Source code for

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Statistics file tools

__author__ = 'Alan Loh'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2021, nenupy'
__credits__ = ['Alan Loh']
__maintainer__ = 'Alan'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'
__all__ = [

from abc import ABC
import operator
import re
from typing import Callable
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from astropy.modeling import fitting
from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from scipy import ndimage

from nenupy.instru.instrument_tools import sb2freq

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ops = {
    '<=': operator.le,
    '==': operator.eq,

# ============================================================= #
# ---------------------- StatisticsData ----------------------- #
# ============================================================= #
[docs] class StatisticsData(ABC): """ """ def __init__(self, file_name: str): self.file_name = file_name #self.instrument = None #self.pointing = None self._meta_data = {} self._lazy_load() @property def frequencies(self) -> u.Quantity: """Returns the mid frequency of the recorded subbands.""" return self._frequencies @frequencies.setter def frequencies(self, freqs: u.Quantity) -> None: self._frequencies = freqs def _lazy_load(self): """ """ with, mode='readonly', ignore_missing_end=True, memmap=True ) as f: # Metadata loading # self.meta['hea'] = f[0].header self._meta_data['ins'] = f[1].data self._meta_data['obs'] = f[2].data self._meta_data['ana'] = f[3].data self._meta_data['bea'] = f[4].data self._meta_data['pan'] = f[5].data self._meta_data['pbe'] = f[6].data # # Data loading self.time = Time(f[7].data['JD'], format='jd') = f[7].data['data'] try: # For XST data, the frequencies are in the data extension # self.frequencies = sb2freq( # np.unique(f[7].data['xstsubband']).astype("int") # ) + 195.3125*u.kHz/2 # mid frequency self.frequencies = sb2freq( f[7].data['xstsubband'].astype("int") ) + 195.3125*u.kHz/2 # mid frequency except KeyError: pass return @staticmethod def _parse_condition(conditions, converter): """ """ condition_list = conditions.replace(" ", "").split("&") cond = [] for condition in condition_list: try: op ='((>=)|(<=)|(==)|(<)|(>))', condition).group(0) val ='(?<={op})(.*)', condition).group(0) except AttributeError: log.error( f"Selection syntax '{condition}' not understood." ) raise val = converter(val) op = ops[op] cond.append( lambda x, op=op, val=val: op(converter(x), val) ) if len(cond) == 2: return lambda x, cond1=cond[0], cond2=cond[1]: operator.and_(cond1(x), cond2(x)) elif len(cond) == 1: return cond[0] else: raise Exception def _parse_time_condition(self, conditions): """ """ return self._parse_condition(conditions, lambda t: Time(t).jd) def _parse_frequency_condition(self, conditions): """ """ return self._parse_condition(conditions, lambda f: u.Quantity(f))
# ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= # # ------------------------- ST_Slice -------------------------- # # ============================================================= # class InconsistentShapeError(Exception): """ Error raised when an operation between two ST_Slice objects is performed although they have different time and freequency axes. """ def __init__(self): self.message = ( "Operation between two ST_Slice instances with " "un-identical time and frequency axes is prohibited." ) super().__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): return f"{self.message}"
[docs] class ST_Slice: """ Class to handle data sub-set from Statistical data. .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~ST_Slice.time ~ST_Slice.frequency ~ST_Slice.value ~ST_Slice.analog_pointing_times ~ST_Slice.digital_pointing_times .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~ST_Slice.plot ~ST_Slice.rebin ~ST_Slice.fit_transit ~ST_Slice.flatten_frequency ~ST_Slice.flatten_time ~ST_Slice.clear_pointing_switch .