Source code for

    Time-frequency data

    .. inheritance-diagram::
        :parts: 2

    .. autosummary::


import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Any, Callable
from functools import partial
import inspect
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import as utils
from nenupy.beamlet import SData

__all__ = ["TFTask", "TFPipeline", "Spectra"]

    ("idx", "uint64"),  # first effective sample index used for this block
    ("TIMESTAMP", "uint64"),  # TIMESTAMP of first sample used for this block
    ("BLOCKSEQNUMBER", "uint64"),  # BLOCKSEQNUMBER of first sample used for this block
    ("fftlen", "int32"),  # fftlen : FFT length -> freq resolution= 0.1953125/fftlen MHz
    ),  # nfft2int : Nber of integrated FFTs -> time resolution= fftlen*nfft2int*5.12 us
    ("fftovlp", "int32"),  # fftovlp : FFToverlap : 0 (for none) or fftlen/2
    ),  # apodisation with 0 : none (01 to 99 : a generic K=1 cosine-sum window with coefficient 0.xx, 101 : hamming window, 102 : hann window)
    ),  # nffte : nber of FFTs to be read per beamlet within this block (so we have 'nffte' spectra/timesample per block)
    ),  # nbchan : nber of subsequent beamlets/channels or nber of NenuFAR/LOFAR 195kHz beamlets, set to a NEGATIVE value when data packets lost ! (so we have 'fftlen*nbchan' frequencies for each spectra)

SUBBAND_WIDTH = 195312.5 * u.Hz


# ============================================================= #
# -------------------------- TFTask --------------------------- #
[docs] class TFTask: """Class to handle a single task/operation designed to be applied to time-frequency data. :param name: Name of the task (it can be anything). :type name: str :param func: Function that applies the operation to the data. :type func: callable :param args_to_update: List of parameter names that are extracted from :class:`` and are required by ``func``. These parameters will be updated by their current values (stored in :class:``) prior to running the task. :type args_to_update: list[str] .. rubric:: Pre-defined Tasks .. autosummary:: .. rubric:: Methods .. autosummary:: """ def __init__(self, name: str, func: Callable, args_to_update: List[str] = [], repeatable: bool = False): = name self.is_active = False self._func = func self.args_to_update = args_to_update self.repeatable = repeatable self._extra_params = {} def __repr__(self) -> str: module = self.__class__.__module__ class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"<class '{module}.{class_name}({})'>" @property def _func_call(self) -> Callable: return partial(self._func, **self._extra_params)
[docs] @classmethod def correct_bandpass(cls): """ :class:`` to correct for the sub-band bandpass response. A Poly-Phase Filter is involved in the NenuFAR data acquisition pipeline to split the data stream into sub-bands. The combination of the filter shape and a Fourier transform results in a non-flat response across each sub-band. This :class:`` calls the :func:`` function. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 3 >>> from import Spectra, TFTask, TFPipeline >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.pipeline = TFPipeline(sp, TFTask.correct_bandpass()) >>> data = sp.get(...) .. figure:: ./_images/io_images/tf_bandpass_correction.png :width: 650 :align: center """ def wrapper_task(data, channels): return utils.correct_bandpass(data=data, n_channels=channels) return cls("Correct bandpass", wrapper_task, ["channels"], repeatable=False)
[docs] @classmethod def flatten_subband(cls): """ :class:`` to flatten each sub-band bandpass. Based on the temporal median over each suband, a linear correction is applied to flatten the signal. This :class:`` calls the :func:`` function. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 3 >>> from import Spectra, TFTask, TFPipeline >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.pipeline = TFPipeline(sp, TFTask.flatten_subband()) >>> data = sp.get(...) .. figure:: ./_images/io_images/tf_sb_flatten.png :width: 650 :align: center Warning ------- This correction assumes that the signal's spectrum could be considered flat at the sub-band resolution. The method is not recommended for data other than Stokes I. """ def wrapper_task(data, channels): return utils.flatten_subband(data=data, channels=channels) return cls("Flatten subband", wrapper_task, ["channels"], repeatable=False)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_channels(cls): """:class:`` calling :func:`` to set a list of sub-band channels to `NaN` values. .. figure:: ./_images/io_images/tf_remove_channels.png :width: 650 :align: center """ def wrapper_task(data, channels, remove_channels): if (remove_channels is None) or (len(remove_channels) == 0): return data return utils.remove_channels_per_subband( data=data, n_channels=channels, channels_to_remove=remove_channels ) return cls( "Remove subband channels", wrapper_task, ["channels", "remove_channels"], repeatable=False )
