Source code for nenupy.observation.tapdatabase

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Observation Database

    The amount of `NenuFAR <>`_
    observations is rising, since the start of the commissioning
    period up to now, the early science phase period.
    This results in a huge quantity of available observations,
    with many different array configurations, which could be used
    for scientific or commissioning purposes.
    However, with the increase of recorded observations, the
    difficulty to find one particular observation that suits
    specific needs is becoming more and more tricky.

    Each NenuFAR observation is associated with the production of
    a Beamlet Statistics FITS file (or `BST 
    see also :class:`~nenupy.beamlet.bstdata.BST_Data`)
    containing the beamformed low-rate data from the *LaNewBa*
    receiver, aiming at:

    * commissioning;
    * providing a quick-look of the observation;
    * providing the observation context/metadata in their header.

    These BST observations are recorded in the `Nançay database
    as a `TAP <>`_ service, an
    `IVOA <>`_ standard which can be queried
    using the `ADQL <>`_
    (Astronomical Data Query Language ADQL ) language.

    The class :class:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase`
    is designed to ease such queries. It uses the TAP access
    capabilities of `PyVO <>`_
    to search and return NenuFAR BST observation queries as 
    :class:`~astropy.table.Table` instances. A limited number of
    parameters can be filled to prepare the queries yet, however,
    the class is flexible enough to eventually accepts more
    parameters. Those are:

    * :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.time_range`: Query NenuFAR observations made within a time period.
    * :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.freq_range`: Query NenuFAR observations made within a frequency range.
    * :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_radius`: Angular radius used to search for observations around specific sky coordinates.
    * :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_center`: Center (in sky coordinates) of the search for NenuFAR observation targetting coordinates within :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_radius`.
    The logger may help following building up of the query.

    >>> from nenupy.observation import ObsDatabase
    >>> import logging
    >>> logging.getLogger('nenupy').setLevel(logging.INFO)
    >>> db = ObsDatabase()
    2020-04-01 12:00:00 -- INFO: TAP service accessed.
    >>> db.query
    'SELECT target_name, obs_creator_did, s_ra, s_dec, t_min, t_max, em_min, em_max from nenufar.bst WHERE ()'
    >>> db.meta_names = ['obs_title']
    >>> db.query
    'SELECT obs_title from nenufar.bst WHERE ()'
    >>> db.time_range = ['2019-04-01 12:00:00', '2019-04-02 12:00:00']
    2020-04-01 12:00:00 -- INFO: time_range set to [<Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2019-04-01 12:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2019-04-02 12:00:00.000>].
    >>> db.query
    'SELECT obs_title from nenufar.bst WHERE ((t_min >= 58574.5 AND t_max <= 58575.5))'
    >>> observations =
    2020-04-01 12:00:00 -- INFO: TAP service columns to return: ['obs_title'].
    >>> len(observations)


__author__ = 'Alan Loh'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2020, nenupy'
__credits__ = ['Alan Loh']
__maintainer__ = 'Alan'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'
__all__ = [

from pyvo.dal import TAPService
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import numpy as np

from nenupy.astro import wavelength

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

nancay_tap = ''

