Source code for

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    XST file

    .. inheritance-diagram::
        :parts: 3

    .. autosummary::



__author__ = "Alan Loh"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2023, nenupy"
__credits__ = ["Alan Loh"]
__maintainer__ = "Alan"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__all__ = ["XST_Slice", "Crosslet", "XST", "TV_Image", "TV_Nearfield", "NenufarTV"]

from abc import ABC
import os
from itertools import islice
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, AltAz, Angle
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from healpy.fitsfunc import write_map, read_map
from healpy.pixelfunc import mask_bad, nside2resol
import numpy as np
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from import get_cmap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
import dask.array as da
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

import nenupy
from os.path import join, dirname
from import FixedTarget, SolarSystemTarget
from import StatisticsData, ST_Slice
from nenupy.astro import wavelength, altaz_to_radec, l93_to_etrs, etrs_to_enu
from nenupy.astro.uvw import compute_uvw
from import HpxSky
from nenupy.astro.pointing import Pointing
from nenupy.instru import (
from nenupy import nenufar_position, DummyCtMgr

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ============================================================= #
# ------------------------- XST_Slice ------------------------- #
[docs] class XST_Slice: """Class to handle the result of selection upon XST-like data. .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~XST_Slice.plot_correlaton_matrix ~XST_Slice.rephase_visibilities ~XST_Slice.make_image ~XST_Slice.make_nearfield .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, mini_arrays, time, frequency, value): self.mini_arrays = mini_arrays self.time = time self.frequency = frequency self.value = value # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def plot_correlaton_matrix(self, mask_autocorrelations: bool = False, **kwargs): """Plots the cross-correlation matrix. :param mask_autocorrelations: If set to ``True``, the auto-correlation diagnoal is hidden. Default is ``False``. :type mask_autocorrelations: `bool` Several parameters, listed below, can be tuned to adapt the plot to the user requirements: .. rubric:: Data display keywords :param decibel: If set to ``True``, the data will be displayed in a decibel scale (i.e., :math:`{\rm dB} = 10 \log_{10}({\rm data})`). Default is ``True``. :type decibel: `bool` :param vmin: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Minimal data value to display. :type vmin: `float` :param vmax: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Maximal data value to display. :type vmax: `float` .. rubric:: Plotting layout keywords :param figname: Name of the file (absolute or relative path) to save the figure. Default is ``''`` (i.e., only show the figure). :type figname: `str` :param figsize: Set the figure size. Default is ``(10, 10)``. :type figsize: `tuple` :param title: Set the figure title. Default is ``''``. :type title: `str` :param colorbar_label: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Label of the color bar. Default is ``'Amp'`` if ``decibel=False`` and ``'dB'`` otherwise. :type colorbar_label: `str` :param cmap: *Dynamic spectrum plot only*. Color map used to represent the data. Default is ``'YlGnBu_r'``. :type cmap: `str` :Example: .. code-block:: python from import XST xst = XST("/path/to/XST.fits") data = xst.get.... """ max_ma_index = self.mini_arrays.max() + 1 all_mas = np.arange(max_ma_index) matrix = np.full([max_ma_index, max_ma_index], np.nan, "complex") ma1, ma2 = np.tril_indices(self.mini_arrays.size, 0) for ma in all_mas: if ma not in self.mini_arrays: ma1[ma1 >= ma] += 1 ma2[ma2 >= ma] += 1 mask = None if mask_autocorrelations: mask = ma1 != ma2 # cross_correlation mask matrix[ma2[mask], ma1[mask]] = np.mean(self.value, axis=(0, 1))[mask] fig = plt.figure(figsize=kwargs.get("figsize", (10, 10))) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect("equal") data = np.absolute(matrix) if kwargs.get("decibel", True): data = 10 * np.log10(data) im = ax.pcolormesh( all_mas, all_mas, data, shading="nearest", cmap=kwargs.get("cmap", "YlGnBu"), vmin=kwargs.get("vmin", np.nanmin(data)), vmax=kwargs.get("vmax", np.nanmax(data)), ) ax.set_xticks(all_mas[::2]) ax.set_yticks(all_mas[::2]) ax.grid(alpha=0.5) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.3) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label( kwargs.get("colorbar_label", "dB" if kwargs.get("decibel", True) else "Amp") ) # Axis abels ax.set_xlabel(f"Mini-Array index") ax.set_ylabel(f"Mini-Array index") # Title ax.set_title(kwargs.get("title", "")) # Save or show the figure figname = kwargs.get("figname", "") if figname != "": plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)"Figure '{figname}' saved.") else: plt.close("all")