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, time: Time, frequency: u.Quantity, value: np.ndarray, analog_pointing_times: Time = Time([], format='jd'), digital_pointing_times: Time = Time([], format='jd') ): self._time = time self._frequency = frequency self._value = value self._analog_pointing_times = analog_pointing_times self._digital_pointing_times = digital_pointing_times def __and__(self, other): """ Concatenates two ST_Slice in frequency. """ if not all(self.time == other.time): raise ValueError( f"The {ST_Slice} objects to concatenate in " "frequency do not have equal time axes." ) f"Concatenating in frequency ({self.frequency.size}, {other.frequency.size})." ) if self.frequency.max() < other.frequency.min(): new_data = np.hstack((self.value, other.value)) new_freq = np.concatenate((self.frequency, other.frequency)) else: new_data = np.hstack((other.value, self.value)) new_freq = np.concatenate((other.frequency, self.frequency)) unique_freqs_nb = np.unique(new_freq).size if unique_freqs_nb != new_freq.size: log.warning( f"There are {new_freq.size - unique_freqs_nb} overlaps in the frequency axis." ) return ST_Slice( time=self.time, frequency=new_freq, value=new_data, analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times ) def __or__(self, other): """ Concatenates two ST_Slice in time. """ if not all(self.frequency == other.frequency): raise ValueError( f"The {ST_Slice} objects to concatenate in " "time do not have equal frequency axes." ) f"Concatenating in time ({self.time.size}, {other.time.size})." ) if self.time.max() < other.time.min(): new_data = np.hstack((self.value, other.value)) new_time = Time(np.hstack((self.time.jd, other.time.jd)), format='jd') new_ana_times = Time(np.hstack((self.analog_pointing_times.jd, other.analog_pointing_times.jd)), format='jd') new_digi_times = Time(np.hstack((self.digital_pointing_times.jd, other.digital_pointing_times.jd)), format='jd') else: new_data = np.hstack((other.value, self.value)) new_time = Time(np.hstack((other.time.jd, self.time.jd)), format='jd') new_ana_times = Time(np.hstack((other.analog_pointing_times.jd, self.analog_pointing_times.jd)), format='jd') new_digi_times = Time(np.hstack((other.digital_pointing_times.jd, self.digital_pointing_times.jd)), format='jd') # unique_times_nb = np.unique(new_time).size # if unique_times_nb != new_time.size: # log.warning( # f"There are {new_time.size - unique_times_nb} overlaps in the time axis." # ) return ST_Slice( time=new_time, frequency=self.frequency, value=new_data, analog_pointing_times=new_ana_times, digital_pointing_times=new_digi_times ) def __getitem__(self, slice_tuple): """ (time, frequency) """ # Expects an explicit tuple of length 2 if not (isinstance(slice_tuple, tuple) and\ (len(slice_tuple) == 2) and\ all([isinstance(s, slice) for s in slice_tuple]) ): raise IndexError("Only tuple of two slices allowed.") return ST_Slice( time=self.time[slice_tuple[0]], frequency=self.frequency[slice_tuple[1]], value=self.value[slice_tuple], analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times ) def __add__(self, other): """ """ return self._operation_with_other(other, np.add) def __sub__(self, other): """ """ return self._operation_with_other(other, np.subtract) def __mul__(self, other): """ """ return self._operation_with_other(other, np.multiply) def __truediv__(self, other): """ """ return self._operation_with_other(other, np.divide) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def time(self) -> Time: """ Data record times. :getter: Time array. :type: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` """ return self._time @property def frequency(self) -> u.Quantity: """ Data record frequencies. :getter: Frequency array. :type: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` """ return self._frequency @property def value(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Data values. :getter: Values array. :type: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` """ return self._value @property def analog_pointing_times(self) -> Time: """ Analog pointing start times corresponding to this data set. :getter: Starting times array. :type: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` """ return self._analog_pointing_times @property def digital_pointing_times(self) -> Time: """ Digital pointing start times corresponding to this data set. :getter: Starting times array. :type: :class:`~astropy.time.Time` """ return self._digital_pointing_times # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def plot(self, fig_ax=None, **kwargs): r""" Plots the data, while automatically taking into account its shape (lightcurve, spectrum or dynamic spectrum). Several parameters, listed below, can be tuned to adapt the plot to the user requirements: .. rubric:: Data display keywords :param decibel: If set to ``True``, the data will be displayed in a decibel scale (i.e., :math:`{\rm dB} = 10 \log_{10}({\rm data})`). Default is ``True``. :type decibel: `bool` :param xmin: Minimal x-axis value (could be either time or frequency units depending on the data