colnames = [

# ============================================================= #
# ------------------------ ObsDatabase ------------------------ #
# ============================================================= #
[docs] class ObsDatabase(object): """ Class to access NenuFAR BST TAP service. """ def __init__(self): self.service = TAPService(nancay_tap) f'TAP service {nancay_tap} accessed.' ) self.meta_names = [ 'target_name', 'obs_creator_did', 's_ra', 's_dec', 't_min', 't_max', 'em_min', 'em_max' ] self._conditions = { 'time': '', 'freq': '', 'pos': '', } self.time_range = [None, None] self.freq_range = [None, None] self.fov_radius = 180*u.deg self.fov_center = None # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def meta_names(self): """ Column names (observation properties) to return using :meth:``. :setter: `list` of column names. :getter: Properties to query. :type: `str` :seealso: `Database description <>`_ """ return ', '.join(self._meta_names) @meta_names.setter def meta_names(self, m): if not isinstance(m, list): raise TypeError( 'meta_names must be a list' ) unknown_mask = ~np.isin(m, colnames) if unknown_mask.any(): unknown = np.array(m)[unknown_mask] raise ValueError( 'Unknown meta_names: {}, available: {}'.format( unknown, colnames ) ) self._meta_names = m return @property def time_range(self): """ Time range selection for the ADQL query using :meth:``. Default is ``[None, None]`` which means that no condition based on observation time will be applied. :setter: Length-2 list of ``[start, stop]``. ``start`` and ``stop`` may be passed as :class:`~astropy.time.Time` instances or as ISO/ISOT `str`. :getter: ``[start, stop]`` list. :type: `list` """ return self._time_range @time_range.setter def time_range(self, t): if t == [None, None]: self._conditions['time'] = '' self._time_range = t return if not isinstance(t, list): raise TypeError( 'time_range must be a list' ) if not len(t) == 2: raise ValueError( 'time_range must be of length 2' ) if not all([isinstance(ti, Time) for ti in t]): t = [Time(ti) for ti in t] self._conditions['time'] = f'(t_min >= {t[0].mjd} '\ f'AND t_max <= {t[1].mjd})''time_range set to {t}.') self._time_range = t return @property def freq_range(self): """ Frequency range selection for the ADQL query using :meth:``. Default is ``[None, None]`` which means that no condition based on observation frequencies will be applied. :setter: Length-2 list of ``[fmin, fmax]``. ``fmin`` and ``fmax`` may be passed as :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instances or as `float` (assumed to be expressed in MHz). :getter: ``[fmin, fmax]`` list. :type: `list` """ return self._freq_range @freq_range.setter def freq_range(self, f): if f == [None, None]: self._conditions['freq'] = '' self._freq_range = f return if not isinstance(f, list): raise TypeError( 'freq_range must be a list' ) if not len(f) == 2: raise ValueError( 'freq_range must be of length 2' ) if not all([isinstance(fi, u.Quantity) for fi in f]): f = [fi*u.MHz for fi in f] lmax = wavelength(f[0]).to(u.m).value lmin = wavelength(f[1]).to(u.m).value self._conditions['freq'] = f'(em_min >= {lmin} AND '\ f'em_max <= {lmax})''freq_range set to {f}.') self._freq_range = f return @property def fov_radius(self): """ Radius of the query, in combination with the query center :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_center`. :setter: Radius (in degrees if no unit is provided). Default is ``180 deg``. :getter: Radius in degrees. :type: `float` or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` .. warning:: Must be set **before** :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_center`. """ return self._fov_radius @fov_radius.setter def fov_radius(self, r): if r is None: r = 180*u.deg if not isinstance(r, u.Quantity): r *= u.deg if not r.isscalar: raise ValueError( 'FOV radius must be a scalar.' ) self._fov_radius = r return @property def fov_center(self): """ Center of the field of view queried, in comination with the radius :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_radius`. :setter: Center of the field of view. :getter: Center of the field of view. :type: :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` .. warning:: Must be set **after** :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.fov_radius`. """ return self._fov_center @fov_center.setter def fov_center(self, f): if f is None: self._conditions['pos'] = '' self._fov_center = f return if not isinstance(f, SkyCoord): raise TypeError( 'fov_center must be a SkyCoord instance.' ) if not f.isscalar: raise ValueError( 'fov_center must be scalar.' ) radius = self._conditions['pos'] = f'1 = CONTAINS'\ f"(POINT('ICRS', s_ra, s_dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', "\ f'{f.ra.deg}, {f.dec.deg}, {radius}))''fov_center set to {f}, radius={radius} deg.') self._fov_center = f return @property def conditions(self): """ Conditions summary of the query. :getter: Query conditions. :type: `str` """ conds = [] for key in self._conditions.keys(): if self._conditions[key] != '': conds.append(self._conditions[key]) conditions = ' AND '.join(conds) return conditions @property def query(self): """ Full query, combining returned parameteres :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.meta_names` and the conditions :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.conditions`. :getter: Query. :type: `str` """ q = f'SELECT {self.meta_names} from nenufar.bst '\ f'WHERE ({self.conditions})' return q # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def search(self): """ Run the TAP :attr:`~nenupy.observation.tapdatabase.ObsDatabase.query` on the `NenuFAR BST service <>`_. :returns: NenuFAR observation properties resulting from the ADQL query. :rtype: :class:`~astropy.table.Table` """ if self.conditions == '': raise ValueError( 'Empty query, fill out some attributes first.' ) f'TAP service columns to return: {self._meta_names}.' ) log.debug( f"Querying: '{self.query}'" ) result = return result.to_table()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset query parameters to default values. """ self.meta_names = [ 'target_name', 'obs_creator_did', 's_ra', 's_dec', 't_min', 't_max', 'em_min', 'em_max' ] self.time_range = [None, None] self.freq_range = [None, None] self.fov_radius = 180*u.deg self.fov_center = None 'Query parameters reset to default values.' ) return
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # # ============================================================= # # ============================================================= #