Source code for nenupy.schedule.geneticalgo

#! /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Genetic Algorithm classes


__author__ = 'Alan Loh'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2021, nenupy'
__credits__ = ['Alan Loh']
__maintainer__ = 'Alan'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'
__all__ = [

import numpy as np

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

randGen = np.random.default_rng()

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# --------------------- GeneticAlgorithm ---------------------- #
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[docs] class GeneticAlgorithm(object): """ .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ def __init__(self, populate, fitness, mutation, populationSize=10): self._childScores = [] self._genScores = [] self._bestScore = 0 self.bestGenome = None self.generation = 0 self.populate = populate = fitness self.mutation = mutation self.populationSize = populationSize # --------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------- Getter/Setter --------------------- # @property def populationSize(self): """ """ return self._populationSize @populationSize.setter def populationSize(self, popsize): if not isinstance(popsize, int): raise TypeError( '<populationSize> should be integer.' ) elif popsize < 2: raise ValueError( '<populationSize> should at least be greater than ' '2 in order for the genetic algorithm to work.' ) self._populationSize = popsize @property def populate(self): """ """ return self._populate @populate.setter def populate(self, pop): # Quick test to see if the function acts as expected try: population = pop(3) except: raise TypeError( '<populate()> must be callable.' ) if not isinstance(population, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( '<populate()> must be callable and must return' f' a {np.ndarray}.' ) elif population.ndim != 2: raise IndexError( 'Result of <populate()> must be 2D, current is ' f'of dimension {population.ndim}.' ) elif population.shape[0] != 3: raise IndexError( 'Result of <populate()> must be shaped like ' '(population_size, genome_size).' ) else: self._populate = pop @property def fitness(self): """ """ return self._fitness @fitness.setter def fitness(self, fit): # Quick test to see if the function acts as expected try: scores = fit( self.populate(3) ) except: raise TypeError( '<fitness()> must be callable.' ) if not isinstance(scores, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( '<fitness()> must be callable and must return' f' a {np.ndarray}.' ) elif scores.ndim != 1: raise IndexError( 'Result of <fitness()> must be 1D, current is ' f'of dimension {scores.ndim}.' ) elif scores.size != 3: raise IndexError( 'Result of <fitness()> must be shaped like ' '(population_size,).' ) else: self._fitness = fit @property def mutation(self): """ """ return self._mutation @mutation.setter def mutation(self, mut): # Quick test to see if the function acts as expected try: individual = self.populate(1)[0] mutant = mut( individual ) except: raise TypeError( '<mutation()> must be callable.' ) if not isinstance(mutant, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( '<mutation()> must be callable and must return' f' a {np.ndarray}.' ) elif mutant.ndim != 1: raise IndexError( 'Result of <mutation()> must be 1D, current is ' f'of dimension {mutant.ndim}.' ) elif mutant.size != individual.size: raise IndexError( 'Result of <mutation()> must be shaped like ' '(genome_size,).' ) else: self._mutation = mut @property def generations(self): """ """ return np.arange(self.generation + 1) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Methods ------------------------ #
[docs] def evolve(self, score_threshold=0.8, generation_max=1000, max_stagnating_generations=100, **kwargs ): """ """ if score_threshold > 1.: raise ValueError( f'<scoreMin={score_threshold}> should be < 1.' ) random_individuals = kwargs.get('random_individuals', 1) if not isinstance(random_individuals, int): raise TypeError( f'<random_individuals={random_individuals}> should be integer.' ) elif random_individuals > self.populationSize: raise ValueError( f'<random_individuals={random_individuals}> is greater than the ' f'population size {self.populationSize}.' ) parent_selection = kwargs.get('selection', 'TNS') crossover_method = kwargs.get('crossover', 'TPCO') beElitist = kwargs.get('elitism', True) 'Genetic algorithm launched.' ) modGen = generation_max//10 if generation_max>=10 else 1 nStag = 0 # Initialization of a starting population of solutions population = self.populate(self.populationSize)#, **kwargs) popDtype = population.dtype self.bestGenome = population[0] # Genetic Loop while self.generation < generation_max: # Evaluate the fitness of the population populationScores = self._childScores.append(populationScores) # Keep track of the best individual and score maxId = np.argmax(populationScores) score = populationScores[maxId] self._genScores.append(score) if score > self._bestScore: self._bestScore = score self.bestGenome = population[maxId] nStag = 0 # the score has changed, reset nStag # Show status if self.generation%modGen == 0: log.debug( f'Generation {self.generation}, ' f'best score: {self._bestScore}.' ) # Break the loop if score >= score_threshold: # if the score exceeds the minimal required 'Minimal required score reached at ' f'generation {self.generation}.' ) break elif (nStag==max_stagnating_generations) and (self._bestScore!