shape). Default is automatic scaling. :type xmin: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` or :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDatetime` :param xmax: Maximal x-axis value (could be either time or frequency units depending on the data shape). Default is automatic scaling. :type xmax: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` or :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDatetime` :param ymin: Minimal y-axis value (could be either data amplitude or frequency units depending on the data shape). Default is automatic scaling. :type ymin: `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param ymax: Maximal y-axis value (could be either data amplitude or frequency units depending on the data shape). Default is automatic scaling. :type ymax: `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param vmin: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Minimal data value to display. :type vmin: `float` :param vmax: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Maximal data value to display. :type vmax: `float` .. rubric:: Overplot keywords :param vlines: *Temporal plot only*. Adds vertical lines at specific times. The expected format is an array of :class:`~astropy.time.TimeDatetime`. Default is ``[]``. :type vlines: [:class:`~astropy.time.TimeDatetime`] :param analog_pointing: *Temporal plot only*. Overplots vertical dot-dashed black lines at analog pointing start times. Default is ``False``. :type analog_pointing: `bool` :param digital_pointing: *Temporal plot only*. Overplots vertical dotted black lines at analog pointing start times. Default is ``False``. :type digital_pointing: `bool` :param hatched_overlay: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Produces a hatched overlay on top of the dynamic spectrum. The expected format is ``(time, frequency, hatched_array)`` where ``hatched_array`` is a boolean :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, shaped as (frequency, time), set to ``True`` where a hatched cell should be drawn. Default is ``None``. :type hatched_overlay: (:class:`~astropy.time.Time`, :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`) .. rubric:: Plotting layout keywords :param figname: Name of the file (absolute or relative path) to save the figure. Default is ``''`` (i.e., only show the figure). :type figname: `str` :param figsize: Set the figure size. Default is ``(15, 7)``. :type figsize: `tuple` :param title: Set the figure title. Default is ``''``. :type title: `str` :param colorbar_label: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Label of the color bar. Default is ``'Amp'`` if ``decibel=False`` and ``'dB'`` otherwise. :type colorbar_label: `str` :param cmap: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Color map used to represent the data. Default is ``'YlGnBu_r'``. :type cmap: `str` :Example: .. code-block:: python from import BST from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta import astropy.units as u import numpy as np # Select BST data bst = BST("/path/to/BST.fits") data = bst.get() # Prepare a boolean array to overlay a hatched pattern hatch_array = np.zeros((30, 300), dtype=bool) hatch_array[5:20, 100:200] = True # Specify time and frequency arrays time_dts = np.arange(300)*TimeDelta(1, format='sec') times = Time("2022-01-24T11:01:00") + time_dts frequencies = np.linspace(47, 52, 30)*u.MHz # Plot data.plot( hatched_overlay=( times, frequencies, hatch_array ) ) """ # Initialize the figure if fig_ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs.get("figsize", (15, 7))) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig, ax = fig_ax data = self.value.T if kwargs.get("decibel", True): data = 10*np.log10(data) if len(data.shape) == 2: self._plot_dynamic_spectrum(data, ax, fig, **kwargs) elif (len(data.shape) == 1) and (data.size == self.frequency.size): self._plot_spectrum(data, ax, fig, **kwargs) elif (len(data.shape) == 1) and (data.size == self.time.size): self._plot_lightcurve(data, ax, fig, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Problem...") # Axes limits xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_xlim(kwargs.get("xmin", xmin), kwargs.get("xmax", xmax)) ax.set_ylim(kwargs.get("ymin", ymin), kwargs.get("ymax", ymax)) # Title ax.set_title(kwargs.get("title", "")) # Add minor ticks ax.minorticks_on() # Save or show the figure figname = kwargs.get("figname", "") if figname != "": fig.savefig( figname, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True )"Figure '{figname}' saved.") elif fig_ax is not None: return else: plt.close("all")