[docs] def rephase_visibilities(self, phase_center, uvw): """ """"Rephasing the visibilities towards {phase_center}...") # Compute the zenith original phase center zenith = SkyCoord( np.zeros(self.time.size), np.ones(self.time.size) * 90, unit="deg", frame=AltAz(obstime=self.time, location=nenufar_position), ) zenith_phase_center = altaz_to_radec(zenith) # Define the rotation matrix def rotation_matrix(skycoord): """ """ ra_rad = skycoord.ra.rad dec_rad = skycoord.dec.rad if np.isscalar(ra_rad): ra_rad = np.array([ra_rad]) dec_rad = np.array([dec_rad]) cos_ra = np.cos(ra_rad) sin_ra = np.sin(ra_rad) cos_dec = np.cos(dec_rad) sin_dec = np.sin(dec_rad) return np.array( [ [cos_ra, -sin_ra, np.zeros(ra_rad.size)], [-sin_ra * sin_dec, -cos_ra * sin_dec, cos_dec], [sin_ra * cos_dec, cos_ra * cos_dec, sin_dec], ] ) # Transformation matrices to_origin = rotation_matrix(zenith_phase_center) # (3, 3, ntimes) to_new_center = rotation_matrix(phase_center) # (3, 3, 1) total_transformation = np.matmul( np.transpose(to_new_center, (2, 0, 1)), to_origin ) # (3, 3, ntimes) rotUVW = np.matmul( np.expand_dims((to_origin[2, :] - to_new_center[2, :]).T, axis=1), np.transpose(to_origin, (2, 1, 0)), ) # (ntimes, 1, 3) phase = np.matmul(rotUVW, np.transpose(uvw, (0, 2, 1))) # (ntimes, 1, nvis) rotate_visibilities = np.exp( 2.0j * np.pi * phase / wavelength(self.frequency).to(u.m).value[None, :, None] ) # (ntimes, nfreqs, nvis) new_uvw = np.matmul( uvw, np.transpose(total_transformation, (2, 0, 1)) # (ntimes, nvis, 3) ) return rotate_visibilities, new_uvw
[docs] def make_image( self, resolution: u.Quantity = 1 * u.deg, fov_radius: u.Quantity = 25 * u.deg, phase_center: SkyCoord = None, stokes: str = "I", ) -> HpxSky: """ :Example: xst = XST("XST.fits") data = xst.get_stokes("I") sky = data.make_image( resolution=0.5*u.deg, fov_radius=27*u.deg, phase_center=SkyCoord(277.382, 48.746, unit="deg") ) sky[0, 0, 0].plot( center=SkyCoord(277.382, 48.746, unit="deg"), radius=24.5*u.deg ) """ exposure = self.time[-1] - self.time[0] # Compute XST UVW coordinates (zenith phased) uvw = ( compute_uvw( interferometer=NenuFAR()[self.mini_arrays], phase_center=None, # will be zenith time=self.time, ) .to(u.m) .value ) # Prepare visibilities rephasing if phase_center is None: phase_center = SkyCoord( 0, 90, unit="deg", frame=AltAz( obstime=self.time[0] + exposure / 2, location=nenufar_position ), ).transform_to("icrs") rephase_matrix = 1.0 else: rephase_matrix, uvw = self.rephase_visibilities( phase_center=phase_center, uvw=uvw ) # Mask auto-correlations ma1, ma2 = np.tril_indices(self.mini_arrays.size, 0) cross_mask = ma1 != ma2 uvw = uvw[:, cross_mask, :] # Transform to lambda units wvl = wavelength(self.frequency).to(u.m).value uvw = uvw[:, None, :, :] / wvl[None, :, None, None] # (t, f, bsl, 3) # Mean in time uvw = np.mean(uvw, axis=0) # Prepare the sky sky = HpxSky( resolution=resolution, time=self.time[0] + exposure / 2, frequency=np.mean(self.frequency), polarization=np.array([stokes]), value=np.nan, ) # Compute LMN coordinates"Preparing the sky...") image_mask = sky.visible_mask[0, 0, 0] image_mask *= sky.coordinates.separation(phase_center) <= fov_radius l, m, n = sky.compute_lmn(phase_center=phase_center, coordinate_mask=image_mask) lmn = np.array([l, m, (n - 1)], dtype=np.float32).T n_pix = l.size lmn = da.from_array(lmn, chunks=(np.floor(n_pix / os.cpu_count()), 3)) # Transform to Dask array n_bsl = uvw.shape[1] n_freq = self.frequency.size n_pix = l.size uvw = da.from_array( uvw.astype(np.float32), chunks=(n_freq, max(1, np.floor(n_bsl / os.cpu_count())), 3), ) # Compute the phase uvwlmn = np.sum(uvw[:, :, None, :] * lmn[None, None, :, :], axis=-1) phase = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * uvwlmn) # (f, bsl, npix) # Rephase and average visibilites vis = np.mean(self.value * rephase_matrix, axis=0)[ # Mean in time ..., cross_mask ] # (nfreqs, nvis) # Make dirty image dirty = np.nanmean( # mean in baselines np.real(np.mean(vis[:, :, None] * phase, axis=0)), axis=0 # mean in freq ) # Insert dirty image in Sky object f"Computing image (time: {self.time.size}, frequency: {self.frequency.size}, baselines: {vis.shape[1]}, pixels: {phase.shape[-1]})... " ) with ProgressBar() if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO else DummyCtMgr(): sky.value[0, 0, 0, image_mask] = dirty.compute() return sky