[docs] @classmethod def correct_polarization(cls): """_summary_ warning : needs to be done at the beginning. """ def wrapper_task( time_unix, frequency_hz, data, dt, dreambeam_dt, channels, dreambeam_skycoord, dreambeam_parallactic, ): # DreamBeam correction (beam gain + parallactic angle) if ( (dreambeam_dt is None) or (dreambeam_skycoord is None) or (dreambeam_parallactic is None) ): return time_unix, frequency_hz, data data = utils.apply_dreambeam_corrections( time_unix=time_unix, frequency_hz=frequency_hz, data=data, dt_sec=dt.to_value(u.s), time_step_sec=dreambeam_dt.to_value(u.s), n_channels=channels, skycoord=dreambeam_skycoord, parallactic=dreambeam_parallactic, ) return time_unix, frequency_hz, data return cls( "Polarizartion corection with DreamBeam", wrapper_task, [ "channels", "dt", "dreambeam_skycoord", "dreambeam_dt", "dreambeam_parallactic", ], repeatable=False )
[docs] @classmethod def correct_faraday_rotation(cls): """:class:`` calling :func:`` to correct for Faraday rotation for a given ``'rotation_measure'`` set in :attr:``.""" def apply_faraday(frequency_hz, data, rotation_measure): if rotation_measure is None: return frequency_hz, data return frequency_hz, utils.de_faraday_data( frequency=frequency_hz * u.Hz, data=data, rotation_measure=rotation_measure, ) return cls("Correct faraday rotation", apply_faraday, ["rotation_measure"], repeatable=False)
[docs] @classmethod def de_disperse(cls): """:class:`` calling :func:`` to de-disperse the data using the ``'dispersion_measure'`` set in :attr:``. .. warning:: Due to the configuration of the underlying :class:`~dask.array.core.Array`, its :meth:`dask.array.Array.compute` method has to be applied priori to de-dispersing the data. Therefore, a potential huge data volume may be computed at once. By default, a security exception is raised to prevent computing a too large data set. To bypass this limit, set ``'ignore_volume_warning'`` of :attr:`` to `True`. """ def wrapper_task( frequency_hz, data, dt, dispersion_measure, ignore_volume_warning ): if dispersion_measure is None: return frequency_hz, data # Make sure the data volume is not too big! projected_data_volume = data.nbytes * u.byte if (projected_data_volume >= DATA_VOLUME_SECURITY_THRESHOLD) and ( not ignore_volume_warning ): log.warning( f"Data processing will produce {}." f"The pipeline is interrupted because the volume threshold is {}." ) return frequency_hz, data tmp_chuncks = data.chunks data = utils.de_disperse_array( data=data.compute(), # forced to leave Dask frequencies=frequency_hz * u.Hz, time_step=dt, dispersion_measure=dispersion_measure, ) return frequency_hz, da.from_array(data, chunks=tmp_chuncks) return cls( "De-disperse", wrapper_task, ["dt", "dispersion_measure", "ignore_volume_warning"], repeatable=False )
[docs] @classmethod def time_rebin(cls): """ :class:`` to re-bin the data in time. The targetted time resolution is defined by the ``'rebin_dt'`` argument, set in :attr:``. This :class:`` calls the :func:`` function. Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra, TFTask, TFPipeline >>> import astropy.units as u >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.pipeline = TFPipeline(sp, TFTask.time_rebin()) Then, either perform a one_time application of the `rebin_dt` parameter (that is forgotten after the :meth:`` call): .. code-block:: python >>> data = sp.get(..., rebin_dt=0.2*u.s,...) Or, set it for further usage: .. code-block:: python >>> sp.pipeline.parameters["rebin_dt"] = 0.2*u.s >>> data = sp.get(...) .. figure:: ./_images/io_images/tf_time_rebin.png :width: 650 :align: center """ def rebin_time(time_unix, data, dt, rebin_dt): if rebin_dt is None: return time_unix, data"Rebinning in time...") return utils.rebin_along_dimension( data=data, axis_array=time_unix, axis=0, dx=dt.to_value(u.s), new_dx=rebin_dt.to_value(u.s), ) return cls("Rebin in time", rebin_time, ["dt", "rebin_dt"], repeatable=True)
[docs] @classmethod def frequency_rebin(cls): """_summary_ .. figure:: ./_images/io_images/tf_frequency_rebin.png :width: 650 :align: center """ def rebin_freq(frequency_hz, data, df, rebin_df): if rebin_df is None: return frequency_hz, data"Rebinning in frequency...") return utils.rebin_along_dimension( data=data, axis_array=frequency_hz, axis=1, dx=df.to_value(u.Hz), new_dx=rebin_df.to_value(u.Hz), ) return cls("Rebin in frequency", rebin_freq, ["df", "rebin_df"], repeatable=True)
[docs] @classmethod def get_stokes(cls): """_summary_ .. figure:: ./_images/io_images/tf_stokes.png :width: 650 :align: center """ def compute_stokes(data, stokes): if (stokes is None) or (stokes == "") or (stokes == []): return data return utils.compute_stokes_parameters(data_array=data, stokes=stokes) return cls("Compute Stokes parameters", compute_stokes, ["stokes"], repeatable=False)