[docs] def rebin(self, dt: u.Quantity = None, df: u.Quantity = None, method: str = "mean"): """ Rebins the data in time and frequency. :param dt: Time bin widths. Default is ``None`` (i.e., no rebin in time). :type dt: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param df: Frequency bin widths. Default is ``None`` (i.e., no rebin in frequency). :type df: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param method: Type of method for rebin purpose (either ``'mean'`` or ``'median'``). Default is ``'mean'``. :type method: `str` :returns: Rebinned data. :rtype: :class:`` :Example: .. code-block:: python from import BST import astropy.units as u bst = BST("/path/to/BST.fits") data = bst.get() rebin_data = data.rebin( dt=3*u.s, df=2*u.MHz ) """ time = self.time.copy() frequency = self.frequency.copy() value = self.value.copy() # Define the type of rebin if method.lower() == "mean": rebin_method = np.nanmean elif method.lower() == "median": rebin_method = np.nanmedian else: raise ValueError("`method` should either be 'mean' or 'median'.") # Dynamic spectrum if len(value.shape) == 2: rebin_t_indices = self._rebin_time_indices(dt=dt) if rebin_t_indices is not None: value = rebin_method( value[rebin_t_indices, :], axis=1 ) time = Time(np.nanmean(time.jd[rebin_t_indices], axis=1), format='jd') rebin_f_indices = self._rebin_frequency_indices(df=df) if rebin_f_indices is not None: value = rebin_method( value[:, rebin_f_indices], axis=2 ) frequency = np.nanmean(frequency[rebin_f_indices], axis=1) value = value.squeeze() # Spectrum elif (len(value.shape) == 1) and (value.size == frequency.size): rebin_indices = self._rebin_frequency_indices(df=df) if rebin_indices is not None: value = rebin_method(value[rebin_indices], axis=1) frequency = np.nanmean(frequency[rebin_indices], axis=1) # Light curve elif (len(value.shape) == 1) and (value.size == time.size): rebin_indices = self._rebin_time_indices(dt=dt) if rebin_indices is not None: value = rebin_method(value[rebin_indices], axis=1) time = Time(np.nanmean(time.jd[rebin_indices], axis=1), format='jd') else: raise ValueError("Problem...") return ST_Slice( time=time, frequency=frequency, value=value, analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times )
# def rebin(array, x_step: int = None, y_step: int = None) -> np.ndarray: # """ # array: 2D array dimensions=(x, y) # x_step: integer value such that x//x_step = 0 # y_step: integer value such that y//y_step = 0 # """ # if x_step is not None: # x_size_final = array.shape[0]/x_step # if not x_size_final.is_integer(): # raise ValueError(f'Array x dimension {array.shape[0]} is not divisible by {x_step}.') # if array.ndim == 2: # array = np.nanmean( # array.reshape((int(x_size_final), x_step, array.shape[1])), # axis=1 # ) # elif array.ndim == 1: # array = np.nanmean( # array.reshape((int(x_size_final), x_step)), # axis=1 # ) # else: # raise ValueError(f'Array dimension {array.ndim} is not supported.') # if y_step is not None: # if array.ndim != 2: # raise ValueError('Only 2D arrays.') # y_size_final = array.shape[1]/y_step # if not y_size_final.is_integer(): # raise ValueError(f'Array y dimension {array.shape[1]} is not divisible by {y_step}.') # array = np.nanmean( # array.reshape((array.shape[0], int(y_size_final), y_step)), # axis=2 # ) # return array # def rebin(array: np.ndarray, new_shape: tuple): # def get_compressor(old_dimension, new_dimension): # dim_compressor = np.zeros((new_dimension, old_dimension)) # bin_size = float(old_dimension) / new_dimension # next_bin_break = bin_size # row_i = 0 # column_i = 0 # while row_i < dim_compressor.shape[0] and column_i < dim_compressor.shape[1]: # if round(next_bin_break - column_i, 10) >= 1: # dim_compressor[row_i, column_i] = 1 # column_i += 1 # elif next_bin_break == column_i: # row_i += 1 # next_bin_break += bin_size # else: # partial_credit = next_bin_break - column_i # dim_compressor[row_i, column_i] = partial_credit # row_i += 1 # dim_compressor[row_i, column_i] = 1 - partial_credit # column_i += 1 # next_bin_break += bin_size # dim_compressor /= bin_size # return dim_compressor # row_compressor = get_compressor(array.shape[0], new_shape[0]) # if array.ndim == 2: # column_compressor = get_compressor(array.shape[1], new_shape[1]).T # return np.matmul(np.matmul(row_compressor, array), column_compressor) # elif array.ndim == 1: # return np.matmul(row_compressor, array) # else: # raise ValueError('Only 1D or 2D arrays are allowed.')