[docs] def make_nearfield( self, radius: u.Quantity = 400 * u.m, npix: int = 64, sources: list = [] ): r"""Computes the Near-field image from the cross-correlation statistics data :math:`\mathcal{V}`. The distances between each Mini-Array :math:`{\rm MA}_i` and the ground positions :math:`\Delta` is: .. math:: d_{\rm{MA}_i} (x, y) = \sqrt{ ({\rm MA}_{i, x} - \Delta_x)^2 + ({\rm MA}_{i, y} - \Delta_y)^2 + \left( {\rm MA}_{i, z} - \sum_j \frac{{\rm MA}_{j, z}}{n_{\rm MA}} - 1 \right)^2 } Then, the near-field image :math:`n_f` can be retrieved as follows (:math:`k` and :math:`l` being two distinct Mini-Arrays): .. math:: n_f (x, y) = \sum_{k, l} \left| \sum_{\nu} \langle \mathcal{V}_{\nu, k, l}(t) \rangle_t e^{2 \pi i \left( d_{{\rm MA}_k} - d_{{\rm MA}_l} \right) (x, y) \frac{\nu}{c}} \right| .. note:: To simulate astrophysical source of brightness :math:`\mathcal{B}` footprint on the near-field, its visibility per baseline of Mini-Arrays :math:`k` and :math:`l` are computed as: .. math:: \mathcal{V}_{{\rm simu}, k, l} = \mathcal{B} e^{2 \pi i \left( \mathbf{r}_k - \mathbf{r}_l \right) \cdot \mathbf{u} \frac{\nu}{c}} with :math:`\mathbf{r}` the ENU position of the Mini-Arrays, :math:`\mathbf{u} = \left( \cos(\theta) \sin(\phi), \cos(\theta) \cos(\phi), sin(\theta) \right)` the ground projection vector (in East-North-Up coordinates), (:math:`\phi` and :math:`\theta` are the source horizontal coordinates azimuth and elevation respectively). :param radius: Radius of the ground image. Default is ``400m``. :type radius: :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param npix: Number of pixels of the image size. Default is ``64``. :type npix: `int` :param sources: List of source names for which their near-field footprint may be computed. Only sources above 10 deg elevation will be considered. :type sources: `list` :returns: Tuple of near-field image and a dictionnary containing all source footprints. :rtype: (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, `dict`) :Example: .. code-block:: python from import XST xst = XST("xst_file.fits") nearfield, src_dict = xst.make_nearfield(sources=["Cas A", "Sun"]) .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ def compute_nearfield_imprint(visibilities, phase): # Phase and average in frequency nearfield = np.mean(visibilities[..., None, None] * phase, axis=0) # Average in baselines nearfield = np.nanmean(np.abs(nearfield), axis=0) with ProgressBar() if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO else DummyCtMgr(): return nearfield.compute() # Mini-Array positions in ENU coordinates nenufar = NenuFAR()[self.mini_arrays] ma_etrs = l93_to_etrs(nenufar.antenna_positions) ma_enu = etrs_to_enu(ma_etrs) # Treat baselines ma1, ma2 = np.tril_indices(self.mini_arrays.size, 0) cross_mask = ma1 != ma2 # Mean time of observation obs_time = self.time[0] + (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) / 2.0 # Delays at the ground radius_m = ground_granularity = np.linspace(-radius_m, radius_m, npix) posx, posy = np.meshgrid(ground_granularity, ground_granularity) posz = np.ones_like(posx) * (np.average(ma_enu[:, 2]) + 1) ground_grid = np.stack((posx, posy, posz), axis=2) ground_distances = np.sqrt( np.sum((ma_enu[:, None, None, :] - ground_grid[None]) ** 2, axis=-1) ) grid_delays = ( ground_distances[ma1] - ground_distances[ma2] ) # (nvis, npix, npix) n_bsl = ma1[cross_mask].size grid_delays = da.from_array( grid_delays[cross_mask], chunks=(max(1, np.floor(n_bsl / os.cpu_count())), npix, npix), ) # Mean in time the visibilities vis = np.mean(self.value, axis=0)[..., cross_mask] # (nfreqs, nvis) vis = da.from_array( vis, chunks=( 1, max(1, np.floor(n_bsl / os.cpu_count())), ), # (self.frequency.size, np.floor(n_bsl/os.cpu_count())) ) # Make the nearfield image f"Computing nearfield (time: {self.time.size}, frequency: {self.frequency.size}, baselines: {vis.shape[1]}, pixels: {posx.size})... " ) wvl = wavelength(self.frequency).to(u.m).value phase = np.exp( 2.0j * np.pi * (grid_delays[None, ...] / wvl[:, None, None, None]) ) log.debug("Computing the phase term...") with ProgressBar() if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO else DummyCtMgr(): phase = phase.compute() log.debug("Computing the nearf-field...") nearfield = compute_nearfield_imprint(vis, phase) # Compute nearfield imprints for other sources simu_sources = {} for src_name in sources: # Check that the source is visible if src_name.lower() in [ "sun", "moon", "venus", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn", "uranus", "neptune", ]: src = SolarSystemTarget.from_name(name=src_name, time=obs_time) else: src = FixedTarget.from_name(name=src_name, time=obs_time) altaz = src.horizontal_coordinates # [0] if altaz.alt.deg <= 10: log.debug( f"{src_name}'s elevation {altaz[0].alt.deg}<=10deg, not considered for nearfield imprint." ) continue # Projection from AltAz to ENU vector az_rad = el_rad = altaz.alt.rad cos_az = np.cos(az_rad) sin_az = np.sin(az_rad) cos_el = np.cos(el_rad) sin_el = np.sin(el_rad) to_enu = np.array([cos_el * sin_az, cos_el * cos_az, sin_el]) # src_delays = np.matmul( # ma_enu[ma1] - ma_enu[ma2], # to_enu # ) # src_delays = da.from_array( # src_delays[cross_mask, :], # chunks=((np.floor(n_bsl/os.cpu_count()), npix, npix), 1) # ) ma1_enu = da.from_array( ma_enu[ma1[cross_mask]], chunks=max(1, np.floor(n_bsl / os.cpu_count())) ) ma2_enu = da.from_array( ma_enu[ma2[cross_mask]], chunks=max(1, np.floor(n_bsl / os.cpu_count())) ) src_delays = np.matmul(ma1_enu - ma2_enu, to_enu) # Simulate visibilities src_vis = np.exp(2.0j * np.pi * (src_delays / wvl)) src_vis = np.swapaxes(src_vis, 1, 0) log.debug(f"Computing the nearf-field imprint of {src_name}...") simu_sources[src_name] = compute_nearfield_imprint(src_vis, phase) return nearfield, simu_sources