[docs] def update(self, parameters: utils.TFPipelineParameters) -> None: log.debug(f"Updating TFTask {} parameters before running it.") for arg in self.args_to_update: if isinstance(arg, str): key = arg value = parameters[arg] else: raise Exception() log.debug(f"TFTask {}: setting {key} to {value}") self._extra_params[key] = value # Check if func_call returns the correct function if not np.any([val is None for _, val in self._func_call.keywords.items()]): # If all keyword argument are None set the function as inactive self.is_active = True
def __call__( self, time_unix: np.ndarray, frequency_hz: np.ndarray, data: da.Array, **kwds: Any, ) -> Any: func_args = inspect.getfullargspec(self._func).args if ("time_unix" not in func_args) and ("frequency_hz" not in func_args): # Only data data = self._func_call(data=data, **kwds) elif "time_unix" not in func_args: # Missing time_unix frequency_hz, data = self._func_call( data=data, frequency_hz=frequency_hz, **kwds ) elif "frequency_hz" not in func_args: # Missing frequency_hz time_unix, data = self._func_call(data=data, time_unix=time_unix, **kwds) else: # Not missing anything time_unix, frequency_hz, data = self._func_call( time_unix=time_unix, frequency_hz=frequency_hz, data=data, **kwds ) return time_unix, frequency_hz, data
# ============================================================= # # ------------------------ TFPipeline ------------------------- #
[docs] class TFPipeline: """Class to manage the series of tasks designed to be applied to time-frequency data. Parameters ---------- data_obj : :class:`` An instance of :class:`` needed to determine the properties of the corresponding data file. *tasks : :class:`` A sequence of tasks that will be applied when the :meth:`` method is called. """ def __init__(self, data_obj: Any, *tasks: TFTask): self.data_obj = data_obj # Set the predefined parameter list and initialize the # boundaries from the data_obj self.parameters = utils.TFPipelineParameters.set_default( time_min=self.data_obj.time_min, time_max=self.data_obj.time_max, freq_min=self.data_obj.frequency_min, freq_max=self.data_obj.frequency_max, beams=np.array(list(self.data_obj._beam_indices_dict.keys())).astype(int), channels=self.data_obj.n_channels, dt=self.data_obj.dt, df=self.data_obj.df, ) self.tasks = list(tasks) def __repr__(self) -> str: return def __iter__(self): yield from self.tasks @property def parameters(self) -> utils.TFPipelineParameters: """Attribute listing all the available parameters. Each time a :class:`` is run, its :meth:`` method is called and this parameter list is passed. Returns ------- :class:`` Pipeline parameters. """ return self._parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, params: utils.TFPipelineParameters) -> None: self._parameters = params
[docs] def info(self, return_str: bool = False) -> str: """Display the current pipeline configuration. The tasks are ordered as they will be applied. Tasks in parenthesis are not considered 'activated'. This can happen because the task is looking for an argument in :attr:`` whose value does not fulfill the requirements. Parameters ---------- return_str : `bool`, optional Return the information message as a string variable, by default `False`. Returns ------- `str` If `return_str` is set to `True`, the message is returned as a string variable. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 4 >>> from import Spectra, TFPipeline, TFTask >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> pipeline = TFPipeline(sp, TFTask.correct_bandpass(), TFTask.correct_faraday_rotation()) >>> Pipeline configuration: 0 - Correct bandpass (1 - Correct faraday rotation) """ message = "Pipeline configuration:" for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks): task.update(self.parameters) if task.is_active: message += f"\n\t{i} - {}" else: message += f"\n\t({i} - {})" if return_str: return message else: print(message)
[docs] def set_default(self) -> None: """Set the default pipeline. The list of tasks is: - Bandpass correction (:meth:``) - Remove channels at the subband edges (:meth:``) - Rebin the data in time (:meth:``) - Rebin the data in frequency (:meth:``) - Convert the data to Stokes parameters (:meth:``) """ self.tasks = [ TFTask.correct_bandpass(), TFTask.remove_channels(), TFTask.time_rebin(), TFTask.frequency_rebin(), TFTask.get_stokes(), ]
[docs] def insert(self, operation: TFTask, index: int) -> None: """Insert a pipeline task at a given position among the list of planned tasks. Parameters ---------- operation : :class:`` The task to perform. index : `int` Index at which the `operation` should be inserted (see :meth:`list.insert`). Raises ------ TypeError If `operation` is not a :class:``. """ if operation.__class__.__name__ != TFTask.__name__: raise TypeError(f"Tried to append {type(operation)} instead of {TFTask}.") if self.contains( and (not operation.repeatable): log.warning(f"{operation} is already registered in the pipeline and is not repeatable.") return self.tasks.insert(index, operation)