[docs] def clean_rfi(self, t_sigma: float = 1, f_sigma: float = 1): """ """ cleaned_values = self.value.copy() std = np.nanstd(cleaned_values) frequency_median = np.nanmedian(cleaned_values, axis=0) time_median = np.nanmedian(cleaned_values, axis=1) cleaned_values[cleaned_values >= frequency_median[None, :] + std*f_sigma] = np.nan cleaned_values[cleaned_values >= time_median[:, None] + std*t_sigma] = np.nan return ST_Slice( time=self.time, frequency=self.frequency, value=cleaned_values, analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times )
[docs] def fit_transit(self, only_gaussian: bool = False, upper_threshold=None, **kwargs): """ Do a fit. kwargs filter_window (default (200)) """ from scipy.optimize import curve_fit def analog_switch_load(t, coeff_a=1., coeff_b=1.): """ f(t) = a log_10(t) + b """ return coeff_a*np.log10(t) + coeff_b def gaussian(t, amp=1., mu=1., sig=1.): return amp*np.exp(-np.power(t - mu, 2.) / (2*np.power(sig, 2.))) def poly(t, c1=1.):#, c2=1.):#, c3): return c1*t#, c1*np.power(t, 2.)# + c3 def combined(t, coeff_a, coeff_b, amp, mu, sig, c1): return analog_switch_load(t, coeff_a, coeff_b) + gaussian(t, amp, mu, sig) + poly(c1) data = self.value.copy() x_data_to_fit = np.arange(data.size) + 1 if upper_threshold is not None: data_mask = data < upper_threshold data = data[data_mask] x_data_to_fit = x_data_to_fit[data_mask] else: data_mask = np.ones(data.size, dtype=bool) data[np.isnan(data)] = np.nanmedian(data) if only_gaussian: filtered_data = ndimage.median_filter( data, size=kwargs.get("filter_window", (100)) ) max_data = filtered_data.max() # Cut around the maximum (and only conserve the values around the peak) # The maximum is computed over a median-smoothed version of the data to get rid of the RFIs. mask = filtered_data >= max_data/2. groups = np.split(np.arange(data.size), np.where(np.diff(mask) != 0)[0]+1) max_in_group_mask = [np.argmax(filtered_data) in group for group in groups] indices = groups[np.argwhere(max_in_group_mask)[0][0]] data = data[indices] data /= data.max()#max_data popt, pcov = curve_fit( gaussian, x_data_to_fit, data, p0=[1, np.mean(x_data_to_fit), 10], method="trf", bounds=( [0.5, 0, 0.1], [1.2, x_data_to_fit.max(), x_data_to_fit.max()]) ) x_data = np.arange(self.value.size) + 1 fitted_values = max_data*gaussian(x_data - indices[0], *popt) interpolated_time_jd = np.interp( popt[1] + indices[0], x_data, self.time.jd ) # Chi square # stdev = np.std(data) expected = gaussian(x_data_to_fit, *popt) chi_square = np.sum( (data - expected)**2/expected ) # p value # from scipy.stats import chi2, ttest_ind # df = x_data_to_fit.size-1 # or dof of the gaussian? # chi2.sf(chi_2, df) else: max_data = data.max() data /= max_data popt, pcov = curve_fit( combined, x_data_to_fit, data, p0=[1e-3, np.nanmin(data), 1., np.mean(x_data_to_fit), x_data_to_fit.max()/20, 0.], method="trf", bounds=( #coeff_a, coeff_b, amp, mu, sig, c1 [1e-5, 0, 1e-3, 0, x_data_to_fit.max()/35, -1e3], [1e3, np.nanmin(data), 1.5, x_data_to_fit.max(), x_data_to_fit.max()/20, 1e3]) ) fitted_values = max_data*combined(np.arange(self.time.size) + 1, *popt) interpolated_time_jd = np.interp(popt[3], x_data_to_fit, self.time.jd[data_mask]) # Chi square # Evaluate the chis2 on a reduce interval around the transit peak peak_index = int(np.floor(popt[3])) mask = fitted_values >= fitted_values[peak_index] - (fitted_values[peak_index]-max_data*popt[1])/2. groups = np.split(np.arange(fitted_values.size), np.where(np.diff(mask) != 0)[0]+1) peak_in_group_mask = [peak_index in group for group in groups] indices = groups[np.argwhere(peak_in_group_mask)[0][0]] #chi_square = np.sum((self.value - fitted_values)**2/fitted_values) # plt.plot(data[indices]*max_data, label="data") # plt.plot(fitted_values[indices], label="fit") # plt.legend() # # stop expected = combined(x_data_to_fit, *popt) chi_square = np.sum( (data[indices] - expected[indices])**2/expected[indices] ) # chi_square = np.sum( # (self.value[indices] - fitted_values[indices])**2/fitted_values[indices] # ) #degree_of_freedom = self.value.size - 6 # Compute the fitted transit time transit_time = Time(interpolated_time_jd, format="jd") return ST_Slice( time=self.time, frequency=self.frequency, value=fitted_values, analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times ), transit_time, chi_square, popt
[docs] def flatten_frequency(self): """ """ return self/np.nanmedian(self.value, axis=0)[None, :]
[docs] def flatten_time(self): """ """ return self/np.nanmedian(self.value, axis=1)[:, None]
[docs] def median_filter(self, filter_size=None ): """ """ if filter_size is None: filter_size = tuple((np.array(self.value.shape)/10).astype(int).tolist()) return ST_Slice( time=self.time, frequency=self.frequency, value=ndimage.median_filter(self.value, size=filter_size), analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times )
[docs] def clear_pointing_switch(self, flatten_frequency: bool = True, pointing_dt: TimeDelta = TimeDelta(6*60, format="sec"), peak_sample_error: int = 2, return_correction: bool = False ): r""" .. math:: p(t) = a \log(t) + bt^2 + ct + d """ # Prepare the data by computing the median time profile if flatten_frequency: # The median time profile is computed after the data have been flattened in frequency. # This decreases fit domination by the most sensitive part of the spectrum. median_frequency_profile = np.nanmedian(self.value, axis=0) median_time_profile = np.nanmedian(self.value/median_frequency_profile[None, :], axis=1) else: # Keep the frequency responce while performing the median in time. median_time_profile = np.nanmedian(self.value, axis=1) time_profile_max = median_time_profile.max() median_time_profile_normalized = median_time_profile/time_profile_max # ------ Find fixed analog pointing time slots ------ # NenuFar analog pointing is applied once every `pointing_dt` (usually 6 min). # Find the minimal distance, in sample unit, between two peaks. data_dt_sec = (self.time[1] - self.time[0]).sec pointing_dt_sec = pointing_dt.sec pointing_dstance = int(np.round(pointing_dt_sec/data_dt_sec)) # The minimal distance is taken `peak_sample_error` samples short to give an error margin minimal_sample_distance_between_peaks = pointing_dstance - peak_sample_error # Find peaks over the gradient of the time profile time_profile_gradient = np.gradient(median_time_profile_normalized) peak_indices, _ = find_peaks( -time_profile_gradient, height=np.std(time_profile_gradient)*2, distance=minimal_sample_distance_between_peaks ) # The gradient shift the peak indices by -1 peak_indices += 1 # Add first and last indices if they have not been picked up peak_indices = np.insert(peak_indices, 0, 0) peak_indices = np.append(peak_indices, self.value.shape[0]) peak_indices = np.unique(peak_indices) # ------ Fit each pointing interval ------ # Define the fitting function @custom_model def nenufar_switch_load(time, a=1., b=1., c=1., d=1.): """ """ return a*np.log10(time) + b + c*time**2 + d*time # Loop over each pointing slot to fit the function switch_correction = np.ones(self.time.size) for start_idx, stop_idx in zip(peak_indices[:-1], peak_indices[1:]): # Select the time profile portion between two peaks interval_profile = median_time_profile_normalized[start_idx:stop_idx] # Perform the fitting switch_model = nenufar_switch_load(1., interval_profile.min()) fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() times = 1 + np.arange(interval_profile.size) switch_model_fit = fitter(switch_model, times, interval_profile) # Update the fit correction switch_correction[start_idx:stop_idx] *= switch_model_fit(times) # ------ Return the corrected data ------ new_st_slice = self/switch_correction[:, None] if return_correction: return new_st_slice, switch_correction else: return new_st_slice