# ============================================================= # # ------------------------- Crosslet -------------------------- #
[docs] class Crosslet(ABC): """Crosslet abstract class (both for XST and NenuFAR TV dat files). .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~Crosslet.get ~Crosslet.get_stokes ~Crosslet.get_beamform .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ # def __init__(self, # mini_arrays: np.ndarray, # frequency: u.Quantity, # time: Time, # visibilities: np.ndarray # ): # self.mini_arrays = mini_arrays # self.frequency = frequency # self.time = time # self.visibilities = visibilities # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def get( self, polarization: str = "XX", miniarray_selection: np.ndarray = None, frequency_selection: str = None, time_selection: str = None, ) -> XST_Slice: """ """ mas = self._select_mini_arrays(miniarray_selection) frequency_mask = self._get_freq_mask(frequency_selection) time_mask = self._get_time_mask(time_selection) return XST_Slice( mini_arrays=mas, time=self.time[time_mask], frequency=self.frequencies[frequency_mask], value=self._get( frequency_selection=frequency_selection, time_selection=time_selection, polarization=polarization, mini_arrays=mas, ), )
[docs] def get_stokes( self, stokes: str = "I", miniarray_selection: np.ndarray = None, frequency_selection: str = None, time_selection: str = None, ) -> XST_Slice: r""" ``frequency_selection`` and ``time_selection`` arguments accept `str` values formatted as, e.g., ``'>={value}'`` or ``'>={value_1} & <{value_2}'`` or ``'=={value}'``. :param frequency_selection: Frequency selection. The expected ``'{value}'`` format is frequency units, e.g. ``'>=50MHz'`` or ``'< 1 GHz'``. Default is ``None`` (i.e., no selection upon frequency). :type frequency_selection: `str` :param time_selection: Time selection. The expected ``'{value}'`` format is ISOT, e.g. ``'>=2022-01-01T12:00:00'``. Default is ``None`` (i.e., no selection upon time). :type time_selection: `str` :param stokes: Stokes parameters to return :type stokes: `str` .. math:: \begin{cases} \rm{I} = \frac{1}{2}(\rm{XX} + \rm{YY})\\ \rm{Q} = \frac{1}{2}(\rm{XX} - \rm{YY})\\ \rm{U} = \frac{1}{2}(\rm{XY} + \rm{YX})\\ \rm{V} = \frac{-i}{2}(\rm{XY} - \rm{YX})\\ \frac{\rm{L}}{\rm{I}} = \frac{\sqrt{\rm{Q}^2 + \rm{U}^2}}{\rm{I}}\\ \frac{\rm{V}}{\rm{I}} = \frac{\rm{V}}{\rm{I}}\\ \end{cases} """ mas = self._select_mini_arrays(miniarray_selection) frequency_mask = self._get_freq_mask(frequency_selection) time_mask = self._get_time_mask(time_selection) stokes_parameters = { "I": {"cross": ["XX", "YY"], "compute": lambda xx, yy: 0.5 * (xx + yy)}, "Q": {"cross": ["XX", "YY"], "compute": lambda xx, yy: 0.5 * (xx - yy)}, "U": {"cross": ["XY", "YX"], "compute": lambda xy, yx: 0.5 * (xy + yx)}, "V": {"cross": ["XY", "YX"], "compute": lambda xy, yx: -0.5j * (xy - yx)}, "FL": { "cross": ["XX", "YY", "XY", "YX"], "compute": lambda xx, yy, xy, yx: np.sqrt( (0.5 * (xx - yy)) ** 2 + (0.5 * (xy + yx)) ** 2 ) / (0.5 * (xx + yy)), }, "FV": { "cross": ["XX", "YY", "XY", "YX"], "compute": lambda xx, yy, xy, yx: np.abs(-0.5j * (xy - yx)) / (0.5 * (xx + yy)), }, } try: selected_stokes = stokes_parameters[stokes] except KeyError: log.warning(f"Available polarizations are: {stokes_parameters.keys()}.") raise return XST_Slice( mini_arrays=mas, time=self.time[time_mask], frequency=self.frequencies[frequency_mask], value=selected_stokes["compute"]( *map( lambda pol: self._get( frequency_selection=frequency_selection, time_selection=time_selection, polarization=pol, mini_arrays=mas, ), selected_stokes["cross"], ) ), )
[docs] def get_beamform( self, pointing: Pointing, frequency_selection: str = None, time_selection: str = None, mini_arrays: np.ndarray = np.array([0, 1]), polarization: str = "NW", calibration: str = "default", ) -> ST_Slice: """ :Example: from import BST, XST bst = BST("20191129_141900_BST.fits") xst = XST("20191129_141900_XST.fits") bf_cal = xst.get_beamform( pointing = Pointing.from_bst(bst, beam=0, analog=False), mini_arrays=bst.mini_arrays, calibration="default" ) """ frequency_mask = self._get_freq_mask(frequency_selection) time_mask = self._get_time_mask(time_selection) # Select the mini-arrays cross correlations nenufar = NenuFAR() # [self.mini_arrays] bf_nenufar = NenuFAR()[mini_arrays] ma_real_indices = np.array( [nenufar_miniarrays[name]["id"] for name in bf_nenufar.antenna_names] ) if np.any(~np.isin(ma_real_indices, self.mini_arrays)): raise IndexError( f"Selected Mini-Arrays {mini_arrays} are outside possible values: {self.mini_arrays}." ) ma_indices = np.arange(self.mini_arrays.size, dtype="int")[ np.isin(self.mini_arrays, ma_real_indices) ] ma1, ma2 = np.tril_indices(self.mini_arrays.size, 0) mask = np.isin(ma1, ma_indices) & np.isin(ma2, ma_indices) # Calibration table if calibration.lower() == "none": # No calibration cal = np.ones((self.frequencies[frequency_mask].size, ma_indices.size)) else: pol_idx = {"NW": [0], "NE": [1]} cal = read_cal_table(calibration_file=calibration) cal = cal[ np.ix_( freq2sb(self.frequencies[frequency_mask]), ma_real_indices, pol_idx[polarization], ) ].squeeze(axis=2) # Load and filter the data vis = self._get( frequency_selection=frequency_selection, time_selection=time_selection, polarization="XX" if polarization.upper() == "NW" else "YY", )[:, :, mask] # Insert the data in a matrix tri_x, tri_y = np.tril_indices(ma_indices.size, 0) vis_matrix = np.zeros( ( self.time[time_mask].size, self.frequencies[frequency_mask].size, ma_indices.size, ma_indices.size, ), dtype=complex, ) vis_matrix[:, :, tri_x, tri_y] = vis vis_matrix[:, :, tri_y, tri_x] = vis_matrix[:, :, tri_x, tri_y].conj() # Calibrate the Xcorr with the caltable for fi in range(vis_matrix.shape[1]): cal_i = np.expand_dims(cal[fi], axis=1) cal_i_h = np.expand_dims(cal[fi].T.conj(), axis=0) mul =, cal_i_h) vis_matrix[:, fi, :, :] *= mul[np.newaxis, :, :] # Phase the visibilities towards the phase center phase = np.ones( ( self.time[time_mask].size, self.frequencies[frequency_mask].size, ma_indices.size, ma_indices.size, ), dtype=complex, ) altaz_pointing = pointing.horizontal_coordinates if altaz_pointing.size == 1: # Transit pass else: # Multiple pointings, get the correct value for all times altaz_pointing = pointing[self.time[time_mask]].horizontal_coordinates az = el = altaz_pointing.alt.rad ground_projection = np.array( [np.cos(el) * np.cos(az), np.cos(el) * np.sin(az), np.sin(el)] ) rot = np.radians(-90) rotation = np.array( [[np.cos(rot), np.sin(rot), 0], [-np.sin(rot), np.cos(rot), 0], [0, 0, 1]] ) ma1_pos =[ma1[mask]], rotation) ma2_pos =[ma2[mask]], rotation) dphi = - ma2_pos, ground_projection).T wvl = wavelength(self.frequencies[frequency_mask]).to(u.m).value phase[:, :, tri_x, tri_y] = np.exp( -2.0j * np.pi / wvl[None, :, None] * dphi[:, None, :] ) phase[:, :, tri_y, tri_x] = phase[:, :, tri_x, tri_y].conj().copy() data = np.sum((vis_matrix * phase).real, axis=(2, 3)) return ST_Slice( time=self.time[time_mask], frequency=self.frequencies[frequency_mask], value=data.squeeze(), )
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # def _select_mini_arrays(self, mini_arrays): """ """ if mini_arrays is None: mini_arrays = self.mini_arrays if np.any(~np.isin(mini_arrays, self.mini_arrays)): raise IndexError( f"Selected Mini-Arrays {mini_arrays} are outside possible values: {self.mini_arrays}." ) return mini_arrays def _get_freq_mask(self, frequency_selection=None): """ """ # Frequency selection frequencies = self.frequencies if frequency_selection is None: frequency_selection = f">={frequencies.min()} & <= {frequencies.max()}" frequency_mask = self._parse_frequency_condition(frequency_selection)( frequencies ) if not np.any(frequency_mask): log.warning( "Empty frequency selection, input values should fall " f"between {frequencies.min()} and {frequencies.max()}, " f"i.e.: '>={frequencies.min()} & <= {frequencies.max()}'" ) return frequency_mask def _get_time_mask(self, time_selection=None): """ """ # Time selection if time_selection is None: time_selection = f">={self.time[0].isot} & <= {self.time[-1].isot}" time_mask = self._parse_time_condition(time_selection)(self.time) if not np.any(time_mask): log.warning( "Empty time selection, input values should fall " f"between {self.time[0].isot} and {self.time[-1].isot}, " f"i.e.: '>={self.time[0].isot} & <= {self.time[-1].isot}'" ) return time_mask def _get_cross_idx(self, c1="X", c2="X", mini_arrays=None): """Retrieves visibilities indices for the given cross polarizations""" mini_arrays_size = self.mini_arrays.size # Mini-arrays selection ma_indices = np.arange(mini_arrays_size, dtype="int")[ np.isin(self.mini_arrays, mini_arrays) ] # Polarization array corr = np.array(["X", "Y"] * mini_arrays_size) i_ant1, i_ant2 = np.tril_indices(mini_arrays_size * 2, 0) # Define polarization and mini-arrays masks corr_mask = (corr[i_ant1] == c1) & (corr[i_ant2] == c2) ma_mask = np.isin(i_ant1 // 2, ma_indices) & np.isin(i_ant2 // 2, ma_indices) indices = np.arange(i_ant1.size)[corr_mask & ma_mask] return indices def _get( self, frequency_selection: str = None, time_selection: str = None, polarization: str = "XX", mini_arrays: np.ndarray = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ """ # Polarization selection allowed_polarizations = ["XX", "XY", "YX", "YY"] if polarization not in allowed_polarizations: raise ValueError( f"'polarization' argument must be one of the following: {allowed_polarizations}." ) # Frequency selection frequency_mask = self._get_freq_mask(frequency_selection) # Time selection time_mask = self._get_time_mask(time_selection) # Combined mask time_freq_mask = time_mask[:, None] * frequency_mask # Final shape if mini_arrays is None: mini_arrays = self.mini_arrays ma1, ma2 = np.tril_indices(mini_arrays.size, 0) # final_shape = (np.sum(time_mask), np.sum(frequency_mask), ma1.size) final_shape = ( np.any(time_freq_mask, axis=1).sum(), np.any(time_freq_mask, axis=0).sum(), ma1.size, ) if polarization == "XY": # Deal with lack of auto XY cross in XST-like data auto_mask = ma1 == ma2 cross_mask = ~auto_mask data_tf_selected =[time_freq_mask] # Deal with dimension cut in case of True over an entire axis if final_shape[0] == 1: data_tf_selected = np.expand_dims(data_tf_selected, axis=0) if final_shape[1] == 1: data_tf_selected = np.expand_dims(data_tf_selected, axis=1) yx = data_tf_selected[:, :, self._get_cross_idx("Y", "X", mini_arrays)] _xy = np.zeros((list(yx.shape[:-1]) + [ma1.size]), dtype=complex) _xy[:, :, auto_mask] = yx[:, :, auto_mask].conj() # Get XY correlations _xy[:, :, cross_mask] = data_tf_selected[ :, :, self._get_cross_idx("X", "Y", mini_arrays) ] return _xy.reshape(final_shape) else: return[time_freq_mask[:, :]][ :, self._get_cross_idx(*list(polarization), mini_arrays) ].reshape(final_shape)
# return[ # np.ix_( # time_mask, # frequency_mask, # self._get_cross_idx(*list(polarization), mini_arrays) # ) # ].reshape(final_shape) # ============================================================= # # ---------------------------- XST ---------------------------- #
[docs] class XST(StatisticsData, Crosslet): """Crosslet STatistics reading class. .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~XST.mini_arrays .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~Crosslet.get ~Crosslet.get_stokes ~Crosslet.get_beamform .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, file_name): super().__init__(file_name=file_name) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def mini_arrays(self): """Retrieves the list of Mini-Arrays used to get the cross-correlations. :getter: Mini-Arrays list. :type: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` """ return self._meta_data["ins"]["noMROn"][0]
# ============================================================= # # ------------------------- TV_Image -------------------------- #
[docs] class TV_Image: """ """ def __init__( self, tv_image: HpxSky, analog_pointing: SkyCoord, fov_radius: u.Quantity ): self.tv_image = tv_image self.analog_pointing = analog_pointing self.fov_radius = fov_radius # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits(cls, file_name): """ """ header = fits.getheader(file_name, ext=1) # Load the image image = read_map(file_name, dtype=None, partial="PARTIAL" in header["OBJECT"]) # Fill NaNs if "PARTIAL" in header["OBJECT"]: image[mask_bad(image)] = np.nan # Recreate the sky sky = HpxSky( resolution=Angle( angle=nside2resol(header["NSIDE"], arcmin=True), unit=u.arcmin ), time=Time(header["OBSTIME"]), frequency=header["FREQ"] * u.MHz, polarization=np.array([header["STOKES"]]), value=image.reshape((1, 1, 1, image.size)), ) return cls( tv_image=sky, analog_pointing=SkyCoord( header["AZANA"] * u.deg, header["ELANA"] * u.deg, frame=AltAz(obstime=Time(header["OBSTIME"]), location=nenufar_position), ), fov_radius=header["FOV"] * u.deg / 2, )
[docs] def save_fits(self, file_name: str, partial: bool = True): """ """ phase_center_eq = altaz_to_radec(self.analog_pointing) header = [ ("software", "nenupy"), ("version", nenupy.__version__), ("contact", nenupy.__email__), ("azana",, ("elana", self.analog_pointing.alt.deg), ("freq", self.tv_image.frequency[0].to(u.MHz).value), ("obstime", self.tv_image.time[0].isot), ("fov", * 2), ("pc_ra", phase_center_eq.ra.deg), ("pc_dec", phase_center_eq.dec.deg), ("stokes", self.tv_image.polarization[0]), ] map2write = self.tv_image.value[0, 0, 0].copy() write_map( filename=file_name, m=map2write, nest=False, coord="C", overwrite=True, dtype=self.tv_image.value.dtype, extra_header=header, partial=partial, ) "HEALPix image of {} cells (nside={}) saved in `{}`.".format( map2write.size, self.tv_image.nside, file_name ) )
[docs] def save_png( self, figname: str = "", beam_contours: bool = True, show_sources: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ """ image_center = altaz_to_radec( SkyCoord(, self.analog_pointing.alt, frame=AltAz(obstime=self.tv_image.time[0], location=nenufar_position), ) ) # kwargs = {} if show_sources: src_names = [] src_position = [] with open(join(dirname(__file__), "nenufar_tv_sources.json")) as src_file: sources = json.load(src_file) for name in sources["FixedSources"]: src = FixedTarget.from_name(name, time=self.tv_image.time[0]) if src.coordinates.separation(image_center) <= 0.8 * self.fov_radius: src_names.append(name) src_position.append(src.coordinates) for name in sources["SolarSystemSources"]: src = SolarSystemTarget.from_name(name, time=self.tv_image.time[0]) if