[docs] def append(self, operation: TFTask) -> None: """Append a pipeline task at the end of the list of planned tasks. Parameters ---------- operation : :class:`` The task to perform. Raises ------ TypeError If `operation` is not a :class:``. """ if operation.__class__.__name__ != TFTask.__name__: raise TypeError(f"Tried to append {type(operation)} instead of {TFTask}.") if self.contains( and (not operation.repeatable): log.warning(f"{operation} is already registered in the pipeline and is not repeatable.") return self.tasks.append(operation)
[docs] def remove(self, *args: Union[str, int]) -> None: """Remove a task from the list. Parameters ---------- *args : `str` or `int` If an integer is found, the task indexed at the corresponding value will be removed. If a string is found, the first instance of the :class:`` whose :attr:`` corresponds to `arg` will be removed. Raises ------ TypeError If `args` contains any item that is neither `int` nor `str`. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 10 >>> from import Spectra, TFPipeline, TFTask >>> pipeline = TFPipeline( Spectra("/my/file.spectra") ) >>> pipeline.set_default() >>> Pipeline configuration: 0 - Correct bandpass (1 - Remove subband channels) (2 - Rebin in time) (3 - Rebin in frequency) 4 - Compute Stokes parameters >>> pipeline.remove("Rebin in frequency", 1) >>> Pipeline configuration: 0 - Correct bandpass (1 - Rebin in time) 2 - Compute Stokes parameters """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): try: index = [ for op in self.tasks].index(arg) except ValueError as error: print(f"{error}, ignoring...") continue elif isinstance(arg, int): index = arg else: raise TypeError()"Removing task '{self.tasks[index].name}'.") del self.tasks[index]
[docs] def contains(self, task_name: str) -> bool: """_summary_ Parameters ---------- task_name : str _description_ Returns ------- bool _description_ """ return np.any([ == task_name for op in self.tasks])
[docs] def run(self, time_unix: np.ndarray, frequency_hz: np.ndarray, data: da.Array) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, da.Array]: """Run all the tasks registered in the pipeline. Parameters ---------- time_unix : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Original array of time samples in Unix format (should match the first dimension of `data`). frequency_hz : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Original array of frequency samples in Hz (should match the second dimension of `data`) data : :class:`~dask.array.Array` Original data array, its shape should be `(time, frequency, 2, 2)`. Returns ------- (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`~dask.array.Array`) Returns quantities equivalent to the inputs. The sizes of `time_unix` and `frequency_hz` may have change (if rebinning steps have been included in the pipeline for instance). The first two dimensions of `data` should still match those of `time_unix` and `frequency_hz`. The last dimensions depend on the polarization computation. """ for task in self.tasks: task.update(self.parameters) time_unix, frequency_hz, data = task(time_unix, frequency_hz, data) return time_unix, frequency_hz, data
# ============================================================= # # -------------------------- Spectra -------------------------- #
[docs] class Spectra: """Class to read UnDySPuTeD Time-Frequency files (.spectra extension). Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Path to the *UnDySPuTeD* file to read. Raises ------ ValueError If the `filename` extension differs from '.spectra'. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 """ def __init__(self, filename: str, check_missing_data: bool = True): self.filename = filename # Decode the main header and lazy load the data self._n_time_per_block = 0 self.n_channels = 0 self.n_subbands = 0 self.dt = None self.df = None data = self._lazy_load_data() # Compute the boolean mask of bad blocks bad_block_mask = self._get_bad_data_mask(data, bypass_verification=~check_missing_data) # Compute the main data block descriptors (time / frequency / beam) subband_width_hz = SUBBAND_WIDTH.to_value(u.Hz) self._block_start_unix = data["TIMESTAMP"][~bad_block_mask] + data["BLOCKSEQNUMBER"][~bad_block_mask] / subband_width_hz self._subband_start_hz = data["data"]["channel"][0, :] * subband_width_hz # Assumed constant over time self._beam_indices_dict = utils.sort_beam_edges( beam_array=data["data"]["beam"][0], # Asummed same for all time step n_channels=self.n_channels, ) # Transform the data in Dask Array, once correctly reshaped = self._to_dask_tf(data=data, mask=bad_block_mask) self.pipeline = TFPipeline(self) self.pipeline.set_default() # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def filename(self) -> str: """`str` : Path to the data file. """ return self._filename @filename.setter def filename(self, name: str):"Reading {name}...") if not name.endswith(".spectra"): raise ValueError("A file whose extension is '.spectra' is expected.") self._filename = name @property def time_min(self) -> Time: """:class:`~astropy.time.Time` : Starting time of the data content. Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.time_min.isot '2023-05-27T08:39:02.0000050' """ time = Time(self._block_start_unix[0], format="unix", precision=7) time.format = "isot" return time @property def time_max(self) -> Time: """:class:`~astropy.time.Time` : Final time of the data content. Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.time_max.isot '2023-05-27T08:59:34.2445748' """ block_dt_sec = self._n_time_per_block * self.dt.to_value(u.s) time = Time( self._block_start_unix[-1] + block_dt_sec, format="unix", precision=7 ) time.format = "isot" return time @property def frequency_min(self) -> u.Quantity: """:class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` : Lowest recorded frequency. This value is defined at the channel granularity, i.e. it corresponds to the first channel of the lowest sub-band. Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.frequency_min 19.921875 MHz """ freq_mins = [] for _, boundaries in self._beam_indices_dict.items(): sb_index = int(boundaries[0] / self.n_channels) freq_mins.append(self._subband_start_hz[sb_index]) freq = np.min(freq_mins) * u.Hz return @property def frequency_max(self) -> u.Quantity: """:class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` : Highest recorded frequency. This value is defined at the channel granularity, i.e. it corresponds to the last channel of the highest sub-band. Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> sp.frequency_max 57.421875 MHz """ freq_maxs = [] for _, boundaries in self._beam_indices_dict.items(): sb_index = int((boundaries[1] + 1) / self.n_channels - 1) freq_maxs.append(self._subband_start_hz[sb_index]) freq = np.max(freq_maxs) * u.Hz + SUBBAND_WIDTH return # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def info(self) -> None: """Display informations about the file. Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> filename: /my/file.spectra time_min: 2023-05-27T08:39:02.0000050 time_max: 2023-05-27T08:59:34.2445748 dt: 20.97152 ms frequency_min: 19.921875 MHz frequency_max: 57.421875 MHz df: 3.0517578125 kHz Available beam indices: ['0'] """ message = "\n".join( [ f"filename: {self.filename}", f"time_min: {self.time_min.isot}", f"time_max: {self.time_max.isot}", f"dt: {}", f"frequency_min: {}", f"frequency_max: {}", f"df: {}", f"Available beam indices: {list(self._beam_indices_dict.keys())}", ] ) print(message)
[docs] def get(self, file_name: str = None, **pipeline_kwargs) -> SData: r"""Perform data selection and pipeline computation. Parameters ---------- file_name : `str`, default: ``None`` If different than ``None`` (default value), name of the HDF5 file (extension '.hdf5') to create and store the result. **pipeline_kwargs Any :attr:`` parameter passed as keyword argument from the list below. Changes applied here are not kept once the method has resolved. Other Parameters ---------------- tmin : `str` or :class:`~astropy.time.Time`, default: :math:`{\rm min}(t)` Lower edge of time selection, can either be given as a :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object or an ISOT/ISO string. tmax : `str` or :class:`~astropy.time.Time`, default: :math:`{\rm max}(t)` Upper edge of time selection, can either be given as an :class:`~astropy.time.Time` object or an ISOT/ISO string. fmin : `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, default: :math:`{\rm min}(\nu)` Lower frequency boundary selection, can either be given as a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` object or float (assumed to be in MHz in that case). fmax : `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, default: :math:`{\rm max}(\nu)` Higher frequency boundary selection, can either be given as a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` object or float (assumed to be in MHz in that case). beam : `int`, default: first recorded beam Beam selection, a single integer corresponding to the index of a recorded numerical beam is expected. dispersion_measure : `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, default: ``None`` Enable de-dispersion of the data by this Dispersion Measure. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). It can either be provided as a :class:`~astropy.Quantity` object or a float (assumed to be in :math:`{\rm pc}\,{\rm cm}^{-3}` in that case). rotation_measure : `float` or :class:`~astropy.unit.Quantity`, default: ``None`` Enable the correction of the Faraday rotation using this Rotation Measure. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). It can either be provided as a :class:`~astropy.Quantity` object or a float (assumed to be in :math:`{\rm rad}\,{\rm m}^{-2}` in that case). rebin_dt : `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, default: ``None`` Desired rebinning time resolution, can either be given as a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` object or a float (assumed to be in sec in that case). Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). rebin_df : `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, default: ``None`` Desired rebinning frequency resolution, can either be given as a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` object or float (assumed to be in kHz in that case). Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). remove_channels : `list` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, default: ``None`` List of subband channels to remove, e.g. `remove_channels=[0,1,-1]` would remove the first, second (low-freq) and last channels from each subband. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). dreambeam_skycoord : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, default: ``None`` Tracked celestial coordinates used during `DreamBeam <>`_ correction (along with ``'dreambeam_dt'`` and ``'dreambeam_parallactic'``), a :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object is expected. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). dreambeam_dt : `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, default: ``None`` `DreamBeam <>`_ correction time resolution (along with ``'dreambeam_skycoord'`` and ``'dreambeam_parallactic'``), a :class:`~astropy.Quantity` object or a float (assumed in seconds) are expected. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). dreambeam_parallactic : `bool`, default: `True` `DreamBeam <>`_ parallactic angle correction (along with ``'dreambeam_skycoord'`` and ``'dreambeam_dt'``), a boolean is expected. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). stokes : `str` or `list[str]`, default: ``"I"`` Stokes parameter selection, can either be given as a string or a list of strings, e.g. ``['I', 'Q', 'V/I']``. Note that the :meth:`` task should be present in the planned pipeline (:attr:``). ignore_volume_warning : `bool`, default: `False` Ignore or not (default value) the limit regarding output data volume. Returns ------- :class:`~nenupy.beamlet.sdata.SData` Processed data selection. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from import Spectra >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> result = sp.get(tmin="2024-01-01 12:00:00", tmax="2024-01-01 13:00:00") """ # Make a copy of the previous parmaeters parameters_copy = self.pipeline.parameters.copy() # Update the pipeline parameters to user's last requests for param, value in pipeline_kwargs.items(): self.pipeline.parameters[param] = value try: # Select the data in time and frequency (the beam selection is implicit on the frequency idexing) frequency_hz, time_unix, data = self.select_raw_data( tmin_unix=self.pipeline.parameters["tmin"].unix, tmax_unix=self.pipeline.parameters["tmax"].unix, fmin_hz=self.pipeline.parameters["fmin"].to_value(u.Hz), fmax_hz=self.pipeline.parameters["fmax"].to_value(u.Hz), beam=self.pipeline.parameters["beam"], ) # Run the pipeline - within Dask time_unix, frequency_hz, data = frequency_hz=frequency_hz, time_unix=time_unix, data=data ) time = Time(time_unix, format="unix", precision=7) frequency = frequency_hz * u.Hz if (file_name is None) or (file_name == ""): # Simply compute the data # The data volume security is ON data = self._data_to_numpy_array(data) # compute() the Dask array result = self._to_sdata( data=data, time=time, frequency=frequency ) self.pipeline.parameters = parameters_copy # Reset the parameters return result else: # Save the result of the pipeline in a file # No security on the resulting data volume"Estimated data volume to store: {(data.nbytes * u.byte).to(u.Gibyte):.3f}...") utils.store_dask_tf_data( file_name=file_name, data=data, time=time, frequency=frequency, polarization=["XX", "XY", "YX", "YY"] if not self.pipeline.contains("Compute Stokes parameters") else self.pipeline.parameters["stokes"], mode="w" if self.pipeline.parameters["overwrite"] else "auto", beam=self.pipeline.parameters["beam"] ) self.pipeline.parameters = parameters_copy # Reset the parameters return except Exception: # Restore the parameters to their original default values self.pipeline.parameters = parameters_copy raise
[docs] def select_raw_data( self, tmin_unix: float, tmax_unix: float, fmin_hz: float, fmax_hz: float, beam: int, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, da.Array]: """Select a subset from a time-frequency NenuFAR dataset. Parameters ---------- tmin_unix : float Start time of the selection in UNIX format. tmax_unix : float Stop time of the selection in UNIX format. fmin_hz : float Minimal frequency of the selection in Hz. fmax_hz : float Maximal frequency of the selection in Hz. beam : int Beam index of the selection. Raises ------ KeyError If `beam` does not correspond to any recorded value. Returns ------- (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, :class:`~dask.array.Array`) Length-3 tuple, respectively containing the frequency in Hz and the time in unix as `numpy` arrays, then the selected dataset. The latter should be shaped as (time, frequency, 2, 2) where the last two dimensions are the Jones matrix of the electric field cross correlations. If the chosen time arguments lead to an empty selection, a length-3 tuple of `None` is returned. If the frequency selection is off, the closest subband is returned. See Also -------- :func:``, :func:`` Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 2.6.0 Example ------- .