=0): # If the genome is no longer evolving f'Maximal score has stagnated for {nStag} ' 'generations, interrupting the evolution at ' f'generation {self.generation}.' ) break # If we are still here, the scoreMin has not been # reached yet and the genetic loop may go on. # Sort the population by decreasing score decreasingIdx = np.argsort(populationScores)[::-1] population = population[decreasingIdx] populationScores = populationScores[decreasingIdx] # Select the two best parents and keep them for the # next generation --> 'Elitism' nextGeneration = np.zeros( population.shape, dtype=popDtype ) nextGeneration[0:2] = population[0:2] # Perform crossovers with the rest of the population for i in range(int(self.populationSize/2) - 1): # Select 2 parents from the population with a # probability weighted by their score parents = self._selectPair( population=population, scores=populationScores, method=parent_selection ) # Make two children out of the parents by crossing # their genomes child1, child2 = self._crossOver( parents=parents, method=crossover_method ) # Randomly mutate one gene of each child child1 = self.mutation( genome=child1 ) child2 = self.mutation( genome=child2 ) # Add the children to the new generation nextGeneration[2 + i*2] = child1 nextGeneration[2 + i*2 + 1] = child2 # Add some randomness to avoid local minima by replacing # the last member of the next generation by an individual # with random genome if random_individuals > 0: nextGeneration[-random_individuals:] = self.populate(random_individuals) # Do the loop again population = nextGeneration self.generation += 1 nStag += 1 else: 'Genetic algorithm reached maximal generation ' f'{generation_max}. Best score: {self._bestScore}.' ) self.generation -= 1 return
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ kwargs: figname figsize grid """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Initialize the figure fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', (10, 5)) ) plt.plot( self.generations, self._genScores, color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=2, zorder=1 ) childrenScores = np.array(self._childScores) childrenScores =, 0) hexb = plt.hexbin( x=np.repeat(self.generations, childrenScores.shape[1]), y=childrenScores.flatten(), gridsize=50, cmap='Greys', edgecolor='none', bins=None, mincnt=1 ) cb = plt.colorbar(hexb) scat = ax.scatter( self.generations, self._genScores, 100, c=self._genScores, cmap='RdYlGn', edgecolor='none', linewidth=0.5, zorder=2, norm=plt.Normalize(0, 1) ) if kwargs.get('grid', False): plt.grid() ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Generation') ax.set_ylabel('Score') cb.set_label('Children') # Save or show the figure figname = kwargs.get('figname', '') if figname != '': plt.savefig( figname, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True )"Figure '{figname}' saved.") else: plt.close('all')
# --------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------- Internal ------------------------ # @staticmethod def _selectPair(population, scores, method='TNS'): """ method ['FPS'] FPS: Fitness Proportionate Selection TNS: Tournament Selection RKS: Rank Selection """ if method == 'FPS': # Fitness Proportionate Selection # Same as Roulette Wheel Selection, parents are as # likely to be picked as their score is high. if (scores!=0).sum() < 2: # Equal probability to select any parent scores[:] = 1 scoreSum = np.sum(scores) probabilities = None if scoreSum==0 else scores/scoreSum return randGen.choice( population, size=2, replace=False, p=probabilities ) elif method == 'TNS': # Tournament Selection # Select k individuals from the population and find # the best out of these to make a parent. k = np.max( (2, int(np.ceil(population.shape[0]/10))) ) selectIdx = np.zeros(2, dtype=int) for i in range(2): indices = randGen.choice( np.arange(population.shape[0]), size=k, replace=False, ) maxScoreIdx = np.argmax(scores[indices]) selectIdx[i] = indices[maxScoreIdx] return population[selectIdx] elif method == 'RKS': # Rank selection # Individuals are ranked according to their scores, # and are more likely to be picked according to their rank. # The amplitude of score differences doesn't count. ranks = np.argsort(scores) + 1 rankSum = np.sum(ranks) return randGen.choice( population, size=2, replace=False, p=ranks/rankSum ) else: raise ValueError( "Argument <method> from <_selectPair()> " "must be in ['FPS', 'TNS', 'RKS']." ) @staticmethod def _crossOver(parents, method='TPCO'): """ method ['SPCO', 'TPCO', 'UNCO'] SPCO: Single-point crossover TPCO: Two-point and k-point crossover UNCO: Uniform crossover """ parent1 = parents[0] parent2 = parents[1] child1 = parent1.copy() child2 = parent2.copy() if parent1.size == 1: # No need to perform crossovers on size one genomes pass elif method=='SPCO': # Single-point crossover idx = randGen.integers( low=1, high=parent1.size ) child1[idx:] = parent2[idx:] child2[idx:] = parent1[idx:] elif method=='TPCO': # Two-point crossover idx = randGen.integers( low=0, high=parent1.size, size=2 ) idx = np.sort(idx) child1[idx[0]:idx[1]] = parent2[idx[0]:idx[1]] child2[idx[0]:idx[1]] = parent1[idx[0]:idx[1]] elif method=='UNCO': # Uniform crossovers idx = randGen.integers( low=0, high=2, size=parent1.size ) mask = idx.astype(bool) child1[mask] = parent2[mask] child2[mask] = parent1[mask] else: raise ValueError( "Argument <method> from <_crossOver()> " "must be in ['SPCO', 'TPCO', 'UNCO']." ) return child1, child2
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