma[np.r_[2:10]] >>> sub_ma.size 8 Combining two :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray` instances: >>> ma1 = MiniArray(index=0)["Ant01", "Ant06"] >>> ma2 = MiniArray(index=0)["Ant08", "Ant12"] >>> combined_ma = ma1 + ma2 >>> combined_ma.antenna_names array(['Ant01', 'Ant06', 'Ant08', 'Ant12'], dtype='<U5') .. seealso:: More details on this class usage can be found in :ref:`array_configuration_doc` and :ref:`instrument_properties_doc`. .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~MiniArray.index ~MiniArray.rotation ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.position ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_names ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_positions ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_gains ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.baselines ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.size ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_weights ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_delays .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~MiniArray.beam ~MiniArray.effective_area ~MiniArray.instrument_temperature ~MiniArray.attenuation_from_zenith ~MiniArray.analog_pointing ~MiniArray.beamsquint_correction ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.plot ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.array_factor ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.system_temperature ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sefd ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sensitivity ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.angular_resolution ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.confusion_noise .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, index: int = 0, antenna_delays: np.ndarray = None, antenna_weights: np.ndarray = None ): self.index = index try: ma_name = f'MA{self.index:03d}' position = EarthLocation( lat=nenufar_miniarrays[ma_name]['lat'] * u.deg, lon=nenufar_miniarrays[ma_name]['lon'] * u.deg, height=nenufar_miniarrays[ma_name]['height'] * u.m ) except KeyError: raise MiniArrayUnknownIndex(self.index) except: raise MiniArrayBadIndexFormat(self.index) antenna_names = np.array([ant for ant in miniarray_antennas.keys()]) antPos = np.array([ant['position'] for ant in miniarray_antennas.values()]) self.rotation = nenufar_miniarrays[ma_name]['rotation'] * u.deg #rotation = np.radians(self.rotation.value + 180) rotation = np.radians(360-self.rotation.value) #rotation = np.radians(self.rotation.value) rotMatrix = np.array( [ [np.cos(rotation), -np.sin(rotation), 0], [-np.sin(rotation), -np.cos(rotation), 0], [0, 0, 1] ] ) antenna_positions =, rotMatrix).astype(np.float32) antenna_gains = np.array([ self._antenna_gain for _ in range(antenna_names.size) ]) super().__init__(position=position, antenna_names=antenna_names, antenna_positions=antenna_positions, antenna_gains=antenna_gains, antenna_delays=antenna_delays, antenna_weights=antenna_weights ) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__}(index={self.index})" def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(index={self.index}, antennas={self.antenna_names})" # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def index(self) -> int: """ Mini-Array index. 'Core' Mini-Arrays have indices ranging from ``0`` to ``95``. 'Remote' Mini-Arrays have indices ranging from ``100`` to ``105``. :setter: Mini-Array index. :getter: Mini-Array index. :type: `int` """ return self._index @index.setter def index(self, i: int): self._index = i @property def rotation(self) -> u.Quantity: """ Mini-Array rotation. Each NenuFAR Mini-Array has its own rotation with respect to the others by angles multiple of 10 deg. :setter: Mini-Array rotation. :getter: Mini-Array rotation. :type: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` """ return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, r: u.Quantity): self._rotation = r # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def beam(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing, configuration: NenuFAR_Configuration = NenuFAR_Configuration(), return_complex: bool = False, normalize: bool = True ) -> Sky: r""" Computes the Mini-Array beam over the ``sky`` for a given ``pointing``. .. math:: \mathcal{G}_{\rm MA}(\nu, \phi, \theta) = \mathcal{F}_{\rm MA}(\nu, \phi, \theta) \mathcal{G}_{\rm ant} (\nu, \phi, \theta) where :math:`\nu` is the frequency, :math:`\phi` is the azimuth, :math:`\theta` is the elevation, :math:`\mathcal{G}_{\rm ant}` is the NenuFAR dipole antenna radiation pattern and :math:`\mathcal{F}_{\rm MA}` is the array factor. This method considers the ``sky`` as the desired output (in terms of time, frequency, polarization and sky positions). It evaluates the effective pointing directions for every time step defined in ``sky`` regarding the ``pointing`` input. :param sky: Desired output contained in a :class:`` instance. (:attr:``, :attr:``, :attr:`` and :attr:`` are used as inputs for the computation). :type sky: :class:`` :param pointing: Instance of :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` that defines the targeted pointing directions over the time. :type pointing: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :param configuration: NenuFAR configuration to consider during the beam simulation. The beamsquint correction and its frequency setting are defined here. Default is ``NenuFAR_Configuration(beamsquint_correction=True, beamsquint_frequency=50MHz)``. :type configuration: :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR_Configuration` :returns: The instance of :class:`` given as input is returned, its attribute :attr:`` is updated with the result of the beam computation (stored as an :class:`~dask.array.Array`) and shaped as ``(time, frequency, polarization, coordinates)``. :rtype: :class:`` :Example: Load the required librairies: >>> from nenupy.instru import MiniArray, Polarization >>> from import HpxSky >>> from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta Define a desired :class:`` output: >>> sky = HpxSky( resolution=1.*u.deg, frequency=np.array([25, 50, 75])*u.MHz, polarization=np.array([Polarization.NW, Polarization.NE]), time=Time("2021-10-15 20:00:00") ) Define the pointing of the Mini-Array: >>> ma_pointing = Pointing.zenith_tracking( time=Time("2021-10-15 00:00:00"), duration=TimeDelta(3600*24, format="sec") ) Select the Mini-Array (and possibly its antenna distribution) and compute its response pattern: >>> ma = MiniArray(1) >>> beam = ma.beam( sky=sky, pointing=ma_pointing ) Calling :meth:`print` on a :class:`` object enables the display of its :attr:`` attribute structure (which matches the definition of the ``sky`` instance): >>> print(beam) <class ''> instance value: (1, 3, 2, 49152) * time: (1,) * frequency: (3,) * polarization: (2,) * coordinates: (49152,) To :meth:`` the computed Mini-Array response at 75 MHz, in NE polarization: >>> beam[0, 2, 1].plot( decibel=True, colorbar_label='' ) .. image:: ./_images/instru_images/ma1_beam.png :width: 800 .. seealso:: :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.array_factor` and :ref:`beam_simulation_doc` """ f"Computing <class 'MiniArray'> beam ({self.size} " f"antennas, {sky.time.size} time and " f"{sky.frequency.size} frequency slots)." ) # Computing the Mini-Array effective area. # aeff = self.effective_area(sky.frequency).to(u.m**2).value # The beam is computed thanks to the Interferometer super method. # The returned value is only divided by Aeff. return super().beam( sky=sky, pointing=self.analog_pointing(pointing, configuration=configuration), return_complex=return_complex, normalize=normalize )# / aeff[None, :, None, None]
[docs] def effective_area(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, elevation: u.Quantity = 90*u.deg ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Computes the effective area of a NenuFAR Mini-Array. The effective area of a Mini-Array (:math:`\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ MA}`) is computed as the sum of dipole effective areas (:math:`\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff, ant}`), while taking into account overlaps. This is a function of ``frequency`` (:math:`\nu`) and ``elevation`` (:math:`\theta`): .. math:: \mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ MA} (\nu) = \sum_{\rm ant} \mathcal{A}_{\rm eff, ant} (\nu) \sin( \theta ) with .. math:: \mathcal{A}_{\rm eff, ant} (\nu) = \frac{\lambda^2}{3} the NenuFAR dipole antenna effective area. :param frequency: Frequency at which the effective area is computed. Default is 50 MHz. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param elevation: Elevation at which the effective area is computed. Default is 90 deg, i.e., as seen from the zenith. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :returns: Effective area of a Mini-Array shaped as ``frequency``. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :Example: >>> from nenupy.instru import MiniArray >>> import astropy.units as u >>> ma = MiniArray() >>> ma.effective_area(50*u.MHz) 227.68377 m2 >>> ma = MiniArray() >>> ma.effective_area(frequency=50*u.MHz, elevation=45*u.deg) 160.99673 m2 >>> ma = MiniArray()["Ant01"] >>> ma.effective_area(50*u.MHz) 11.979179 m2 >>> ma = MiniArray() >>> ma.effective_area(u.Quantity([20, 30, 40], unit='MHz')) [693.44216, 532.97815, 355.85306] m2 .. seealso:: :ref:`effective_area_sec` """ log.debug( f"Mini-Array effective area, using {self.size} Antennas." ) # Antenna Effective Area, formula for a dipole antenna. k = 3 wavelength = u.m, equivalencies=u.spectral() ) antenna_effective_area = wavelength**2 / k radius_ant_eff_area = np.sqrt(antenna_effective_area/np.pi) max_radius = np.max(radius_ant_eff_area) n = 500 # grid resolution ant_pos = self.antenna_positions * u.m x_grid = np.linspace( ant_pos[:, 0].min() - max_radius, ant_pos[:, 0].max() + max_radius, n ) dx = x_grid[1] - x_grid[0] y_grid = np.linspace( ant_pos[:, 1].min() - max_radius, ant_pos[:, 1].max() + max_radius, n ) dy = y_grid[1] - y_grid[0] xx_grid, yy_grid = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) dist = np.linalg.norm( ant_pos[:, :2][..., None, None] -\ np.array([xx_grid, yy_grid]) * u.m, axis=1 ) return np.sum( np.any( (dist <= radius_ant_eff_area) if radius_ant_eff_area.isscalar else\ (dist[..., None] <= radius_ant_eff_area), axis=0 ), axis=(0, 1) ) * dx * dy * np.sin(
[docs] def attenuation_from_zenith(self, coordinates, time: Time =, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, polarization: Polarization = Polarization.NW ): """ Returns the attenuation factor evaluated at given ``coordinates`` compared to the zenithal Mini-Array beam gain. :param coordinates: Sky positions equatorial coordinates. :type coordinates: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` :param time: UTC time at which the attenuation is evaluated. Default is ``now``. :type time: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` :param frequency: Frequency at which the attenuation is evaluated. Default is ``50 MHz``. :type frquency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param polarization: NenuFAR antenna polarization. Default is ``Polarization.NW``. :type polarization: :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.Polarization` :returns: Attenuation factor shaped as ``(time, frequency, polarization, coordinates)``. ``NaN`` is returned for any ``coordinates`` that is below the horizon. :rtype: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` :Example: >>> from nenupy.instru.nenufar import MiniArray >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> ma = MiniArray(index=0) >>> attenuation = ma.attenuation_from_zenith( coordinates=SkyCoord.from_name("Cyg A") ) >>> from nenupy.instru.nenufar import MiniArray >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> import astropy.units as u >>> ma = MiniArray(index=0) >>> attenuation = ma.attenuation_from_zenith( coordinates=SkyCoord.from_name("Cyg A"), frequency=np.linspace(20, 80, 10)*u.MHz ) .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ # Define the pointing towards the zenith pointing = Pointing.zenith_tracking( time=time.reshape((1,)), duration=TimeDelta(10, format="sec") ) # Compute the local zenith in equatorial coordinates local_zenith = SkyCoord(180, 90, unit="deg", frame=AltAz( obstime=time, location=nenufar_position ) ).transform_to(coordinates.frame) # Find the coordinates below the horizon and compute a mask input_coord_altaz = radec_to_altaz( radec=coordinates, time=time ) invisible_mask = input_coord_altaz.alt.deg <= 0 # Concatenate local_zenith and coordinates if coordinates.obstime is None: coordinates.obstime = local_zenith.obstime if coordinates.location is None: coordinates.location = local_zenith.location if coordinates.isscalar: coordinates = coordinates.reshape((1,)) coordinates = coordinates.insert(0, local_zenith) # Prepare a Sky instance for the beam simulation sky = Sky( coordinates=coordinates, frequency=frequency, time=time, polarization=polarization ) # Compute the beam beam = self.beam(sky=sky, pointing=pointing) # Compute the attenuation factor relative to the zenith (first member) values = beam.value.compute() output_values = values[..., 1:]/np.expand_dims(values[..., 0], 3) output_values[..., invisible_mask] = np.nan return output_values