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 3 >>> import nenupy >>> sp = Spectra("/my/file.spectra") >>> data = sp.select_raw_data( tmin_unix=1685176742.000005, tmax_unix=1685176802.000005, fmin_hz=21e6, fmax_hz=22e6, beam=0 ) >>> data[0].shape, data[1].shape, data[2].shape ((384,), (2856,), (2856, 384, 2, 2)) """ f"Selecting times (between {Time(tmin_unix, format='unix').isot} and {Time(tmax_unix, format='unix').isot})..." ) # Find out which block indices are at the edges of the desired time range block_idx_min = int( np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(self._block_start_unix - tmin_unix))) ) # n_blocks - np.argmax(((self._block_start_unix - tmin) <= 0)[::-1]) - 1 block_idx_max = int( np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(self._block_start_unix - tmax_unix))) ) # n_blocks - np.argmax(((self._block_start_unix - tmax) <= 0)[::-1]) - 1 log.debug( f"\tClosest time block from requested range are #{block_idx_min} and #{block_idx_max}." ) # Get the closest time index within each of the two bounding blocks dt_sec = self.dt.to_value(u.s) # Compute the time index within the block and bound it between 0 and the number of spectra in each block time_idx_min_in_block = int( np.round((tmin_unix - self._block_start_unix[block_idx_min]) / dt_sec) ) time_idx_min_in_block = max( 0, min(self._n_time_per_block - 1, time_idx_min_in_block) ) # bound the value between in between channels indices time_idx_min = block_idx_min * self._n_time_per_block + time_idx_min_in_block # Do the same for the higher edge of the desired time range time_idx_max_in_block = int( np.round((tmax_unix - self._block_start_unix[block_idx_max]) / dt_sec) ) time_idx_max_in_block = max( 0, min(self._n_time_per_block - 1, time_idx_max_in_block) ) time_idx_max = block_idx_max * self._n_time_per_block + time_idx_max_in_block"\t{time_idx_max - time_idx_min + 1} time samples selected.") # Raise warnings if the time selection results in no data selected if time_idx_min == time_idx_max: if (time_idx_min > 0) and ( time_idx_min < self._block_start_unix.size * self._n_time_per_block - 1 ): log.warning("Desired time selection encompasses missing data.") if tmin_unix < self._block_start_unix[block_idx_min]: # The found block is just after the missing data closest_tmin = Time( self._block_start_unix[block_idx_min - 1] + self._n_time_per_block * dt_sec, format="unix", ).isot closest_tmax = Time( self._block_start_unix[block_idx_min], format="unix" ).isot else: # The found block is just before the missing data closest_tmin = Time( self._block_start_unix[block_idx_min] + self._n_time_per_block * dt_sec, format="unix", ).isot closest_tmax = Time( self._block_start_unix[block_idx_min + 1], format="unix" ).isot f"Time selection lies in the data gap between {closest_tmin} and {closest_tmax}." ) log.warning("Time selection leads to empty dataset.") return (None, None, None) # Compute the time ramp between those blocks time_unix = utils.compute_spectra_time( block_start_time_unix=self._block_start_unix[ block_idx_min : block_idx_max + 1 ], ntime_per_block=self._n_time_per_block, time_step_s=self.dt.to_value(u.s), ) # Cut down the first and last time blocks time_unix = time_unix[ time_idx_min_in_block : time_unix.size - (self._n_time_per_block - time_idx_max_in_block) + 1 ] f"Selecting frequencies (between {(fmin_hz*u.Hz).to(u.MHz)} and {(fmax_hz*u.Hz).to(u.MHz)})..." ) try: beam_idx_start, beam_idx_stop = self._beam_indices_dict[str(beam)] except KeyError as e: log.error(f"Beam index selection '{beam}' does not correspond to one of the recorded values: {list(self._beam_indices_dict.keys())}.") raise # Find out the subband edges covering the selected frequency range subbands_in_beam = self._subband_start_hz[ int(beam_idx_start / self.n_channels) : int( (beam_idx_stop + 1) / self.n_channels ) ] sb_idx_min = int(np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(subbands_in_beam - fmin_hz)))) sb_idx_max = int(np.argmin(np.abs(np.ceil(subbands_in_beam - fmax_hz)))) log.debug( f"\tClosest beamlet indices from requested range are #{sb_idx_min} and #{sb_idx_max}." ) # Select frequencies at the subband granularity at minimum # Later, we want to correct for bandpass, edge channels and so on... frequency_idx_min = sb_idx_min * self.n_channels frequency_idx_max = (sb_idx_max + 1) * self.n_channels frequency_hz = utils.compute_spectra_frequencies( subband_start_hz=subbands_in_beam[sb_idx_min : sb_idx_max + 1], n_channels=self.n_channels, frequency_step_hz=self.df.to_value(u.Hz), ) f"\t{frequency_idx_max - frequency_idx_min} frequency samples selected." ) selected_data =[:, beam_idx_start : beam_idx_stop + 1, ...][ time_idx_min : time_idx_max + 1, frequency_idx_min:frequency_idx_max, ... ] log.debug(f"Data of shape {selected_data.shape} selected.") return frequency_hz.compute(), time_unix.compute(), selected_data