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _overplot_pointings(self, ax, **kwargs): """ Overplot vertical lines """ if kwargs.get("analog_pointing", False): for time_i in self.analog_pointing_times: ax.axvline(time_i.datetime, color="black", linestyle="-.", alpha=0.5) if kwargs.get("digital_pointing", False): for time_i in self.digital_pointing_times: ax.axvline(time_i.datetime, color="black", linestyle=":", alpha=0.5) def _plot_spectrum(self, data, ax, fig, **kwargs): """ Plots a spectrum. """ ax.plot(, data, color=kwargs.get("color", None), label=kwargs.get("label", None) ) # X label ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (MHz)") # Y label ax.set_ylabel("dB" if kwargs.get("decibel", True) else "Amp") def _plot_lightcurve(self, data, ax, fig, **kwargs): """ Plots a ligthcurve. """ ax.plot( self.time.datetime, data, label=kwargs.get("label", None), color=kwargs.get("color", None) ) # Display pointings self._overplot_pointings(ax, **kwargs) for vline in kwargs.get("vlines", []): ax.axvline(vline, linestyle="--") # X label ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mdates.DateFormatter("%H:%M:%S") ) fig.autofmt_xdate() ax.set_xlabel(f"Time (UTC since {self.time[0].isot})") # Y label ax.set_ylabel("dB" if kwargs.get("decibel", True) else "Amp") def _plot_dynamic_spectrum(self, data, ax, fig, **kwargs): """ Plots a dynamic spectrum. """ im = ax.pcolormesh( self.time.datetime,, data, shading="auto", cmap=kwargs.get("cmap", "YlGnBu_r"), vmin=kwargs.get("vmin", np.nanpercentile(data, 5)), vmax=kwargs.get("vmax", np.nanpercentile(data, 95)) ) # Display pointings self._overplot_pointings(ax, **kwargs) for vline in kwargs.get("vlines", []): ax.axvline(vline, linestyle="--") if kwargs.get("hatched_overlay", None) is not None: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() overlay_time, overlay_frequency, overlay_values = kwargs["hatched_overlay"] ax.contourf( overlay_time.datetime,, overlay_values, levels=[0, 1], hatches=[None, '/'], colors='none', extend='both', ) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, pad=0.03)#format='%.1e') cbar.set_label(kwargs.get("colorbar_label", "dB" if kwargs.get("decibel", True) else "Amp")) # cax = inset_axes( # ax, # width='3%', # height='100%', # loc='lower left', # bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 0., 1, 1), # bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, # borderpad=0, # ) # cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # # cbar = plt.colorbar(im, pad=0.03) # cbar.set_label(kwargs.get("colorbar_label", "dB" if kwargs.get("decibel", True) else "Amp")) # X label ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mdates.DateFormatter("%H:%M:%S") ) fig.autofmt_xdate() ax.set_xlabel(f"Time (UTC since {self.time[0].isot})") # Y label ax.set_ylabel(f"Frequency (MHz)") def _rebin_frequency_indices(self, df: u.Quantity) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the indices of self.value to rebin in frequencies. """ # Check that there is an even distribution of frequencies if df is None: return None elif not np.unique(np.diff(self.frequency)).size == 1: log.error( "Impossible to rebin, the frequency range is not uniformly distributed." ) raise