[docs] @staticmethod def instrument_temperature(frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, lna_filter: int = 0) -> u.Quantity: """ Instrument temperature at a given ``frequency``. This depends on the `Low Noise Amplifier <>`_ characteristics. :param frequency: Frequency at which computing the instrument temperature. Default is ``50 MHz``. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param lna_filter: Local Noise Amplifier high-pass filter selection. Available values are ``0, 1, 2, 3``. They correspond to minimal frequencies ``10, 15, 20, 25 MHz`` respectively. Default is ``0``, i.e., 10 MHz filter. :type lna_filter: `int` :returns: Instrument temperature in Kelvins :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` .. warning:: For the time being, only ``lna_filter`` values ``0`` and ``3`` are available. :Example: >>> from nenupy.instru import MiniArray >>> import astropy.units as u >>> ma = MiniArray() >>> ma.instrument_temperature(frequency=70*u.MHz) 526.11213 K .. seealso:: :func:`~nenupy.astro.astro_tools.sky_temperature` """ return instrument_temperature(frequency=frequency, lna_filter=lna_filter)
def _order_to_skycoord(self, order: tuple) -> SkyCoord: """ """ pointing_grid = self._generate_analog_directions() return pointing_grid[order] def _skycoord_to_order(self, coordinates: SkyCoord) -> tuple: """ """ if coordinates.size != 1: raise ValueError( "Only size 1 `coordinates` are accepted." ) pointing_grid = self._generate_analog_directions() separations = coordinates.separation(pointing_grid) order = np.array( np.unravel_index( np.argmin(separations, axis=None), separations.shape ) ) order[order >= 64] -= 1 return tuple(order)
[docs] def beamsquint_correction(self, coords: SkyCoord, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz) -> SkyCoord: """ Corrects for the beamsquint effect. :Example: >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, AltAz >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from nenupy import nenufar_position >>> from nenupy.instru import MiniArray >>> position = SkyCoord( 0*u.deg, 30*u.deg, frame=AltAz( obstime=Time("2021-01-01 12:00:00"), location=nenufar_position ) ) >>> ma = MiniArray() >>> corrected_position = ma.beamsquint_correction( coords=position, frequency=50*u.MHz ) >>>, corrected_position.alt.deg (0., 22.91422672) """ freq_idx = np.argmin( np.abs(squint_table['freq'] - ) azimuths = elevations = coords.alt elevations = np.interp(elevations.deg, squint_table['elev_desiree'][freq_idx, :], squint_table['elev_a_pointer']) # Squint is limited at 20 deg elevation, otherwise the # pointing can vary drasticaly as the available pointing # positions become sparse at low elevation. # elevations[elevations < 20] = 20 return SkyCoord( azimuths, elevations * u.deg, frame=coords.frame )
[docs] def analog_pointing(self, pointing: Pointing, configuration: NenuFAR_Configuration) -> Pointing: """ Converts the desired pointing to the effective pointing which depends on the available pointing positions defined on a grid due to analog cable delays. """ # Put the horizontal coordinates in a good shape pointing_ho_coords = pointing.horizontal_coordinates # TODO try to copy instead of using a pointer which modifies the top object if pointing_ho_coords.isscalar: pointing_ho_coords = pointing_ho_coords.reshape((1,)) # Correct the pointing for beamsquint effect, that is, point at a # lower elevation than the one desired if configuration.beamsquint_correction: pointing_ho_coords = self.beamsquint_correction( coords=pointing_ho_coords, frequency=configuration.beamsquint_frequency ) coord = SkyCoord(, pointing_ho_coords.alt ) orders = list(map(self._skycoord_to_order, coord)) altaz_list = list(map(self._order_to_skycoord, orders)) azimuths = [position.ra.deg for position in altaz_list] * u.deg elevations = [position.dec.deg for position in altaz_list] * u.deg pointing.custom_ho_coordinates = SkyCoord( azimuths.reshape(pointing_ho_coords.shape), elevations.reshape(pointing_ho_coords.shape), frame=pointing_ho_coords.frame ) return pointing
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # #def _antenna_gain(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing): # return 1. @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _antenna_gain(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing): """ """ import dask.array as da gain = da.ones( ( sky.time.size, sky.frequency.size, sky.polarization.size, sky.coordinates.size ), dtype=np.float64 ) log.debug(f"Antenna gain shape: {gain.shape}.") for i, pol in enumerate(sky.polarization): if not isinstance(pol, Polarization): log.warning( f"Invalid value encountered in <attr 'Sky.polarization'>: '{pol}'. " f"Polarization has been set to '{Polarization.NW}' by default." ) pol = Polarization.NW gain[:, :, i, :] = pol.value[sky] return gain def _toITRF(self): """ """ return self.antenna_positions def _generate_analog_directions(self) -> SkyCoord: """ """ from astropy.coordinates import Latitude, Longitude, SkyCoord DX = 2*5.5 DY = DX*np.cos(np.pi/6) DMINX = 0.165 DMINY = DMINX*np.cos(np.pi/6) DMIN_D = DMINX/DX NBITS = 7 BITS = 2**(NBITS - 1) bits = np.arange(2*BITS) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(bits, bits) xx_mask = xx >= 64 yy_mask = yy >= 64 k1 = (xx - BITS + 1)*DMIN_D k2 = (BITS - 1 - yy)*DMIN_D k1[xx_mask] = (xx[xx_mask] - BITS)*DMIN_D k2[yy_mask] = (BITS - yy[yy_mask])*DMIN_D # theta = 0.5*np.arccos(1 - 2*(k1**2 + k2**2)) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): theta = np.pi/2 - ( 0.5*np.arccos(1 - 2*(k1**2 + k2**2)) ) bad_values = np.isnan(theta) # phi = np.arctan2(k2, k1) + np.pi phi = np.pi/2 - (np.arctan2(k2, k1) + np.pi) +"rad").value theta[bad_values] = -np.pi/2 phi[bad_values] = 0. return SkyCoord( Longitude(phi, unit="rad"), Latitude(theta, unit="rad"), ).T
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # -------------------------- NenuFAR -------------------------- # # ============================================================= #
[docs] class NenuFAR(Interferometer): """ Main class to handle a NenuFAR array. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :param miniarray_antennas: Mini-Arrays antennas selection. Default is ``numpy.r_[:19]``, i.e., the full 19 dipole antennas. See :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray` for different input values. :type miniarray_antennas: `numpy.ndarray` or `slice` :param include_remote_mas: Include or not the remote Mini-Arrays. Default is ``False``, i.e., only the dense 'core' of 96 Mini-Arrays is considered. :type include_remote_mas: `bool` :Example: Instantiating :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR`: >>> from nenupy.instru import NenuFAR >>> nenufar = NenuFAR() Sub-arraying on an existing :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR` instance: >>> sub_nenufar = NenuFAR()["MA001", "MA002", "MA104"] >>> sub_nenufar.antenna_names array(['MA001', 'MA002'], dtype='<U5') If :attr:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR.include_remote_mas` is ``True``, the remote Mini-Arrays are included in the array and selecting ``MA104`` as above would take this remote Mini-Array into account: >>> sub_nenufar = NenuFAR(include_remote_mas=True)["MA001", "MA002", "MA104"] >>> sub_nenufar.antenna_names array(['MA001', 'MA002', 'MA104'], dtype='<U5') Combining two :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR` instances: >>> nenufar1 = NenuFAR()["MA001", "MA006"] >>> nenufar2 = NenuFAR()["MA010", "MA056"] >>> resulting_array = nenufar1 + nenufar2 >>> resulting_array.antenna_names array(['MA001', 'MA006', 'MA010', 'MA056'], dtype='<U5') .. note:: The result of the addition operation, namely ``resulting_array`` in this example will conserve the properties of the first member, namely ``nenufar1``. This is particularly true for the attributes :attr:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR.include_remote_mas` and :attr:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR.miniarray_antennas`. .. seealso:: More details on this class usage can be found in :ref:`array_configuration_doc` and :ref:`instrument_properties_doc`. .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~NenuFAR.miniarray_antennas ~NenuFAR.include_remote_mas ~NenuFAR.miniarray_rotations ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.position ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_names ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_positions ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.antenna_gains ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.baselines ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.size .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~NenuFAR.beam ~NenuFAR.effective_area ~NenuFAR.attenuation_from_zenith ~NenuFAR.instrument_temperature ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.plot ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.array_factor ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.system_temperature ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sefd ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.sensitivity ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.angular_resolution ~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.confusion_noise .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, miniarray_antennas: np.ndarray = np.r_[:19], include_remote_mas: bool = False): self.miniarray_antennas = miniarray_antennas self.include_remote_mas = include_remote_mas antenna_names = np.array([ma for ma in nenufar_miniarrays.keys()]) antenna_positions = np.array( [ma['position'] for ma in nenufar_miniarrays.values()], dtype=np.float32 ) antenna_gains = np.array([ MiniArray( index=ma['id'] )[self.miniarray_antennas].beam for ma in nenufar_miniarrays.values() ]) if not self.include_remote_mas: # Exclude the distant Mini-Arrays from the element list mask_distant = ~np.array([name.startswith('MA1') for name in antenna_names]) antenna_names = antenna_names[mask_distant] antenna_positions = antenna_positions[mask_distant, :] antenna_gains = antenna_gains[mask_distant] super().