src.coordinates.separation(image_center) <= 0.8 * self.fov_radius: src_names.append(name) src_position.append(src.coordinates) if len(src_position) != 0: kwargs["text"] = (SkyCoord(src_position), src_names, "white") if beam_contours: # Simulate the array factor ma = MiniArray() af_sky = ma.array_factor( sky=HpxSky( resolution=0.2 * u.deg, time=self.tv_image.time[0], frequency=self.tv_image.frequency[0], ), pointing=Pointing(coordinates=image_center, time=self.tv_image.time[0]), ) # Normalize the array factor af = af_sky[0, 0, 0].compute() af_normalized = af / af.max() kwargs["contour"] = (af_normalized, np.arange(0.5, 1, 0.2), "copper") # Plot self.tv_image[0, 0, 0].plot( center=image_center, radius=self.fov_radius - 2.5 * u.deg, figname=figname, colorbar_label=f"Stokes {self.tv_image.polarization[0]}", **kwargs, )
# ============================================================= # # ----------------------- TV_Nearfield ------------------------ #
[docs] class TV_Nearfield: """ """ def __init__( self, nearfield: np.ndarray, source_imprints: dict, npix: int, time: Time, frequency: u.Quantity, radius: u.Quantity, mini_arrays: np.ndarray, stokes: str, ): self.nearfield = nearfield self.source_imprints = source_imprints self.npix = npix self.time = time self.frequency = frequency self.radius = radius self.mini_arrays = mini_arrays self.stokes = stokes # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits(cls, file_name: str): """Loads a nearfield previously stored in a FITS file. :param file_name: Path to the FITS file containing a near-field image (whose format is such as created by the :meth:`` method). :type file_name: `str` :returns: Instance of :class:``. :rtype: :class:`` :Example: from import TV_Nearfield nf = TV_Nearfield.from_fits("/path/to/nearfield.fits") """ reserved_names = ["PRIMARY", "NEAR-FIELD", "MINI-ARRAYS"] hdus = nf_header = hdus["NEAR-FIELD"].header nf = cls( nearfield=hdus["NEAR-FIELD"].data, mini_arrays=hdus["MINI-ARRAYS"].data, npix=nf_header["NAXIS1"], frequency=nf_header["FREQUENC"] * u.MHz, time=Time(nf_header["DATE-OBS"]), source_imprints={ hdu.header["SOURCE"]: for hdu in hdus if not in reserved_names }, radius=nf_header["RADIUS"] * u.m, stokes=nf_header["STOKES"], ) return nf
[docs] def save_fits(self, file_name: str): """Saves a nearfield made from NenuFAR TV data as a FITS file. :param file_name: Name of the file to save. :type file_name: `str` :Example: from import NenufarTV tv = NenufarTV("20191204_132113_nenufarTV.dat") nf_object = tv.compute_nearfield_tv(sources=["Cyg A", "Cas A", "Sun"]) nf_object.save_fits(file_name="/path/to/nearfield.fits") """ # Header prim_header = fits.Header() prim_header["OBSERVER"] = "NenuFAR Team" prim_header["AUTHOR"] = f"nenupy {nenupy.__version__}" prim_header["DATE"] = prim_header["INSTRUME"] = "XST" prim_header["OBSERVER"] = "NenuFAR-TV" prim_header[ "ORIGIN" ] = "Station de Radioastronomie de Nancay, LESIA, Observatoire de Paris" prim_header[ "REFERENC" ] = "Alan Loh and the NenuFAR team, nenupy, 2020 (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3775196.)" prim_header["TELESCOP"] = "NenuFAR" prim_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prim_header) # Near-Field nf_header = fits.Header() nf_header["NAXIS"] = 2 nf_header["NAXIS1"] = self.npix nf_header["NAXIS2"] = self.npix nf_header["DATE-OBS"] = (self.time.isot, "Mean observation UTC date") nf_header["DATAMIN"] = self.nearfield.min() nf_header["DATAMAX"] = self.nearfield.max() nf_header["FREQUENC"] = (, "Mean observing frequency in MHz.", ) nf_header["STOKES"] = self.stokes.upper() nf_header["DESCRIPT"] = "Near-Field image." nf_header["RADIUS"] = (, "Radius of the ground (in m).", ) nf_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=self.nearfield, header=nf_header, name="Near-Field") # Mini-Arrays ant_header = fits.Header() ant_header["DESCRIPT"] = "Mini-Array names" ant_hdu = fits.ImageHDU( data=self.mini_arrays, header=ant_header, name="Mini-Arrays" ) # HDU list hduList = fits.HDUList([prim_hdu, nf_hdu, ant_hdu]) for src in self.source_imprints: hdu_name = src.replace(" ", "_") src_header = fits.Header() src_header["NAXIS"] = 2 src_header["NAXIS1"] = self.npix src_header["NAXIS2"] = self.npix src_header["DATE-OBS"] = (self.time.isot, "Mean observation UTC date") src_header["DATAMIN"] = self.source_imprints[src].min() src_header["DATAMAX"] = self.source_imprints[src].max() src_header["FREQUENC"] = (, "Mean observing frequency in MHz.", ) src_header["STOKES"] = self.stokes.upper() src_header["SOURCE"] = (src, "Name of the source imprint on the near-field") src_header["DESCRIPT"] = "Normalized sky source imprint on the near-field." src_header["RADIUS"] = (, "Radius of the ground (in m).", ) src_hdu = fits.ImageHDU( data=self.source_imprints[src], name=hdu_name, header=src_header ) hduList.append(src_hdu) hduList.writeto(file_name, overwrite=True)"NearField saved in {file_name}.")