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _lazy_load_data(self) -> np.ndarray: # Read the header of the first block with open(self.filename, "rb") as rf: header_dtype = np.dtype(BLOCK_HEADER) header = np.frombuffer(, count=1, dtype=header_dtype, )[0] self._n_time_per_block = header["nffte"] self.n_channels = header["fftlen"] self.n_subbands = np.abs(header["nbchan"]) # this could be negative # Fill in global attributes self.dt = (self.n_channels * header["nfft2int"] / SUBBAND_WIDTH).to( u.s ) # * 5.12e-6 * u.s self.df = SUBBAND_WIDTH / self.n_channels # 0.1953125 / self.n_channels * u.MHz # Deduce the structure of the full file beamlet_data_structure = (self._n_time_per_block, self.n_channels, 2) beamlet_dtype = np.dtype( [ ("lane", "int32"), ("beam", "int32"), ("channel", "int32"), ("fft0", "float32", beamlet_data_structure), ("fft1", "float32", beamlet_data_structure), ] ) global_struct = BLOCK_HEADER + [("data", beamlet_dtype, (self.n_subbands))] # Open the file as a memory-mapped object with open(self.filename, "rb") as rf: tmp = np.memmap(rf, dtype="int8", mode="r")"\t{self.filename} has been correctly parsed.") return tmp.view(np.dtype(global_struct)) @staticmethod def _get_bad_data_mask(data: np.ndarray, bypass_verification: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ """ if bypass_verification:"Skipping missing data verification...") return np.zeros(data["TIMESTAMP"].size, dtype=bool)"Checking for missing data (can take up to 1 min)...") # Either the TIMESTAMP is set to 0, the first idx, or the SB number is negative # which indicates missing data. In all those cases we will ignore the associated data # since we cannot properly reconstruct the time ramp or the data themselves. block_timestamp_mask = ( data["TIMESTAMP"] < 0.1 ) # it should be 0, but to be sure... block_start_idx_mask = data["idx"] == 0 block_nsubbands_mask = data["nbchan"] < 0 # Computing the mask, setting the first index at non-zero since it should be the normal value. block_start_idx_mask[0] = False # Fake value, just to trick the mask bad_block_mask = ( block_timestamp_mask + block_start_idx_mask + block_nsubbands_mask ) f"\tThere are {np.sum(bad_block_mask)}/{block_timestamp_mask.size} blocks containing missing data and/or wrong time information." ) return bad_block_mask def _to_dask_tf(self, data: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray) -> da.Array: """ """ # Transform the array in a Dask array, one chunk per block # Filter out the bad blocks data = da.from_array(data, chunks=(1,))[~mask] # Convert the data to cross correlation electric field matrix # The data will be shaped like (n_block, n_subband, n_time_per_block, n_channels, 2, 2) data = utils.spectra_data_to_matrix(data["data"]["fft0"], data["data"]["fft1"]) # Reshape the data into (time, frequency, 2, 2) data = utils.blocks_to_tf_data( data=data, n_block_times=self._n_time_per_block, n_channels=self.n_channels ) return data def _data_to_numpy_array(self, data: da.Array) -> np.ndarray: """_summary_ Parameters ---------- data : da.Array _description_ Returns ------- np.ndarray _description_ """ # Abort the process if the projected data volume is larger than the threshold projected_data_volume = data.nbytes * u.byte if (projected_data_volume >= DATA_VOLUME_SECURITY_THRESHOLD) and ( not self.pipeline.parameters["ignore_volume_warning"] ): log.warning( f"Data processing will produce {}." f"The pipeline is interrupted because the volume threshold is {}." ) return f"Computing the data (estimated volume: {})..." ) with ProgressBar(): data = data.compute() f"\tData of shape (time, frequency, (polarization)) = {data.shape} produced." ) return data def _to_sdata(self, data: np.ndarray, time: Time, frequency: u.Quantity) -> SData: """_summary_ Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray _description_ time : Time _description_ frequency : u.Quantity _description_ Returns ------- SData _description_ """ # If other data product than Stokes are made if not self.pipeline.contains("Compute Stokes parameters"): # Make sure there are 3 dimensions (time, frequency, polarization) # If there are more, the dimensions > 2 are all merged together. # If there are 2 dimensions, an empty third is added data = data.reshape(*data.shape[:2], -1) return SData( data=data, time=time, freq=frequency, polar=["XX", "XY", "YX", "YY"], ) else: # If the data are regular Stokes parameters return SData( data=data, time=time, freq=frequency, polar=self.pipeline.parameters["stokes"], )