__init__( position=nenufar_position, antenna_names=antenna_names, antenna_positions=antenna_positions, antenna_gains=antenna_gains ) def __repr__(self): """ """ return f"{self.__class__}(nMAS={self.size})" def __str__(self): """ """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}" # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def miniarray_rotations(self) -> u.Quantity: """ """ return np.array([ nenufar_miniarrays[ma]['rotation'] for ma in self.antenna_names ])*u.deg @property def miniarray_antennas(self): """ List of Mini-Array antennas. """ return self._miniarray_antennas @miniarray_antennas.setter def miniarray_antennas(self, antennas): self._miniarray_antennas = antennas @property def include_remote_mas(self) -> bool: """ """ return self._include_remote_mas @include_remote_mas.setter def include_remote_mas(self, include): if not isinstance(include, bool): raise TypeError( "`include_remote_mas` - Boolean value expected." ) self._include_remote_mas = include # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def beam(self, sky: Sky, pointing: Pointing, analog_pointing: Pointing = None, configuration: NenuFAR_Configuration = NenuFAR_Configuration(), return_complex: bool = False, normalize: bool = True ) -> Sky: r""" Computes the NenuFAR beam over the ``sky`` for a given ``pointing``. .. math:: \mathcal{G}_{\rm NenuFAR}(\nu, \phi, \theta) = \mathcal{F}_{\rm NenuFAR} (\nu, \phi, \theta) \sum_{\rm MA} \mathcal{G}_{\rm MA}(\nu, \phi, \theta) where :math:`\nu` is the frequency, :math:`\phi` is the azimuth, :math:`\theta` is the elevation, :math:`\mathcal{G}_{\rm MA}` is the MiniArray response (see :meth:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray.beam`) and :math:`\mathcal{F}_{\rm NenuFAR}` is the array factor. This method considers the ``sky`` as the desired output (in terms of time, frequency, polarization and sky positions). It evaluates the effective pointing directions for every time step defined in ``sky`` regarding the ``pointing`` input. :param sky: Desired output contained in a :class:`` instance. (:attr:``, :attr:``, :attr:`` and :attr:`` are used as inputs for the computation). :type sky: :class:`` :param pointing: Instance of :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` that defines the targeted **numerical** pointing directions over the time. :type pointing: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :param analog_pointing: Instance of :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` that defines the **analog** pointing directions over the time. This pointing is subject to beamsquint corrections. :type analog_pointing: :class:`~nenupy.astro.pointing.Pointing` :param configuration: NenuFAR configuration to consider during the beam simulation. The beamsquint correction and its frequency setting are defined here. Default is ``NenuFAR_Configuration(beamsquint_correction=True, beamsquint_frequency=50MHz)``. :type configuration: :class:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR_Configuration` :returns: The instance of :class:`` given as input is returned, its attribute :attr:`` is updated with the result of the beam computation (stored as an :class:`~dask.array.Array`) and shaped as ``(time, frequency, polarization, coordinates)``. :rtype: :class:`` .. seealso:: :meth:`~nenupy.instru.interferometer.Interferometer.array_factor` and :ref:`beam_simulation_doc` """ f"Computing <class 'NenuFAR'> beam ({self.size} " f"Mini-Arrays, {sky.time.size} time and " f"{sky.frequency.size} frequency slots)." ) # Sorting out the analog pointing, make it equal to the # numerical pointing if it is not specifically defined. if not analog_pointing: analog_pointing = pointing "Analog pointing is set according to the numerical pointing." ) # Computing the Array Factor of the whole NenuFAR array. array_factor = self.array_factor( sky=sky, pointing=pointing, return_complex=return_complex ) # Finding the unique Mini-Array rotations and the number # of MAs corresponding to each rotation. rots, indices, counts = np.unique(, return_counts=True, return_index=True ) # Summing all different (due to rotation) Mini-Array beam # patterns, although only executing it at most 6 times # because there could only be 6 different rotations. # Even though antGain updates the same sky instance, the # value attr * count creates new memeory allocations. antenna_gain = np.sum( np.array([ gain( sky=sky, pointing=analog_pointing, configuration=configuration, return_complex=return_complex, normalize=normalize ).value*count for gain, count in zip(self.antenna_gains[indices], counts) ]), axis=0 )/np.sum(counts) # TODO check that this is correct to normalize # Updating the sky object value array where the the sky # is above the horizon as the product of the NenuFAR array # factor and the combined Mini-Array gain patterns. sky.value = array_factor * antenna_gain return sky