[docs] def save_png(self, figname: str = "", **kwargs): """ """ radius = colormap = kwargs.get("cmap", "YlGnBu_r") # Mini-Array positions in ENU coordinates nenufar = NenuFAR()[self.mini_arrays] ma_etrs = l93_to_etrs(nenufar.antenna_positions) ma_enu = etrs_to_enu(ma_etrs) # Plot the nearfield fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=kwargs.get("figsize", (10, 10))) nf_image_db = 10 * np.log10(self.nearfield) ax.imshow( np.flipud(nf_image_db), # This needs to be understood... cmap=colormap, extent=[-radius, radius, -radius, radius], zorder=0, vmin=kwargs.get("vmin", np.min(nf_image_db)), vmax=kwargs.get("vmax", np.max(nf_image_db)), ) # Colorbar cax = inset_axes( ax, width="5%", height="100%", loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.0, 1, 1), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0, ) cb = ColorbarBase( cax, cmap=get_cmap(name=colormap), orientation="vertical", norm=Normalize( vmin=kwargs.get("vmin", np.min(nf_image_db)), vmax=kwargs.get("vmax", np.max(nf_image_db)), ), ticks=LinearLocator(), format="%.2f", ) cb.solids.set_edgecolor("face") cb.set_label(f"dB (Stokes {self.stokes})") # Show the contour of the simulated source imprints ground_granularity = np.linspace(-radius, radius, self.npix) posx, posy = np.meshgrid(ground_granularity, ground_granularity) dist = np.sqrt(posx**2 + posy**2) border_min = 0.1 * self.npix border_max = self.npix - 0.1 * self.npix for src in self.source_imprints.keys(): # Normalize the imprint imprint = self.source_imprints[src] imprint /= imprint.max() # Plot the contours ax.contour( imprint, np.arange(0.8, 1, 0.04), cmap="copper", alpha=0.5, extent=[-radius, radius, -radius, radius], zorder=5, ) # Find the maximum of the emission max_y, max_x = np.unravel_index(imprint.argmax(), imprint.shape) # If maximum outside the plot, recenter it if ( (max_x <= border_min) or (max_y <= border_min) or (max_x >= border_max) or (max_y >= border_max) ): dist[dist <= np.median(dist)] = 0 max_y, max_x = np.unravel_index( ((1 - dist / dist.max()) * imprint).argmax(), imprint.shape ) # Show the source name associated to the imprint ax.text( ground_granularity[max_x], ground_granularity[max_y], f" {src}", color="#b35900", fontweight="bold", va="center", ha="center", zorder=30, ) # NenuFAR mini-array positions ax.scatter(ma_enu[:, 0], ma_enu[:, 1], 20, color="black", zorder=10) for i in range(ma_enu.shape[0]): ax.text( ma_enu[i, 0], ma_enu[i, 1], f" {self.mini_arrays[i]}", color="black", zorder=10, ) # ax.scatter( # building_enu[:, 0], # building_enu[:, 1], # 20, # color="tab:red",#'tab:orange', # zorder=10 # ) # Plot axis labels ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta x$ (m)") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta y$ (m)") ax.set_title( f"{np.mean(} MHz -- {self.time.isot}" ) # Save or show the figure if figname != "": plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True)"Figure '{figname}' saved.") else: plt.close("all")
# ============================================================= # # ------------------------- NenufarTV ------------------------- #
[docs] class NenufarTV(StatisticsData, Crosslet): """Crosslet abstract class (both for XST and NenuFAR TV dat files). .. rubric:: Attributes Summary .. autosummary:: ~StatisticsData.frequencies .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~Crosslet.get ~Crosslet.get_stokes ~Crosslet.get_beamform ~NenufarTV.compute_nenufar_tv ~NenufarTV.compute_nearfield_tv .. rubric:: Attributes and Methods Documentation """ def __init__(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name self.mini_arrays = None self.time = None self.dt = None self.frequencies = None = None self.load_tv_data() # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def compute_nenufar_tv(self, analog_pointing_file: str = None, **kwargs): """ kwargs fov_radius resolution stokes """ obs_time = self.time[0] + (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) / 2 fov_radius = kwargs.get("fov_radius", 27 * u.deg) resolution = kwargs.get("resolution", 0.5 * u.deg) stokes = kwargs.get("stokes", "I") if analog_pointing_file is None: phase_center_altaz = SkyCoord( 0, 90, unit="deg", frame=AltAz(obstime=obs_time, location=nenufar_position), ) else: pointing = Pointing.from_file( analog_pointing_file, include_corrections=False )[obs_time.reshape((1,))] phase_center_altaz = pointing.custom_ho_coordinates[0] data = self.get_stokes(stokes) sky_image = data.make_image( resolution=resolution, fov_radius=fov_radius, phase_center=altaz_to_radec(phase_center_altaz), ) return TV_Image( tv_image=sky_image, analog_pointing=phase_center_altaz, fov_radius=fov_radius, )
[docs] def compute_nearfield_tv(self, sources: list = [], **kwargs): """ kwargs stokes radius npix :Example: from import NenufarTV tv = NenufarTV("20191204_132113_nenufarTV.dat") nf_object = tv.compute_nearfield_tv( sources=["Cyg A", "Cas A", "Vir A", "Tau A", "Sun"], npix=64 ) """ obs_time = self.time[0] + (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) / 2 stokes = kwargs.get("stokes", "I") radius = kwargs.get("radius", 400 * u.m) npix = kwargs.get("npix", 64) data = self.get_stokes(stokes) nf, src_imprints = data.make_nearfield( radius=radius, npix=npix, sources=sources ) return TV_Nearfield( nearfield=nf, source_imprints=src_imprints, npix=npix, time=obs_time, frequency=np.mean(self.frequencies), radius=radius, mini_arrays=data.mini_arrays, stokes=stokes, )
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ #
[docs] def load_tv_data(self): """ """ # Extract the ASCII header (5 first lines) with open(self.file_name, "rb") as f: header = list(islice(f, 0, 5)) assert header[0] == b"HeaderStart\n", "Wrong header start" assert header[-1] == b"HeaderStop\n", "Wrong header stop" header = [s.decode("utf-8") for s in header] hd_size = sum([len(s) for s in header]) # Parse informations into Crosslet attributes keys = ["frequencies", "mini_arrays", "dt"] search = ["Freq.List", "Mr.List", "accumulation"] types = ["float64", "int", "int"] for key, word, typ in zip(keys, search, types): unit = u.MHz if key == "freqs" else 1 for h in header: if word in h: setattr( self, key, np.array(h.split("=")[1].split(","), dtype=typ) * unit, ) # Deduce the dtype for decoding n_ma = self.mini_arrays.size n_sb = self.frequencies.size dtype = np.dtype( [("jd", "float64"), ("data", "complex64", (n_sb, n_ma * n_ma * 2 + n_ma))] ) # Decoding the binary file tmp = np.memmap(filename=self.file_name, dtype="int8", mode="r", offset=hd_size) decoded = tmp.view(dtype) self.dt = TimeDelta(self.dt, format="sec") self.frequencies *= u.MHz = decoded["data"] / self.dt.sec self.time = Time(decoded["jd"], format="jd", precision=0)