Exception() df_mhz = data_df = self.frequency[1] - self.frequency[0] data_df_mhz = n_bins = int(np.floor(df_mhz/data_df_mhz)) if n_bins > self.frequency.size: n_bins = self.frequency.size elif n_bins == 0: log.warning( f"No frequency rebin applied, {} <= {}." ) return None return np.arange(n_bins)[None, :] + n_bins*np.arange(self.frequency.size//n_bins)[:, None] def _rebin_time_indices(self, dt: u.Quantity = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the indices of self.value to rebin in times. """ # TO DO IN DASK but not optimized yet... # import dask.array as da # arr = da.from_array(np.arange(100)) # nbins = 9 # bins = da.from_array(np.arange(nbins))[None, :] + da.from_array(nbins*np.arange(arr.size//nbins))[:, None] # arr.vindex[bins].compute() if dt is None: return None obs_dt = (self.time[1] - self.time[0]).sec * u.s n_bins = int( np.floor( (dt/obs_dt).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value ) ) if n_bins > self.time.size: n_bins = self.time.size elif n_bins == 0: log.warning( f"No time rebin applied, {} <= {}." ) return None return np.arange(n_bins)[None, :] + n_bins*np.arange(self.time.size//n_bins)[:, None] def _operation_with_other(self, other, operation: Callable): """ """ if type(other) is type(self): # If `other` is a ST_Slice # Check if they have the same frequency and time axes same_frequency_size = self.frequency.size == other.frequency.size same_time_size = self.time.size == other.time.size if (not same_frequency_size) or (not same_time_size): raise InconsistentShapeError # Check if they have the same frequency and time axes same_frequencies = np.all(self.frequency == other.frequency) same_times = np.all(self.time == other.time) if (not same_frequencies) or (not same_times): raise InconsistentShapeError # Find out if any of the instances have their pointings filled up analog_pointings = [self.analog_pointing_times, other.analog_pointing_times] digital_pointings = [self.digital_pointing_times, other.digital_pointing_times] analog_id_max = np.argmax(list(map(len, analog_pointings))) digital_id_max = np.argmax(list(map(len, digital_pointings))) # Return a new object, while performing a numpy operation return ST_Slice( time=self.time, frequency=self.frequency, value=operation(self.value, other.value), analog_pointing_times=analog_pointings[analog_id_max], digital_pointing_times=digital_pointings[digital_id_max] ) else: # Perform a normal numpy operation return ST_Slice( time=self.time, frequency=self.frequency, value=operation(self.value, other), analog_pointing_times=self.analog_pointing_times, digital_pointing_times=self.digital_pointing_times ) @staticmethod def _smooth_data(x, window_length=150, sigma_clip=1.5, iterations=2): data = x.copy() if window_length > data.size: raise IndexError( f"window_length: {window_length} > data size: {data.size}." ) while iterations != 0: window_indices = np.arange(window_length) slide_indices = np.arange(data.size - window_length + 1) sliding_window_indices = window_indices[None, :] + slide_indices[:, None] windows_stds = np.nanstd(data[sliding_window_indices], axis=1) windows_medians = np.nanmedian(data[sliding_window_indices], axis=1) thresholds = windows_medians + sigma_clip*windows_stds problems_indices = data[sliding_window_indices] >= thresholds[:, None] index_problems = np.unique(sliding_window_indices[problems_indices]) for pb_idx in index_problems: sliding_windows_affected = np.any( np.isin(sliding_window_indices, pb_idx), axis=1 ) data[pb_idx] = np.median(windows_medians[sliding_windows_affected]) iterations -= 1 window_length = int(window_length//2) return data
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