[docs] def effective_area(self, frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, elevation: u.Quantity = 90*u.deg ) -> u.Quantity: r""" Computes the effective area of NenuFAR. The effective area of NenuFAR (:math:`\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ NenuFAR}`) is computed as :math:`n_{\rm Mini-Arrays}` times the effective area of one Mini-Array (:math:`\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ MA}`) as a function of the ``frequency`` :math:`\nu`, where :math:`n_{\rm Mini-Arrays}` is the number of Mini-Arrays included. This method also takes into account the active antennas within each Mini-Array (such as defined by :attr:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.NenuFAR.miniarray_antennas`). .. math:: \mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ NenuFAR} (\nu) = n_{\rm Mini-Arrays} \mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ MA} (\nu) :param frequency: Frequency at which the effective area is computed. Default is 50 MHz. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param elevation: Elevation at which the effective area is computed. Default is 90 deg, i.e., as seen from the zenith. :type elevation: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :returns: Effective area of NenuFAR shaped as ``frequency``. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :Example: >>> from nenupy.instru import NenuFAR >>> import astropy.units as u >>> nenufar = NenuFAR() >>> nenufar.effective_area(50*u.MHz) 18214.701 m2 >>> from nenupy.instru import NenuFAR >>> import astropy.units as u >>> nenufar = NenuFAR() >>> nenufar.effective_area(u.Quantity([20, 30, 40], unit='MHz')) [55475.372, 42638.252, 28468.245] m2 .. seealso:: :meth:`~nenupy.instru.nenufar.MiniArray.effective_area` for the computation of :math:`\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff,\ MA}` and :ref:`effective_area_sec`. """ log.debug( f"NenuFAR effective area, using {self.size} Mini-Arrays " f"of {self.miniarray_antennas.size} antennas each." ) # Compute the Mini-Array effective area. Select the active # antennas in case not all of them are used. By default the # MA 0 is used but it's the same for every MA. miniarray_effective_area = MiniArray()[self.miniarray_antennas].effective_area( frequency=frequency, elevation=elevation ) # The NenuFAR array effective area is then only the Mini-Array # effective area times the number of MAs since there is no # overlay between individual MA Aeff. return miniarray_effective_area * self.size
[docs] @staticmethod def instrument_temperature(frequency: u.Quantity = 50*u.MHz, lna_filter: int = 0) -> u.Quantity: """ Instrument temperature at a given ``frequency``. This depends on the `Low Noise Amplifier <>`_ characteristics. :param frequency: Frequency at which computing the instrument temperature. Default is ``50 MHz``. :type frequency: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param lna_filter: Local Noise Amplifier high-pass filter selection. Available values are ``0, 1, 2, 3``. They correspond to minimal frequencies ``10, 15, 20, 25 MHz`` respectively. Default is ``0``, i.e., 10 MHz filter. :type lna_filter: `int` :returns: Instrument temperature in Kelvins :rtype: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :Example: >>> from nenupy.instru import MiniArray >>> import astropy.units as u >>> ma = MiniArray() >>> ma.instrument_temperature(frequency=70*u.MHz) 526.11213 K .. seealso:: :func:`~nenupy.astro.astro_tools.sky_temperature` """ return instrument_temperature(frequency=frequency, lna_filter=lna_filter)
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _toITRF(self): """ """ t = Transformer.from_crs( crs_from='EPSG:2154', # RGF93 crs_to='EPSG:4896'# ITRF2005 ) antPos = self.antenna_positions.copy() antPos[:, 0], antPos[:, 1], antPos[:, 2] = t.transform( xx=antPos[:, 0], yy=antPos[:, 1], zz=antPos[:, 2] ) return antPos
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